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Recycling Organics

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Like paper, plastics, and glass, biosolids (treated sewage sludge) and other organic residuals ("organics") were once considered "wastes" – too challenging to recycle.  Yet they contain abundant nutrients and organic matter that benefit soils.  And they generate renewable energy.  Properly treated, tested, and managed, biosolids and other organics enhance the environment, help farmers and other landowners, and serve the communities that generate and receive them.  Today, they are in high demand as tools for sustainability!

From our friends at the
Northeast Recycling Council: Funding Opportunities for Organic & Compost Related Businesses from State and Federal Agencies in the Northeast (February 2021)

Exciting recycling projects around North America.


What's New?  

The Environmental Council of the States has issued a report on its survey of state regulators about PFAS in biosolids.

National Biosolids Data Project — national compilations are complete! Check out the wealth of information about biosolids management and end uses in the United States:

Updated Biosolids Emissions Assessment Model BEAM*2022 is ready for downloading and use in calculation greenhouse gas emissions from biosolids management processes. Go to

InfoGraphics on PFAS in the Environment (what’s in everyday products versus various compost materials):
1. From NEBRA
2. From CASA

From the North East Biosolids Improvement Project:
1. PFAS Information for the General Public
2. PFAS Information for Wastewater Operators/Septage Haulers

Biosolids Communications Toolkit from the Water Environment Federation

Slaying the PFAS Serpent — NEBRA’s Executive Director shares her views in the latest Water, Environment & Technology magazine.

Cost Analysis of the Impacts on Municipal Utilities and Biosolids Management to Address PFAS Contamination, a report by CDM Smith for WEF/NACWA/NEBRA.

One of 5 poster messages

One of 5 poster messages

PFAS & Biosolids?
We’re proactively addressing this.
PFAS page… Latest PFAS news…

Start a conversation about PFAS with your customers and community leaders! Check out NEBRA/NEWEA’s PFAS communications campaign materials.

Mass Sludge/Biosolids Survey 2018

See more NEBRA reports, comments, & presentations.

Also see: