Notable news stories from past NEBRA newsletters; most recent news at top.
See complete copies of past NEBRAMails here; they contain links to key media coverage, events, etc.

New Version of Biosolids Emissions Assessment Model Available for Download

Thanks to funding from the Northwest Biosolids Association, NEBRA updated and released a new version of the Biosolids Emissions Assessment Model (BEAM) at the end of 2024. The BEAM is a spreadsheet that accounts for carbon emissions (carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide) and credits (or sinks) from wastewater sludge processing through disposal and end use. The updates follow a review by the Science Review Team (SRT), five PhDs with various areas of expertise related to the BEAM. The 2024 BEAM has updated emission factors and allows for more customization to account for particular sludges, locales, and situations being modeled. The heart of the BEAM is the References, Calculations, Assumptions and Default Values tab. You can download the BEAM at where you will find the Users Guide and other resources.

Read more. . .

NEBRA Research Committee Hosts Student Poster Contest

The NEBRA Research Committee hosted another successful virtual Student Poster Contest on November 5th. The Judges also got a lot out of it, learning about the latest-greatest biosolids research going on at universities around the country. Because of the virtual format, the contest even drew in a multi-disciplinary group of students from Ain Shams University’s Egypt Solid Waste Management Center of Excellence in Cairo, who are studying better ways of managing biosolids through anaerobic digestion. Read more. . .

EPA Publishes Draft Risk Assessment for PFOA, PFOS in Biosolids
Extends Deadline to Comment to April 16th

On January 15th, the Federal Register published notice of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)’s Draft Sewage Sludge Risk Assessment for Perfluorooctanoic Acid (PFOA) and Perfluorooctane Sulfonic Acid (PFOS) in biosolids. This risk assessment had been promised under EPA's PFAS Strategic Roadmap by the Winter of 2024. Comments were originally due on March 17th but have been extended until April 16th.  EPA is specifically seeking comments on various aspects of its risk assessment model, including scenarios used, concentration levels, and toxicity factors, among other aspects. Read more. . .

Denali Settles with EPA on Biosolids Land Application Violation

Back in November, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published notice in the Federal Register of a draft consent agreement to resolve an enforcement action against Denali Water Solutions, LLC. Denali, a NEBRA member, is incorporated in Maryland and headquartered in Arkansas. In settling this action, EPA sought injunctive relief as well as civil penalties in the amount of $610,000. Although agreeing to a settlement, Denali has denied the violations in statements to the press. The Consent Agreement is now in effect. Read more. . .

MassDEP Releases Study on Current/Near-Term Management of its Wastewater Sludges
Shows Urgency for Long-Term Plan

The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) has embarked on a laudable effort to understand the problems for biosolids management in the Commonwealth and help water resource recovery facilities (WRRFs) find solutions. MassDEP most recently published the report from Part 1 of its PFAS and Residuals Technology and Management Study that intends to find sustainable approaches to managing the nearly 166,000 dry tons of wastewater sludges generated annually by the 127 WRRFs in the state.

Read more. . .

Holding Out Hope for SSIs

According to experts gathered by NEBRA for a recent Lunch & Learn webinar, there is hope that sewage sludge incinerators (SSIs) can continue to be a solution for many parts of the region. It is certainly worth continued research and development. So NEBRA brought together several members with specific expertise for the September webinar to hear the basics on SSIs, how they are regulated, operation and maintenance challenges, ash recycling opportunities, and the potential for SSIs to break down per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS).

Read more. . .

State Chemist Proposes Ban on Biosolids Fertilizers in Texas

The Office of the Texas State Chemist, Dr. Tim Herrman, is proposing to ban the use of biosolids that are labeled and marketed as fertilizers because they contain per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). In the preamble to the proposed rules (49 TexReg 6863) published in the Texas Register on September 6th, it justifies the changes because: “This prevents application of forever chemicals founds [Sic] in waste products from permanently contaminating farm ground and water systems in Texas.”

The proposed rules fall under the Texas Agriculture Code, Title 4, Part 3, Chapter 65, which applies to commercial fertilizer rules. There are proposed changes to two sections that will impact biosolids. The State Chemist is proposing to add a new Section C to Section 65.13 of the existing regulation, stating that:

(c) The waste products shall not contain any deleterious or harmful substance in sufficient amount to render it injurious to beneficial plant life, animals, humans, aquatic life, soil, or water when applied in accordance with directions for use on the label.  

Read more. . .

Québec Updating its Code for “Matières Résiduelles Fertilisantes” to Include PFAS Limits

The Province of Québec initiated a public consultation process in late July for proposed updates to its Matières Résiduelles Fertilisantes (MRF) guidance for the use of residuals as soil amendments and fertilizers. Québec’s Ministère de l’Environnement, de la Lutte Contre les Changements Climatiques, de la Faune et des Parcs (MELCCFP), loosely translated as the Ministry of the Environment, the Fight Against Climate Change, Wildlife and Parks, is proposing numerous changes to its MRF guidance and turning them into formal regulations for managing residual material recycling end uses. The proposed regulation includes penalties for non-compliance that did not exist under the guidance, putting residuals management on par with other regulations already in place, such as those applicable to manure management. Read more. . .

Original NEBRA Member Resource Management, Inc. Celebrates 30 Years of Recycling Residuals
And contributes 30 cents per ton of recycled biosolids to NEBRA!

Resource Management, Inc. of Holderness, New Hampshire, will celebrate 30 years in the residuals recycling business this Fall with a Pig Roast for its employees, customers and their families. The company was started back in 1994 by partners/owners Shelagh Connelly, Marty Riehs, and Charley Hanson and is “dedicated to providing high quality recycling services through innovative programs which benefit generators of organic residuals, end users, and the environment.” The partnership is a perfect complement of skills with residuals advocate Connelly, farmer Hanson, and businessman Riehs obviously finding the right formula for success in a very tough – but very important -- business. Read more. . .

NEBRA Partners with NEIWPCC on NSF Innovation Engine Grant Proposal

In early August, the National Science Foundation accepted the preliminary proposal for a “New England Circular Bio-Economy Engine” for possible funding under its Regional Innovation Engine grant program. NEBRA has been working with NEIWPCC, the New England state land grant universities, and other stakeholder to develop a proposal that will win this NSF grant designed to “catalyze and foster innovation ecosystems across the United States”. The Regional Innovation Engine grant program is unique in its approach and provides significant, long-term funding for these regional innovation engines – 10 years and up to $160 million. The goal is that with this funding and other investments from across the region, the Engine will develop into a self-sustaining entity. Read more. . .

Canada Sets PFOS Limit for Commercial Biosolids Products, Quebec Proposing to Go Lower

On June 18th, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency issued notice that it plans to implement an Interim Standard of 50 parts per billion (ppb) for perflouroctanesulfonic acid (PFOS) as an indicator of PFAS substances in biosolids imported or sold as fertilizers. The standard goes into effect on October 18, 2024, so importers and blenders have four months to start demonstrating compliance before enforcement starts. Laboratory analyses will be required. Read more. . .

Phase 1 of US National Collaborative PFAS-Biosolids Study Nearly Complete

The national research project being led by University of Arizona professor Ian Pepper looking at the fate and transport of PFAS in land applied biosolids project has made considerable progress. The project team issued a 7-page report in July. It says the project has collected what to date is believed to be the largest US data set on “incidence and distribution of biosolids derived PFAS”. Read more. . .

Connecticut Joins Maine in Banning Biosolids-Based Products

Connecticut has become the second state in the Northeast to ban biosolids-based products. The prohibition is part of a new law that could significantly reduce sources of PFAS into the water environment in Connecticut.  An Act Concerning the Use of PFAS in Certain Products (PA 24-59) was passed by the Connecticut Legislature and signed into law by Governor Ned Lamont on June 5.  It was a bill that NEBRA’s Reg-Leg Committee had been watching and supporting for its source reduction potential. However, a late addition to the bill banned the use and sale of biosolids products in the state as of October 2024.

Read more. . .

Maine Members Taking Control of PFAS in Biosolids

As a recent News Center Maine report reveals, time is running out to find solutions for managing Maine’s biosolids. Speaking on behalf of water resource recovery facilities (WRRFs), NEBRA Board Member Scott Firmin talked of growing concerns about the impacts the current ban on biosolids-based soil products is having on WRRF operations and budgets. Read more. . .

NEBRA Gets $25K Grant to Update the BEAM

NEBRA has received a $25,000 grant from the Northwest Biosolids Association (NWBA)’s annual grant program to update the Biosolids Emissions Assessment Model (BEAM). Read more. . .

Woonsocket Sludge Incinerator to Phaseout Acceptance of Liquid Sludges

The City of Woonsocket recently took the first step towards notifying all pertinent parties that it will be phasing out the acceptance of liquid sludges at the municipality’s sewage sludge incinerator (SSI). The City Council unanimously approved a resolution to that effect at its May 22nd meeting. Read more. . .

Midwest Biosolids Association Hosts 1st Annual Conference in Conjunction with
Water Research Foundation Meeting

The Midwest Biosolids Association (MBA) hosted its first annual conference on March 26th at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indianna. Purdue’s Beck Center, a huge agricultural research center surrounded by farms, was filled with about 165 people in attendance at this inaugural event – including NEBRA’s Executive Director Janine Burke-Wells. Professor Linda Lee, PhD, with Purdue’s Department of Agronomy, served as host for both the MBA conference and a Water Research Foundation project stakeholders meeting on the previous day. They also organized an excellent tour at the Merrell Bros offices in Kokomo, IN, featuring their recently patented biosolids dryer and a new collaboration with 374Water for PFAS destruction technology. Read more. . .

April was a Big Month for EPA PFAS Regulation
Updates for NEBRA Members Only

Maximum Contaminant Levels Set for PFAS in Drinking Water
Updated PFAS Disposal and Destruction Guidance
EPA Proposing to Study PFAS Through 400 WRRFs
EPA designates 2 PFAS as Hazardous Substances under CERCLA

PLUS: Updates from Vermont and Massachusetts

Recent Litigation on PFAS in Biosolids – The Tip of the Iceberg?

Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER) has filed notice of its intent to sue the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on behalf of “injured individuals,” accusing EPA of “neglecting its legal obligation to regulate PFAS in biosolids” if EPA does not take action in 60 days. A February 22nd press release from PEER reviews PEER’s accusations against EPA. Read more. . .

Senate EPW Committee Holds Hearing on PFAS Liability under CERCLA

The U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works held a hearing to discuss liability concerns for passive PFAS receivers, like water/wastewater utilities and landfills. The hearing, “Examining PFAS as Hazardous Substances,” comes as the EPA looks to list PFAS chemicals as hazardous substances under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA). The hearing is the latest in a series of stakeholder meetings led by Chairman Tom Carper (D-Delaware) since the bill he introduced with Ranking Member Shelly Moore Capito (R-West Virgina), last July.
Read more. . .

All Hands on Deck: New York City reaches out for partners and guidance as it pivots to reuse
by Anna Meyer for NEBRA

New York City’s massive wastewater utility is seeking partners to help divert 100% of the city’s biosolids from landfills to beneficial uses by 2030. A citywide commitment to reduce greenhouse gasses is a major driver of the pivot, as is the dramatically rising cost of landfill disposal. As an extremely densely populated urban area, New York City has minimal space for land application of biosolids. That’s why the city’s Department of Environmental Protection is releasing a series of solicitations to identify partners both within the city and around the region for conventional land application and alternative beneficial uses of biosolids. Read more. . .

Portland Maine is Charting Its Biosolids Future

Portland Water District (PWD), Portland, Maine, is proactively seeking solutions for sustainable management of biosolids in Southern Maine. In the summer of 2023, PWD issued a Request for Information (RFI) on a Biosolids Processing Facility. PWD sought information from potential vendors to explore available technologies and services for receiving and processing undigested and dewatered sludge from PWD and (potentially) the surrounding communities. Although the primary focus is volume reduction, and to produce a more “landfillable” product, alternative beneficial end uses for solids are possible.
Read more. . .

Maine Study Documents Uncertainties for Biosolids Management, Recommends Actions

Back in mid-December, the Maine Department of Environmental Protection (MEDEP) published the results of a study done by Brown and Caldwell consultants in collaboration with the Maine Water Environment Association (MEWEA).  Entitled “An Evaluation of Biosolids Management in Maine and Recommendations for the Future,” the report reviews the series of public policy decisions in Maine that have left water resource recovery facilities (WRRFs) there with only one option for managing their biosolids: disposal in landfill.  Read more. . .

A Look Back at Top NEBRA News in 2023

2023 was a very busy and productive year for the North East Biosolids & Residuals Association! There were so many major headlines but the biggest news came in November when NEBRA elected its first Canadian President in 26 years. Lise LeBlanc of LP Consulting (Nova Scotia, Canada) was elected NEBRA President at the annual membership meeting on November 1st in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Under the heavily revised NEBRA bylaws, also approved by members at that meeting, Eryka Clive of Resource Management, Inc. (Holderness, NH) became the first NEBRA President-Elect filling the new position created by the bylaws changes. Philip Tucker of the York Sewer District (York, Maine) came aboard as Vice President. NEBRA welcomed another Maine utility member to the Board in 2023: Scott Firmin of Portland Water District. Read more. . .

Residuals to the Rescue: Leaning into the growing demand for agricultural carbon credits
Anna Meyer for NEBRA

Carbon markets hold enormous potential for biosolids and other residuals. When farmers use fewer synthetic fertilizers and more biosolids, or wood ash instead of lime, they not only avoid significant greenhouse gas emissions, but they also rebuild depleted soil organic carbon. These changes offset emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG). In addition to a need to offset GHG from ubiquitous modern sources including agriculture and wastewater treatment, there is growing global demand for the commodification of these climate-change-mitigating activities into carbon credits, which can be purchased by big GHG emitters looking to cut down their net footprints without changing their practices. Read more. . .

NEWEA Conference Showcased Some Great Work by NEBRA and its Members

The annual conference of the New England Water Environment Association (NEWEA) took place in Boston last month with attendance numbers back to – and even better than – pre-COVID days.  More than 2,700 clean water professionals turned out for the event which was held from January 21st through January 24th. NEBRA and lots of its members participated in activities that included big picture policy discussions, technical sessions, the trade show, NEWEA committee meetings and more.
Read more. . .

Taking the Reins: The Case for Proactive and Ongoing PFAS Communications 
Anna Meyer for NEBRA

These days, wastewater utilities often become scapegoats for community fears about per- and polyflouroalkyl substances (PFAS). But it doesn’t have to be that way. The Madison (Wisconsin) Metropolitan Sewerage District, a NEBRA member, has been working since 2019 to set the record straight about the utility’s role as a receiver of PFAS and to establish its place as a provider of facts and data to help people make informed, independent judgments about risks. Amanda Wegner, the District’s communications and public affairs director, sees evidence that the District has built community trust in its approach to handling PFAS.

Read all about it, here.

NEBRA Participates in American Society of Civil Engineer’s 2023 Conference

The North East Biosolids & Residuals Association’s Executive Director, Janine Burke-Wells, was invited to speak on a panel titled “Fighting PFAS: Where Should Our Money Go?” last month in Chicago as part of the American Society of Civil Engineer’s 2023 Conference. Moderated and coordinated by CDM Smith’s Ralph Ebert, the panel brought together a variety of industry leaders with various perspectives. They included a regulator, a materials manager, and one of the top experts on PFAS chemistry and removal/destruction technologies. Read more. . .

Environmental Business Council Webinar on PFAS in Biosolids

The Environmental Business Council of New England hosted a 3-hour webinar on October 11th on “The Fluid Nature of Handling PFAS in Biosolids”.  Most of the panel was made up of NEBRA members or collaborators with presentations on challenges and opportunities related to managing PFAS in biosolids. About 75 people were in attendance. Read more. . .

Another Top Notch NEWEA-NEBRA Residuals Conference

The Northeast Residuals & Biosolids Conference returned to Portsmouth, NH at the beginning of November, drawing more than 130 participants to explore this year’s theme of Overcoming Challenges to Resource Recovery. Participants came from as far as California and there was a large Canadian contingent including representatives from the provinces of Nova Scotia, Quebec, and Ontario. Read more. . .

NEBRA Holds 26th Annual Meeting – Members Elect 1st Canadian President!

Members of the North East Biosolids & Residuals Association gathered in Portsmouth, New Hampshire (and some online) for NEBRA’s 26th annual membership meeting on November 1st, before the start of the 2023 Northeast Residuals & Biosolids Conference. NEBRA members gathered for lunch to hear from officers and committee leaders about what NEBRA’s been up to the last year. There was also significant discussion about NEBRA’s future with the new 5-year strategic plan and bylaws changes. There were 29 NEBRA member organizations represented at the meeting (13 required – or 10% of member organizations – for a quorum).       

New Board members and officers were also elected, and we welcomed our first Canadian President, Lise LeBlanc of LP Consulting! Read more. . .

Biosolids Composting in the Northeast: Still Favored Despite Heaping Pushback
Anna Meyer for NEBRA

Where has all the composting gone? Concern over per- and polyflouroalkyl substances (PFAS) isn’t the only reason for the decline in biosolids composting in the Northeast. There are also incentives to use anaerobic digestion at Water Resource Recovery Facilities (WRRFs) and a crowded compost market, among other pressures. But these deterrents aren’t universal, and composting is still the choice of many water resource recovery facilities around the Northeast.

Biosolids composting isn’t growing the way it once was and there have certainly been some facility closures. Read more. . .

CERCLA Liability Still a Major Concern for Passive Receivers of PFAS

NEBRAMail has reported on this major concern in the past (see CERCLA Liability Advocacy — NEBRA (  The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has proposed to designate several per- and polyflouroalkyl substances (PFAS) compounds as “hazardous” under the Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act CERCLA (most commonly known as the Superfund law) and has plans to add more to the list. The EPA has stated that it would use its discretionary authority to target the sources of PFAS contamination, but that does not prevent private parties from bringing passive receivers into a CERCLA clean up action.  Read more. . .

PFAS Updates – Regulatory Activities

New reporting rules for manufacturers/importers, Department of Defense destruction guidance, EPA’s Science Advisory Board Biosolids Panel and more. Read updates. . .

NEBRA Goes to Chicago

Five days in the Windy City recently provided NEBRA Executive Director Janine Burke-Wells with a valuable opportunity to listen, learn, communicate, and collaborate with water quality professionals from all over the world. Her attendance at weftec, the Water Environment Federation (WEF)'s annual technical conference, was also a chance for thousands of industry professionals to be introduced to the North East Biosolids & Residuals Association and its work.  This year, more than 30,000 attendees brought their collective expertise and enthusiasm to the McCormick Conference Center in Chicago. Read more. . .

Common Sense Restored: VTrans Removes Temporary Moratorium on Biosolids-Based Manufactured Topsoil

Earlier this year, NEBRA collaborated with the Green Mountain Water Environment Association (GMWEA) to share a “success story” write up about the approved use of manufactured topsoil (MFT) for Vermont Department of Transportation (VTrans) improvement projects. That story was about a specific VTrans project at the Park-and-Ride at Exit 12 on Interstate Route 89 in Williston. Shortly after publishing the success story, NEBRA learned that VTrans  had become concerned about per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and instituted a temporary moratorium on the use of biosolids-based MFT. This concern was generated by conversations VTrans was having with their peer agency at the Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) about the recent PFAS testing that had been done on biosolids.. After many conversations with stakeholders, and review of extensive data, VTrans lifted the moratorium. Here is more on that story.

PFAS News and Updates

Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Report Data Released by EPA
This month, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released the initial results of its Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Rule No. 5 (UCMR-5), which required testing starting in January of 2023 of drinking water sources for 29 per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) as well as lithium. 

PLUS: 4th Draft Method 1633 released, an update on the National Collaborative PFAS/Land Application Research Project update, Saint-Gobain leaving Merrimack, NH, and PFAS behind. Read more. . .

Committee Highlight: Carbon and Nutrient Trading Committee

Back in April 2021, the NEBRA Board of Directors, at the urging and direction of Vice President Lise LeBlanc, created two new committees that aligned very nicely with some of the goals in the strategic plan that the Board started working on later that year. One of the new committees is focused on non-biosolids residuals (see NEBRA Residuals Committee Spotlight — NEBRA ( and the other was called the Carbon and Nutrient Trading Committee, charged with learning about carbon credits and nutrient trading programs that could benefit NEBRA members.

Read more. . .

Tools to Try: Mapping, Graphing, and Analyzing PFAS Detections Near You
Anna Meyer for NEBRA

Finding in-depth information about PFAS detections in the communities where we work and live is now a lot easier. As of January 2023, the U.S. EPA’s PFAS Analytic Tools are up and running. The tools make it simple to do mapping, graphing, and analysis of PFAS detections. They draw in data from a wide set of databases, including those with information on Superfund hazardous waste sites and PFAS manufacture and imports, as well as drinking water sampling, ambient environmental sampling, discharge monitoring, and more. They include data from multiple federal agencies as well as from some states, Tribes, and localities. Read more. . .

City of Gardner’s Struggles Reflect Bigger Regional Challenges

The situation currently playing out in the City of Gardner, Massachusetts, is a microcosm of the situation playing out across the Northeast as options for biosolids management continue to dwindle. Maine has banned land application.  Incinerators in Rhode Island, Connecticut and Massachusetts, continue to age and have unplanned downtime, disrupting the movement of biosolids out of water resource recovery facilities (WRRFs).  Landfill capacity is limited in the Northeast, especially when it comes to biosolids (see Landfill Capacity in the NE — NEBRA ( Given these facts, NEBRA’s June Lunch & Learn webinar painted a bleak picture for the future of the landfill option for biosolids management in the region. Read more. . .

EPA Biosolids Science Advisory Board Panel Wraps Up Its Work

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)’s Science Advisory Board (SAB) panel on biosolids held its last meeting on July 5th to finalize their report to EPA. The 36-page report includes comments, suggestions, and recommendations for the EPA on its biosolids risk assessment framework. The SAB biosolids panel was created in 2022 and was charged with reviewing EPA’s proposed methodology for screening and assessing contaminants in biosolids for their risk to humans and the environment. EPA’s stated goal for this panel was to help modernize, standardize, and streamline the biosolids risk assessment process. Read more. . .

Ready to Grow:  Expansion Potential for Anaerobic Digestion of Food Waste
Anna Meyer for NEBRA

If you’re looking to get into the business of turning food waste into easily-transported slurry, now is a good time, and the anerobic digestion products of bio-gases and nutrient-rich digestate hold untapped value. These are among the insights of four seasoned professionals in the realm of food waste anaerobic digestion (AD) who made up a panel for NEBRA’s Northeast Digestion Roundtable earlier this year. Read more. . .

Canada Publishes Report on Current State of PFAS, Food Inspection Agency Moves to Set Standards for Fertilizer

On May 19th, the Canadian government published two separate actions related to per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). The first was a draft State-of-PFAS in Canada report from Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) and Health Canada. LINK: Draft state of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) report - The second was a proposal by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) to limit PFOS in biosolids (Notice to industry – Intent to engage on implementing an interim standard for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in biosolids - Canadian Food Inspection Agency ( imported or sold in Canada as commercial fertilizers to less than 50 parts per billion (ppb). There are currently no limits for PFAS in biosolids and this action is intended to mitigate the risks associated with PFAS in biosolids while the research continues. Read more. . .

Several Northeast States Publish Results of PFAS Testing in Biosolids and Wastewaters

Most of the New England states have been conducting studies to understand the levels of PFAS in wastewaters and sludges/biosolids. Most recently, Massachusetts, Connecticut and Maine have issued reports on the findings from their sampling and analysis efforts.  Here is a summary from each of those states. Read more. . .

EPA Updates Guidance Document on Pathogen and Vector Attraction in Sewage Sludge

Earlier this year, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published a major update to its guidance on Pathogens and Vector Attraction in Sewage Sludge (see Pathogens and Vector Attraction in Sewage Sludge | Science Inventory | US EPA). On May 23rd, EPA hosted a webinar as part of its Biosolids Webinar Series, where the lead author of the revised publication, Laura A. Boczek, a microbiologist with EPA’s Office of Research & Development’s Cincinatti Office, went into details about the history of the document and the major updates. Read more. . .

Residuals Recycling: A Polymer Made from Seafood Residuals
Anna Meyer for NEBRA

Did you know it’s possible to clean water with shells? Crustacean shells are an abundant byproduct of the seafood industry. But they needn’t be dumped in the ocean en masse, where they cause environmental problems, or landfilled. Chitosan, a polymer extracted from chitin in crustacean shells, has a number of properties that make it good at removing pollutants from water, including stormwater, wastewater, and drinking water. Read more. . .

EPA Biosolids Panel Kicks Off Review Effort

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Science Advisory Board (SAB) Biosolids Panel had it first meeting on April 5th to kick off its review of EPA’s “Approach to Biosolids Chemical Risk Assessment and Biosolids Tool.”  Details of the meeting are available here.  This Biosolids Panel is charged with providing feedback to EPA on a proposed framework for biosolids risk assessment. Read more. . .

Maine DEP Reports to Legislature on Septage Disposal

Back in January, the Maine Department of Environmental Protection (MaineDEP) submitted its report on the land application of septage to the Legislature’s Joint Committee on Environment and Natural Resources. This report to the legislature was another requirement of LD1911 (An Act to Prevent the Further Contamination of the Soils and Waters of the State with So-called Forever Chemicals) which became law in 2022. Besides banning the land application of biosolids-based soil amendments, the law also directed MaineDEP to “study methods of and develop a plan for prohibiting the land application of septage in the State”. Read more. . .

NEBRA ED Participates in Biosolids Panel Discussion with Regulators

North East Biosolids & Residuals Association (NEBRA)’s Executive Director Janine Burke-Wells recently participated in a roundtable discussion on Best Practices on PFAS & Biosolids.  as part of the Spring Meeting of the Environmental Council of the States (ECOS – The Environmental Council of the States (ECOS) | Improving the capability of state and territorial environmental agencies).  The theme of this year’s gathering of state environmental regulators was “Building Bipartisan Solutions”.  Burke-Wells flew down to Washington, D.C. for one day of the conference that took place in Crystal City, Virginia, March 27th through the 30th.  Read more. . .

National PFAS Receivers Issue Joint Letter, Ask Congress for CERCLA Exemption

Last month NEBRA, the New England Water Environment Association, the Solid Waste Association of North America (SWANA), and the National League of Cities, were among the more than 30 organizations signing onto a letter to Congress asking for statutory relief from the so-called “Superfund Law” that requires identified polluters to pay for cleanup of contaminated sites.  The letter, drafted by a group referring to themselves as “passive receivers” of pre and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), specifically asked for relief from the liability provisions of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA). The organizations represent drinking water, wastewater, stormwater, landfill and composting facilities operators among others. Read more. . .

NEIWPCC Advances BioHub Concept for Maine

NEIWPCC is leading a multi-stakeholder effort, involving NEBRA, the Maine Water Environment Association, the Maine Department of Environmental Protection, and others, that proposes to create a “BioHub.”  The vision is for a center for researching and vetting emerging technologies for biosolids management and, especially, studying the potential for destroying per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). The BioHub would also serve as a repository for research and innovation on biosolids and PFAS.

Read more. . .

CRROPS Organizes Congressional Briefing on PFAS Receivers Concerns

The Coalition of Recyclers of Residual Organics by Practitioners of Sustainability (CRROPS) was created in early 2022 to lobby for the concerns of receivers of PFAS including water and wastewater utilities and landfills and especially concerns for how PFAS is impacting these public utilities and beneficial recycling programs. On February 9th, CROPPS teamed up with the Association of Metropolitan Water Agencies, the American Water Works Association, the National Association of Clean Water Agencies, the Orange County Water District, Purdue University, and the Water Environment Federation, for an important congressional PFAS briefing to examine the implications of PFAS policymaking. The briefing was held in the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works hearing room in Washington D.C.

Read more. . .

EPA Updates: SAB Biosolids Panel Schedules Meetings, Drinking Water Limits for PFAS Proposed

On March 14th, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) took two significant actions with the potential to significantly impact biosolids management.  On that date, EPA published a notice in the Federal Register announcing the meeting schedule for the Science Advisory Board (SAB) Biosolids Panel. EPA also announced its proposed draft Maximum Contaminant Levels for several per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in drinking water. Both actions have been expected for a while now. The EPA began the process of establishing the SAB back in September of 2021 with a call for experts to serve on the panel. EPA’s PFAS Strategic Roadmap from October 2021 announced its intent to develop MCLs on a fast-track. 

Read more. . .

Quebec Restricts Imports of U.S. Biosolids

On February 22nd, the Quebec government published its intent to amend its regulations to ban use of U.S. biosolids for use in direct agricultural application and has implemented a temporary moratorium to do just that.  Benoit Charette, Ministère de l’Environnement, de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques, de la Faune et des Parcs (MELCCFP), signed the notice in the Gazette Officielle du Quebec proposing to amend the Environmental Quality Act relating to agricultural operations.  Specifically, MELCCFP proposes to amend the Agricultural Operations Regulation (chapter Q-2, r. 26) by inserting the following after Section 29.2:

The spreading on any parcel of land of sludge from a municipal or industrial wastewater treatment plant or any other wastewater treatment or collection system, as well as de-inking sludge from pulp and paper mills, where the sludge originates from outside Canada, or any product containing such sludge, is prohibited.”

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Biosolids Disposal Disrupted in Maine

In late February, the combined impacts from two new laws passed by the Maine State legislature in 2022 finally hit home. LD1911 was the bill that banned the “sale or distribution and use” of biosolids-based products on land and LD1639 prohibited the import of oversized bulky wastes (OBW) from out of state.  LD1911 became effective in August 2022 but LD1639 did not become effective until February 8th of this year. The staggering of the effective dates also staggered the impacts from the combination of these two pieces of legislation. Despite behind the scenes efforts to avert the impacts on biosolids disposal, an unsafe situation at the landfill caused a pause in disposal of Maine’s biosolids.

With more biosolids having to go to landfill and less dry, bulky waste coming into the Juniper Ridge Landfill (JRL) located in Old Town, the landfill operator, Casella Resource Solutions, quickly ran out of materials needed to mix with wet wastes like biosolids to ensure the safety and stability of the landfill.  According to industry experts, disposing of wet wastes in landfill generally requires 4 parts dry wastes to 1 part wet waste (see discussions from NEBRA news, 9/30/22: Landfill Capacity in the NE — NEBRA ( The situation has stabilized for now but here’s how it came to be. Read more. . .

NEWEA Annual Conference – Lots of PFAS, Something for Everyone

“Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Clean Water Act…A Job Well Done,” was the theme of the New England Water Environment Association (NEWEA)’s annual conference and trade show held in Boston in January. But there was also a lot of focus on work that still needs to be done. The numbers of attendees and exhibitors approached pre-COVID numbers – over 2,000 people and 190 exhibitors -- and there was a lot of energy and excitement throughout the conference. Once again, North East Biosolids & Residuals Association members came out in force, with members making presentations, moderating sessions, exhibiting their equipment and services, and helping to make the conference a great success. 
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NEBRA Members Garner Numerous NEWEA Awards

As part of the annual conference, NEWEA hosts an awards ceremony to recognize the best of the business of clean water in New England.  This year’s award ceremony, held on January 25th, was emceed by NEBRA Executive Director and former NEWEA President Janine Burke-Wells.  She read off the names of a lot of NEBRA members!

Karla Sangrey, the long-time Director of the Upper Blackstone Clean Water (UBCW) facility in Millbury, Massachusetts, took home the Biosolids Management Award for her commitment to sustainably and cost-effectively manage the large UBCW’s regional biosolids processing facility.  Karla, a professional engineer and certified wastewater operator, is engaged on biosolids management issues in Massachusetts and regionally, advocating for science-based policy and regulations -- “Stewardship Through Science” as it says on the UBCW website [UBCW | (].
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MAWEA Collaborates with NEBRA and NEWEA to Advocate for Biosolids Management Options

The Massachusetts Water Environment Association (MAWEA), working together with the North East Biosolids & Residuals Association (NEBRA) and the New England Water Environment Association (NEWEA), has started a conversation with state regulators about the best ways to manage the 2,475 wet tons of wastewater sludges that need to be managed every day in Massachusetts – that’s the equivalent of 88 tanker trucks bringing biosolids somewhere every day – in light of concerns about per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). 

According to Massachusetts — National Biosolids Data Project data collected by NEIWPCC in collaboration with NEBRA’s nation-wide study, Massachusetts disposes/uses more biosolids by far than the other Northeast states, with the exception of New York. Read more. . .

NEBRA Committee Spotlight -- Residuals

Although NEBRA has the word “residuals” in its name, biosolids have historically been the focus of most of NEBRA’s efforts. That is until May of 2021, when NEBRA Vice President Lise Leblanc decided it was time to focus on non-biosolids residuals, especially as end markets are growing with focus on reducing the climate impacts of farming practices.  The committee’s charge is to identify opportunities to expand NEBRA’s role in providing expert advice and information in support of programs reusing or recycling waste and by-products. The goal is to make NEBRA the go-to organization for residual opportunities across North America.  What the committee has found so far is that there aren’t other member organizations out there focused on recycling waste residuals. 
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A Story That Does Not Smell Good
PFAS Pandemonium Crosses the Border, Controversial Reporting by Radio-Canada

Two controversial news stories in Canada have given biosolids a black eye, once again. The publicly-funded Radio-Canada organization produced two stories focused on per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in biosolids. The stories, aired less than a week apart, were especially focused on Maine’s ban of land application of biosolids and the importation of Maine biosolids into Quebec for recycling to the soil.  The stories ask many good questions that a lot of the Northeast states like Maine have been asking for a while now but is yet another example of slanted, one-sided reporting when it comes to the topic of biosolids.    

On November 26th, Radio-Canada’s La Semaine Verte – the “Green Week” show, included a 24-minute story about land application of biosolids in Quebec. This story included the perspective of the provincial regulator in Quebec, the Ministѐre de l’Environnement Lutte Contre Les Changement Climatiques, Faune et Parcs (MELCCFP) -- loosely translated: the Minister of the Environment, Fight Against Climate Change, Wildlife and Parks – and planted the seed, so to speak, for the story that would follow on the December 1st edition of Enquête, another Radio-Canada program.  The Enquête piece was a 43-minute segment titled “Une histoire qui ne sent pas bon…” which in English means “A Story That Does Not Smell Good.” Turns out that is a pretty good title for the story. Read more. . .

PFAS News and Updates

Leading the headlines this month, is the announcement that 3M Co, one of the major producers of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), will stop manufacturing them by 2025.  Following years of calls for source reduction, and facing major liabilities, 3M saw no future in continuing with that “portfolio”.  Numerous organizations have called for phase outs and outright bans on PFAS. 3M and other manufacturers of PFAS are facing significant liabilities for past PFAS contamination. States are suing to recover PFAS-related damages; the latest example being Michigan suing a paper company for contaminating its compost with PFAS.    

Most recently, on December 23rd, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published the Biosolids Biennial Report No. 9 (Reporting Period 2020-2021) | US EPA. These biennial reviews and sewage sludge surveys are required under Section 405(d) of the Clean Water Act and are the first step in the risk assessment process for pollutants in biosolids. The EPA conducts a rigorous literature search of peer-reviewed scientific publications related to pollutants in biosolids, in this case for the biennium starting January 1, 2020, and ending December 31, 2021. In this report, EPA has identified 13 new chemicals in biosolids including three PFAS, nine drugs (such as Fentanyl and Methadone) and one element (Bromide).  Read more. . .

Midwest States Form Their Own Biosolids Association

A small group of utilities from the Midwest met back in May at the Water Environment Federation’s Residuals & Biosolids Conference in Columbus, Ohio, to discuss the possible formation of a biosolids-focused advocacy organization like the North East Biosolids & Residuals Association NEBRA for their area of the country, to provide a stronger voice in support of responsible biosolids management.  In short order following that preliminary meeting, the Midwest Biosolids Association (MBA) was incorporated in Illinois on October 21st to represent the interests of biosolids managers in Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Ohio, Wisconsin, and South Dakota. 

NEBRA and the other biosolids associations assisted MBA with their start up efforts.  “We were happy to help,” said NEBRA executive director Janine Burke-Wells.  “It’s so important to have an organization focused just on biosolids! Despite decades of research and experience in managing them, there continue to be challenges to all end uses. We need more voices advocating for research and sustainable management methods and for recovering all the resources we can from wastewater biosolids.” 
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Wastewater Surveillance Increasing, COVID in Wastewater Rising Again

Our sewers are seeing an increase in concentrations of the SARS-CoV-2 virus RNA as we are in the middle of the holiday season. Officials are warning people to continue to be vigilant about COVID at this time of year. In addition to holiday get-togethers, new COVID subvariants are blamed for the increasing detections of COVID in sewer systems like Boston.  NBC Boston’s “COVID Questions and Answers” segment (about 21 minutes) recently featured Wastewater-Based Epidemiology (WBE): MA COVID Wastewater: Boston Doctors Explain if Rise Indicates Surge – NBC Boston. As a result, Boston is considering reinstating mask mandates for public spaces. 

WBE is continuing to prove useful for public health purposes. The Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA) has continued to collect and analyze its wastewater samples for COVID (check out MWRA - Wastewater COVID-19 Tracking). With increases in COVID detections, Boston is expanding its detection network within the sewer system. The Maine CDC has a webpage compiling the most recent data for all the WRRFs in Maine that are participating – and it’s a lot!  New Hampshire plans to do the same: N.H. COVID data site will soon include wastewater tracking | New Hampshire Public Radio (

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Record-Breaking Joint Residuals Conference with NEWEA

It was record attendance at the 2022 Northeast Residual & Biosolids Conference this year! Nearly 180 people from throughout New England traveled to Portsmouth, New Hampshire, to participate. It all started out with a huge turnout (almost 90 registered) for the tour of Dover’s water resource recovery facility (WRRF) solids handling processes. WRRF Supervisor Ray Vermette accommodated all visitors, showing them the facility’s shiny new screw presses and an ongoing pilot of an innovative desiccant drying technology to further reduce the volume of its wastewater solids and save the City money. The conference reflects a long-standing collaboration between the New England Water Environment Association (NEWEA) and NEBRA with tradition calling for welcoming remarks from the NEWEA President. Read more. . .

NEBRA Celebrates 25th Anniversary at Northeast Residuals & Biosolids Conference

North East Biosolids & Residuals Association (NEBRA) alumni joined current NEBRA members on November 1st to look back on 25 years of improving biosolids utilization in the Northeast U.S. and Atlantic Canada. The anniversary fete began with a recorded welcome from NEBRA President Deb Mahoney, reflecting on her experience with NEBRA, some of the people she met through NEBRA, and the need for NEBRA more than ever. During the luncheon, Shelagh Connolly described the circumstances back in 1997 that gave rise to the formation of NEBRA. Although she claimed no credit, it was obvious to all in the room that Shelagh was driver that got NEBRA started. Speaking with Shelagh, NEBRA’s first Interim Board President– Ann Bosiak Randall -- spoke of how she came to be involved with NEBRA after growing up on a dairy farm in New Hampshire, one that used biosolids to make the family plot prosper. Read more. . .

MassDEP Teams Up With USGS to Study PFAS in Wastewater Treatment

The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) has partnered with the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) to study per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in the influent, effluent, and sludges of nine water resource recovery facilities (WRRFs) with permits under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) to discharge to surface waters. These facilities are located across the Commonwealth and include WRRFs with a range of average daily flow from 40,000 to 18 million gallons per day. None of the facilities are industrial WRRFs although several have approved pretreatment programs to permit industrial waste discharges into the WRRF. Read more. . .

PFAS in Biosolids -- Updates

NEBRA’s “Reg-Leg” Committee continues to be very active, contributing to comments letters on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)’s proposal to list two per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) as “hazardous” under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) -- better known as EPA’s Superfund Program. The major concern is for liability and NEBRA and others continue to ask for specific exemptions under CERCLA for public water utilities. Copies of the letters and other resources are available to NEBRA members at Reg-Leg Committee — NEBRA ( Here are just some of the issues the Reg-Leg Committee has been tracking lately. Read more. . .

EPA Proposes to List PFOA/PFOS as Hazardous Substances Under CERCLA

On September 6th, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published its intent to regulate two of the thousands of per- and polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS), namely perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) -- including salts and structural isomers -- under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA), commonly known as the “Superfund” law. PFOA and PFOS are the two compounds that have been taken out of production in the United States, but the retroactive nature of Superfund enforcement is still a concern. On August 25th, EPA Administrator Michael Regan signed a pre-publication notice of the proposed rule, with a preview of the Federal Register Notice including justifications for the action as this is the first time EPA has exercised its authority under Section 102(a) of CERCLA.

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New Data and Reports Available on U. S. Biosolids Management, Use & Disposal

The National Biosolids Data Project, led by the North East Biosolids & Residuals Association (NEBRA) has concluded and now the national data and reports are available at Previously only state-level data was available.

The new data provides details about biosolids management in the United States. The NBDP estimates that, in a typical recent year, the U.S. uses or disposes of 5,823,000 dry metric tons of biosolids. More than half (53%) are treated and recycled to soils as biosolids fertilizers and soil amendments. The other 47% are placed in landfills or incinerated.

The new data and supporting information are available online at a new website created for the project: Read more. . .

Landfill Capacity for Biosolids in the Northeast Needs Attention

The COVID pandemic brought out some vulnerabilities of relying on landfilling to dispose of sewage sludges.  Not to mention the climate impacts!  One of the major issues during COVID was the lack of bulky wastes needed to stabilize wet materials such as sludges.  Construction and demolition (C&D) debris is the majority of material used to mix with biosolids.  Generally, four parts C&D waste to one part sludge is needed to prevent slumping/instability, odors, and drainage problems.

At a webinar in April, hosted by the Environmental & Energy Technology Council of Maine (E2Tech), Rhonda Forrester, P.E. with Sevee & Maher Engineers of Cumberland, Maine, explained the concerns with receiving sludges from the landfill operator’s perspective.  In Maine, they are looking to put a lot more biosolids into landfill as a result of LD1911, which passed the Maine legislature back in April and became law in early August. Simultaneously, LD1639 eliminates waste generated out of state and will reduce bulking materials effective February 2023. Read more. . .

Regional Biosolids Management Facility Study Gets Underway

As reported back in January, three major New England wastewater utilities have teamed up to study the potential for a Regional Biosolids Management Facility which would address their future solids handling needs.  Back in March, the Narragansett Bay Commission (NBC), Upper Blackstone Clean Water, and the Springfield Water and Sewer Commission signed a Memorandum of Understanding that paved the way to move ahead with the study.  It will be financed equally by the three water utilities. The study is being driven by a lack of biosolids end-use and disposal capacity in the region, with all four facilities looking at solids management equipment and process replacements in the near future, as well as service contracts that are expiring.   Read more. . .

PFAS Regulatory Activities Continue Apace, Implications for Biosolids Management Unclear

In direct response to the pending implementation of legislation in Maine that prohibits the land application of biosolids and other residuals, the National Association of Clean Water Agencies (NACWA) released a white paper on the critical need to maintain all biosolids management options at this time. 

According to NACWA’s press release:

“Responding to premature policy decisions such as the Maine legislature’s complete ban on sustainable land application practices, the paper makes the case that taking any single biosolids management option off the table absent scientific rigor and honest, comprehensive policy assessments will cause serious harm to local communities and could inadvertently cripple the ability of utilities to protect public health and the environment."

The white paper is intended for NACWA members, to assist them in communicating with legislators, regulators, media and the general public about this critical issue. Read more. . .

From the Archives – Flashback to 1997, Could Be 2022

A recent review of NEBRA’s library and historical documents has revealed some treasures.  NEBRA has nearly 100 documents, reports, and books in its library!  One set of documents in particular, dating back to 1997, the year NEBRA was established, could have been written in 2022.  Back in 1997, the Part 503 regulations were still fairly new and there were a lot of detractors out there.  In particular, the Cornell Waste Management Institute (WMI) in New York came out with a “working paper” titled The Case for Caution: Recommendations for Land Application of Sewage Sludges and an Appraisal of the USEPA Part 503 Sludge Rules in August 1997.  The working paper raised many questions about U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA)’s risk assessment process, causing consternation for the public and New York State regulators.

In addition to a copy of the brief WMI working paper, NEBRA’s library includes several rebuttals to the Cornell WMI report.  The report generated a lot of letter writing.  Of particular interest was a letter from U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) Assistant Administrator Robert Perciasepe to David Sterman, Deputy Commissioner of the New York Department of Environmental Conservation (NYDEC) dated October 31, 1997.  That letter pulled together all the comments and concerns about The Case for CautionRead more. . .

Compost Facility in Massachusetts Implicated in PFAS Contamination

The Boston Globe reported back in early July on the discovery of elevated levels of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) impacting 218 properties adjacent to the 240-acre Mass Natural Fertilizer Company site in Westminster, Massachusetts. The PFAS contamination was originally discovered through private well testing. 

According to The Globe article, the property where Mass Natural operates is owned by Otter Farm, a subsidiary of Seaman Paper.  According to the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP)’s Energy & Environmental Affairs Data Portal (Energy & Environmental Affairs Data Portal (, Mass Natural was sent a Unilateral Administrative Order (UAO) back on May 17th which required Mass Natural to cease sales of all compost materials and do additional testing.  On July 20th, the DEP issued a second UAO, this time suspending the facility’s Recycling, Composting or Conversion (RCC) permit indefinitely.  The UAO cited exceedances of the Massachusetts Contingency Plan (MCP) limits for PFAS in soil and groundwater. Read more...

Public Engagement: Scaled Up
By Maile Lono-Batura, Water Environment Federation

During the 2019 WEF Biosolids National Convening, biosolids leaders converged to identify key challenges and concrete actions that the sector could take to ensure biosolids programs remain sustainable. A thread that was clear throughout the Convening was the need to level up our approach to biosolids beyond the status quo as it relates to program management, communication, and research.

Since this Convening, WEF has made strides in the action plan that include:

  • Releasing the Biosolids Communication Toolkit

  • Hiring a new Director of Sustainable Biosolids Program and part-time Biosolids Coordinator

  • Advocating for increased leadership in EPA’s biosolids program

  • Continuing to advance the Leaders Innovation Forum for Technology (LIFT) program

  • Revamping the National Biosolids Partnership to improve accessibility and explore product certification.

To prepare for the new Biosolids Director role in 2021, I canvased the biosolids community to gather insights on what our sector is getting right, what isn’t working, and how we can course correct or reinvent ourselves where we are missing the mark. What I heard was:

  • Be Proactive: Lead our story – we know it best. Be a representative voice for biosolids rather than letting others tell our story.

  • We Are Poised: Biosolids offer a remedy to global challenges including soil conservation, food security, renewable energy, and climate change.

  • Make it Personal: Humanize the conversation and engage people beyond our echo chamber to share ownership of this valuable resource we all create.

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EPA’s Liz Resek Retires from Biosolids Program

Liz Resek, credited by many with reinvigorating the federal Biosolids Program at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), recently announced her retirement effective May 31st. Ms. Resek served as the Biosolids Lead for EPA since 2017 after a long career in numerous other leadership roles at EPA Headquarters. The North East Biosolids & Residuals Association (NEBRA) and all the biosolids stakeholders are better off for Resek’s leadership and the attention returned to biosolids issues by EPA during her tenure. In her five years at the helm, Ms. Resek was able to increase funding and employees for EPA’s biosolids program, facilitate major new grants to research unregulated contaminants in biosolids (more than $6 million), and re-establish regular meetings with state co-regulators, biosolids associations and other stakeholders. She also had to address negative press and repercussions from the EPA Office of Inspector General’s review of EPA’s biosolids regulatory program.

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Food Fight in Boston?

The May 27th article “Mayor Wu Announces New Citywide Composting Program” by Boston Globe reporter Dharna Noor started out touting the Mayor’s Green New Deal, but ended up being yet another bash on biosolids as The Globe focused on concerns by the Conservation Law Foundation (CLF) over where some of the food wastes may have to be diverted to.

The article failed to highlight the state’s ambitious goals for solid waste which includes major diversion of food and other organic wastes from landfill to composting and anaerobic digestion. 

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EPA Publishes Curated List of Pollutants in Biosolids – Now Up to 726

Staff from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s various offices teamed up on an article titled “Curation of a List of Chemicals in Biosolids from EPA National Sewage Sludge Surveys & Biennial Review Reports” published in Nature on April 19, 2022. The lead author, Tess Richman, is from the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) and has been working in EPA’s Biosolids Program for a while now.  She was joined by Elyssa Arnold, formerly with the EPA Office of Water and now with the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Office of Pest Management, and Antony J. Williams from EPA’s Office of Research & Development in Triangle Park, North Carolina.

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EPA Takes More Actions Related To PFAS

Here are a couple noteworthy actions by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) related to per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS):

·       The agency recently announced that it was adding five PFAS to its Regional Screening and Removal Management Levels, what EPA uses to determine whether further action is needed to protect human health. EPA has set soil and groundwater protection screening levels for HFPO-DA (also known as GenX), PFOS, PFOA, PFNA, and PFHxS.  See Regional Screening Levels (RSLs) - What's New | US EPA.

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Maine Bans Land Application and Distribution of Biosolids-Based Products

On Wednesday, April 20th, Governor Janet Mills quietly signed LD 1911 [LD 1911, HP 1417, Text and Status, 130th Legislature, Second Regular Session (], “An Act To Prevent the Further Contamination of the Soils and Waters of the State with So-called Forever Chemicals,” which bans the land application, sale and distribution of biosolids-based soil amendments.  The law will be effective in late July, ninety days from the end of the legislative session.  The new law also establishes PFAS effluent testing requirements for water resource recovery facilities (WRRFs) but repeals the $10 per ton handling fee on septage and sludge enacted in 2021. 

LD 1911 was amended significantly since originally introduced in early January.  That early version would have prohibited the Maine Department of Environmental Protection (Maine DEP) from licensing the “land application or distribution of sludge or sludge-derived compost” unless the material met stringent ceiling levels for specific PFAS.  The final version is an absolute ban on land application of “sludge” and the “sale and distribution of compost and other agricultural products and materials containing sludge and septage.”  In Maine laws and regulations, biosolids – treated “sludge” – is now lumped together with “sludge.” Read more. . .

Massachusetts Legislature Releases PFAS Task Force Report

On April 20, 2022, the Massachusetts Interagency Task Force held its final public meeting and voted unanimously to approve “PFAS in the Commonwealth: Final Report of the PFAS Interagency Task Force”.  The report provides a policy framework with a total of 30 recommendations broken into eight broad “measures” aiming to address PFAS contamination in Massachusetts.  Those measures include:

  1. Fund PFAS Detection and Remediation

  2. Support Environmental Justice Communities

  3. Phase Out PFAS In Consumer Products

  4. Expand PFAS Regulation

  5. Encourage Private Well PFAS Testing and Remediation

  6. Support Firefighters And Local Fire Departments

  7. Address PFAS Contamination Accountability

  8. Enhance Public Awareness of PFAS

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NEWMOA Science of PFAS Conference

After almost two years of delay due COVID, the North East Waste Management Officials Association (NEWMOA) hosted a two day conference on all aspects of PFAS science research management and technology, April 5th and 6th in Marlborough Massachusetts.  There were over 500 attendees from 26 states including California North Carolina and Michigan as well as British Columbia Canada. The conference attracted a very diverse crowd of attendees of researchers, regulators, practitioners, and environmental advocates focused on various aspects of the problem including solids waste disposal, drinking water, wastewater, residuals, and air deposition. Read more. . .

MAWEA’s Mickey Nowak Advocates for Regional Solids Planning and Solutions

Mickey Nowak, a long-time clean water professional and current Executive Director of the Massachusetts Water Environment Association (MAWEA), is on a mission to warn everyone about what he calls a “potential environmental and economic disaster that is visible on the horizon.”  He refers to the dwindling options for managing wastewater solids and septage in the Northeast.  Mickey makes some excellent points in recent Op-Ed pieces published in VT Digger and a local Western Massachusetts paper, the Greenfield Recorder.  The Recorder - My Turn: The growing problem of managing biosolids

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Maine Legislature Poised to Ban Land Applications of Biosolids

On March 2nd, the Maine legislature’s Environment and Natural Resources (ENR) Committee approved LD- 1911, “An Act To Prohibit the Contamination of Clean Soils with So-called Forever Chemicals" as amended, which will ban the land application of biosolids-based materials and the sale of products derived from municipal wastewater and certain commercial and industrial sludges. The ENR vote was seven in favor and two opposed, with four committee members absent. This final version of the bill will now head to the full legislature for consideration. Read more. . .

Massachusetts Legislative Committee Approves Bill Putting a Moratorium on “PFAS-emitting” Structures

On February 18th, the Massachusetts General Court’s Joint Committee on State Administration and Regulatory Oversight unanimously approved a favorable report on S-2655, an Act Establishing a Moratorium on the Procurement of Structures or Activities Generating PFAS Emissions.  The bill is headed for a vote in the Senate next.  If S-2655 becomes law, it will be a major setback for very promising thermal technologies for dealing with per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and biosolids [see EPA research brief], including the proposed biosolids gasification facility in Taunton.  The Massachusetts Water Environment Association (MAWEA) testified against the bill as did Springfield Water & Sewer Commission’s Executive Director Josh Schimmel. The North East Biosolids & Residuals Association (NEBRA), the National Association of Clean Water Agencies (NWCWA), and others, submitted written testimony.   Read more. . .  

Vermont Legislature Considers Bill on Microplastics

In this year’s legislative session, Vermont State Representative James McCollough, of Williston, introduced H-501, “an act related to physical contaminant standards for residual waste, digestate, and soil amendments”, specifically “physical contaminants” also known as microplastics.  As originally introduced, H-501 raised many concerns for the Green Mountain Water Environment Association (GMWEA)’s Government Affairs Committee that tracks regulations of interest.  H-501 was originally directing the Secretary of the Natural Resources to limit physical contaminants in solids wastes, composts, biosolids, digestate, and domestic septage, among other types of wastes, to not more than 0.5% dry weight of particles larger than 1 millimeter (mm), and no more than 20% of that 0.5% dry weight shall be film plastic greater than 1 mm in size. 
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NEBRA 2021 - The Year in Review

To sum up major NEBRA activities in 2021 in one word: PFAS.   Following adjustments to COVID in 2020, PFAS once again became the prominent topic of activity for NEBRA.  Here are some of the highlights from our work in 2021.

The Reg-Leg Committee was very busy in 2021, keeping up with various state legislative and regulatory proposals impacting biosolids.  Maine was a continuing battleground, literally losing ground as a result of several high-profile cases of PFAS contamination on farms.  NEBRA led some advocacy efforts following the publication of the Sierra Club report titled “Sludge in the Garden: Toxic PFAS in Home Fertilizers Made from Sewage Sludge” which was picked up by the Maine news outlets, among others. Other states continued to focus on PFAS in residuals in 2021, including Massachusetts which generates the most biosolids by far of any state in the Northeast.  New Hampshire continued to lead the Northeast Biosolids Improvement Project and Vermont has been focused on pollution prevention initiatives for PFAS in wastewater.  Rhode Island and Connecticut – as well as most of the Canadian provinces -- continue to study the PFAS issue.  Read more. . .

Preview of NEWEA Annual Conference – NEBRA Connections

The New England Water Environment Association (NEWEA) is hosting its 2022 annual conference and exhibit in person again at the Boston Marriott Copley Place, Boston, Massachusetts, January 23rd through the 26th.  As a long-time collaborator with NEWEA, the North East Biosolids & Residuals Association (NEBRA) has lots of connections and NEBRA members contributing to the exchange of information at this event.  This year’s theme is Navigating the Tides: Fostering Diversity and Leading Change.  Here’s a preview of some of the highlights.  There will be something of interest to anyone remotely involved with wastewater and all of its by-products. Read more. . .

Biosolids Coalition Formally Responds to “Sludge in the Garden” Report

On January 10th, Greg Kester, the Director of Renewable Resources Programs for the California Association of Sanitation Agencies (CASA), sent an email to the acting director at the Sierra Club headquarters forwarding a scientific rebuttal to the Sierra Club report “Sludge in the Garden: Toxic PFAS in Home Fertilizers Made from Sewage Sludge” issued back in May.  As reported by NEBRAMail in June, the Sierra Club report contained inaccuracies and misleading statements – even while acknowledging the difficult task of managing these materials (see  NEBRA got involved and spoke to several local reporters who picked up the story back in May.   

Prepared by Rob Scofield of GSI Environmental, the rebuttal contains numerous citations and research studies to counter some of the claims by the Sierra Club. NEBRA contributed to that effort and signed the letter to the Sierra Club along with the Mid-Atlantic and Northwest Biosolids Associations, the Water Environment Federation, the National Association of Clean Water Administrators, as well as several major water utilities and biosolids management companies.  The coalition hopes to open a dialogue with the Sierra Club and its chapters about ways to mitigate PFAS while preserving the value and benefits of recycling wastewater solids.

Major Wastewater Utilities Team Up on Biosolids Management Study

There is limited biosolids processing and/or disposal capacity in the northeast. Recognizing this trend, three large regional utilities, Narragansett Bay Commission, Springfield Water and Sewer Commission, and Upper Blackstone Clean Water, banded together and issued a request for proposals/qualifications (RFP/Q) to study the feasibility of regional biosolids processing. The RFP/Q acknowledges the capacity issues in the region when it comes to managing wastewater solids as a driver for the project. 

Phase I of the RFP/Q will be “determining the value proposition” of a regional facility, examining numerous aspects of the issue and providing the Project Partners with enough information to decide if further investment is justified.  Phase 2 of the study will depend on the results of Phase 1.  If the Project Partners decide to move ahead, Phase 2 will determining the economic viability and any legal, regulatory, or other roadblocks for such a project.  With four facilities, three entities with three governing boards, and two states involved in this project, it promises to be complicated. Together, the Project Partners serve a population of about 860,000 with total annual solids production for the 4 facilities (NBC has two) is nearly 40,000 dry tons annually. 

This is an important study for the region and a notice to proceed to the winning consultant is coming soon.  NEBRAMail will continue to track and report on this project as it progresses.

PBS Viewpoint Special Feature on Biosolids 

The Water Environment Federation has secured a special feature spot with PBS to present a brief (3-5 minutes) biosolids story segment as part of their Viewpoint program hosted by Dennis Quaid. Given the viewing audience of the general public, the segment will focus on conveying the biosolids journey rather than a specific organization or company. The story will follow ordinary people doing extraordinary things every day (like plant operators, farmers, community gardeners, scientists, etc.). Particular attention will focus on raising awareness around biosolids production, product stewardship, and the role that biosolids play in mitigating climate change. 

A call for support was circulated to the biosolids community for 1) funding support and 2) high-quality biosolids photos and/or video with a deadline of January 31, 2022. Contributors will be credited in the video release through WEF as well as video credits through PBS. 

Production is set to begin in February with a filming date in late April. This Viewpoint segment will be aired at 50 national and 150 regional times over a 120-day airing schedule in addition to a short trailer that will air 400 times. WEF is working directly with the Viewpoint production team to curate the content for the biosolids story that will be shared with the PBS viewing audience.  Again, the story will be focused on biosolids, not on any one organization or process.  In addition to bringing the idea to WEF, NEBRA is helping with the fundraising.  If you would like to donate to this effort, email Janine Burke-Wells

Maine Continues to Deal With Legacy PFAS Pollution Linked to Biosolids and Residuals

On November 23rd, the State of Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife (DIFW) and the Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention (Maine CDC) issued a Do Not Eat advisory for deer harvested in the area in and around the central Maine town of Fairfield. The advisory was due to the discovery of relatively high levels (~40 ng/g or parts per billion (ppb) in 5 of the 8 deer tested) of perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS), one of the most common of the per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). PFOS was measured in the meat and liver of deer that had foraged in the area of farm fields where soil and surface water is known to have high PFOS levels. Three of the deer tested from the same area had lower PFOS levels. According to the press release, there had been previous recommendations for reduced consumption of deer harvested in the area, but after consulting with the Maine CDC, the DIFW made it a Do Not Eat Advisory “out of an abundance of caution.” Read more. . .

EPA to Host Training Sessions for Annual Electronic Biosolids Reports

The 2021 Sewage Sludge/Biosolids Annual Reports are due by February 22, 2022, this year.  These reports are required to be submitted electronically in accordance with the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Electronic Reporting Rule (40 CFR Part 127). These annual reports, NETBIO, are available to the public as part of the EPA’s Central Data Exchange (CDX). The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is hosting two online training sessions to assist treatment facility operators with generators the electronic reporting system.  The sessions will be held:

Wednesday, Jan 12, 2020, 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM EST
Wednesday, Jan 26, 2020, 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM EST

To join a training, please register at

The EPA training session is highly recommended if you have never attended or have never used the electronic reporting system.  There are numerous common errors that can occur and be posted online without much quality assurance or quality control of the data.  For example, Mickey Nowak, Executive Director of the Massachusetts Water Environment Association (MAWEA), has pointed out some major data quality issues with the 2020 data for Massachusetts which he obtained through a data download from EPA’s Enforcement and Compliance History Online (ECHO) system.  Nowak is encouraging all wastewater treatment facilities to take this training to help ensure accurate data reporting.  “If the data entered by the treatment facilities is inaccurate or not in the proper units or entered into the wrong field, it greatly minimizes the ability to use the information to help manage the looming biosolids disposal problem in Massachusetts and this region.” 

Update on National Biosolids Regulation, Quality, End Use & Disposal Survey

The National Biosolids Data Project (NBDP) continues compiling data from every state and territory in the Union. As the work is done, key information about each state is published on a state page at the NBDP website. “It’s fascinating, and quite a privilege for me, to become familiar with what’s happening with biosolids in each state,” says Ned Beecher, project lead. “It’s astounding how much variation there is, from Georgia’s long reliance on landfill disposal (but that’s changing – see the Georgia report) to Connecticut’s nearly 100% reliance on incineration (report coming soon), to the high levels of biosolids recycling to soils in Florida, the Midwest, California, and the Northwest. Read more. . .

University of Arizona Leading Study on PFAS and Land Application

Dr. Ian Pepper, Director of The Water & Energy Sustainable Technology (WEST) Center at the University of Arizona, is spearheading a collaborative national study on the fate and transport of PFAS following long-term land application of biosolids.  The project scales up Dr. Pepper’s local research on behalf of Pima County, Arizona, following a land application ban there in (see NEBRA News article, dated 12/14/2020).  This new study is titled “Evaluation of Fate and Transport of PFAS Following Long-Term Land Application of Biosolids: A Collaborative National Study.”  Read more. . .

January 18th MABA Webinar About Biosolids and Climate Change

The Mid-Atlantic Biosolids Association (MABA) is hosting a webinar on January 18th from Noon to 1:30 pm EST following on the 26th “Conference of the Parties” -- COP26, the 2021 United Nations climate change conference.  Biosolids and COP26: Responding to Climate Change will feature NEBRA’s Carbon Trading Committee Chair Bill Brower with Brown & Caldwell and a presentation about updating of the Biosolids Emissions Assessment Model (BEAM). NEBRA is leading the project with the Trading Committee serving as part of the advisory group.  BEAM is a tool for making decisions based on calculated carbon compound emissions from various biosolids processes and management methods. Read more. . .

EPA Hosts Successful National Biosolids Stakeholder Meeting

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)'s biosolids program hosted a three-day virtual meeting for stakeholders nationwide, November 2nd through the 4th. The North East Biosolids & Residuals Association (NEBRA), along with the other regional biosolids associations, were included with state “co-regulators” and select utilities. This year’s meeting even included Canadian regulators for a total of about 240 registered attendees. There were federal, state, and local perspectives represented with lots of opportunity to interact/network.  EPA was assisted by Ross Strategic (Seattle, WA) in developing and managing the meeting for maximum benefit of the attendees. Read more. . .

Quebec Leads the Way on SSI Ash Beneficial Reuse for Phosphorus

NEBRA Member Marc Hébert, a trainer and consultant from Quebec and former biosolids coordinator for the province, is an advocate for beneficial reuse of biosolids.  He is probably one of the most knowledgeable people when it comes to the phosphorus content of sewage sludge incinerator (SSI) ash and its value as a soil amendment. His presentation at the annual Northeast Residuals Conference this year was titled “Montreal Sludge Incineration — Recovery of Ash as Phosphate Fertilizer, Liming Product and for the Reduction of Greenhouse Gases” and it built on his research and a report for the Jean-R. Marcotte water resource recovery facility (WRRF) in Montreal (see  Marc’s background is in agricultural sciences and he has seen the benefits of reusing resources found in wastewater.  Read more. . .

UConn Researchers Tour GLSD in Quest to Optimize AD

University of Connecticut (UConn) researchers took a tour of the Greater Lawrence Sanitary District (GLSD) in North Andover, Massachusetts, on November 5th to see operating anaerobic digesters up close and learn more about operations and maintenance issues. The tour was organized by NEBRA, which is assisting UConn researchers working to improve anaerobic digestion operations and optimize biogas production at facilities doing co-digestion with food waste.  UConn received a grant from the Department of Energy intended to advance resource recovery from wastewater (see June 30th NEBRAMail article about these grants). Read more. . .

Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal:
What’s In It For Water And What Are The States Planning?

At long last, on November 5th, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Infrastructure Investment & Jobs Act (H.R. 3684), and it was signed by President Biden on November 15th.  The deal will fund almost $1.2 trillion in all sorts of infrastructure investments. Even with final funding amount down considerably from original proposals, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal (BID) as it is known, is still an historic investment by the federal government.

Of interest to NEBRA members, there will be $11.7 billion for Clean Water State Revolving Funds (SRFs) and another $1 billion for Clean Water SRFs to go towards work on emerging contaminants. There is $1.7 billion slated for place-based programs -- Lake Champlain and the Southern New England Estuaries are on EPA’s list (see FACT SHEET: EPA & The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law | US EPA). Read more. . .

PFAS Updates from the U.S., Washington State and Canada

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has announced (2021-24565.pdf ( ) that it is convening its Science Advisory Board (SAB) charged with “Analyses to Support EPA’s National Primary Drinking Water Rulemaking for PFAS” starting December 16th with a series of four 5-hour meetings through January 7th. Meeting materials, SAB members, and other information are available at Meeting | US EPA.  EPA has prepared a list of “Charge Questions” for the SAB reviewers to assist them in reviewing EPA’s proposed approaches to deriving draft Maximum Contaminant Level Goals for PFOA and PFOS in drinking water.  This same SAB process will be used for reviewing the risk assessment of those same PFAS in biosolids.

Read more PFAS Updates. . .

EPA Releases PFAS Road Map

On Monday, October 18th, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency issued its PFAS Strategic Roadmap (see PFAS Strategic Roadmap: EPA's Commitments to Action 2021-2024 | US EPA) as commissioned by EPA Administrator Michael Regan.  In a nationwide stakeholders call that afternoon, Deb Szaro, EPA Region 1 Acting Administrator and co-chair of EPA’s Council on PFAS, kicked off the discussion about the Roadmap.  EPA’s strategy is a multimedia, multipronged attack on PFAS in the environment.  Szaro summarized the road map as having three major aims: research, restrict, and remediate PFAS.  EPA encouraged people to ask questions and provided short answers within the time allotted.  But many questions remain, of course.

Read more. . .

NEBRA/NEWEA Host Successful “Hybrid” Residuals Conference

The North East Residuals & Biosolids conference was held on October 7th at the UMass Lowell Conference Center. For attendees, it was a long day in masks, although there was also a virtual option this year. It was nice to see and get to network with everyone from the biosolids profession in the Northeast!  Over 70 people registered to attend in person for the all-day event.  Resource Management, Inc and DN Tanks were the two exhibitors in attendance, with booths on either side of the main room where the presentations took place.  Many thanks go out to everyone involved in making this year's conference a success, especially the New England Water Environment Association (NEWEA) and its Residuals Management Committee!

Read more. . .

EPA Awards Research Grants Related to PFAS in Biosolids

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced in September that it had selected four projects for grant funding under its national priorities program to evaluate pollutants in biosolids.  The EPA is providing nearly $6 million for this research with each project getting approximately $1.5 million. Researchers from across the country are eager to get going on this important work.

Here is a quick summary of the projects being funded by EPA’s Office of Research and Development. Read on. . .

Summer Intern Completes Project for NEBRA Research Committee

Jessica Nekowitsch is going into her senior year in the environmental engineering program at the University of New Hampshire. She spent this summer working for NEBRA on a project developed by the Research Committee to study the effects of biosolids applications on phosphorus availability and transport in agricultural soils. The study focused on two New England farms, one in New Hampshire and one in Vermont, where Class B biosolids have been land applied for 10+ years.  Jessica conducted an extensive literature review and dug into the soil data and records maintained by the farms and the treatment facilities supplying the biosolids. She also got out in the field to sample the soil at the farms in the study, learning a lot about biosolids in the process. Read more. . .

NEBRA Member LP Consulting to Lead New Brunswick’s Soil Productivity and Sustainability Residual Project

The Canadian Province of New Brunswick is helping to support the regenerative agriculture movement with a new project designed to help NB farmers access affordable waste residuals for beneficial reuse. The program – known as the Soil Productivity and Sustainable Residual project -- is expected to save money and improve soil health and crop productivity. According to the press release, NB’s “Department of Agriculture, Aquaculture and Fisheries is investing $102,250 in an initiative that will help increase food and feed production on the province’s farmland. The project, led by LP Consulting, will identify and analyze local, high-quality and affordable industrial byproducts that could be used by farmers to improve soil fertility, soil health and productivity.” Read more. . .

Action in 117th Congress to Support Sustainable Agriculture and Reduce Food Waste

Several bills have been proposed in the U.S. Congress that would go a long way in supporting agricultural practices that are sustainable and address climate change concerns.  In the House, Representatives Ann McLane Kuster (New Hampshire) and Chellie Pingree (Maine) joined Representative Julia Brownley (California) in introducing the Cultivating Organic Matter through the Promotion of Sustainable Techniques (COMPOST) Act.  A companion bill has been introduced in the Senate by Cory Booker (New Jersey).  The U.S. Composting Infrastructure Coalition (USCIC) has applauded the legislation and is encouraging its members to voice their support for the COMPOST Act: Read more. . .  

Vermont DEC Focused on Preventing PFAS From Getting to Treatment Facilities

The Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation (VTDEC) has received two grants from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to help reduce the amount of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) entering wastewater collection and treatment systems in Vermont.  Since treatment facilities are not designed to remove PFAS or other Contaminants of Emerging Concern (CECs), some of the PFAS coming in ends up going out with the effluent and the rest ends up in the solids which must be managed.  Vermont has no biosolids incineration facilities; only landfilling and beneficial reuse options are available.  Concerns about high levels of PFAS in biosolids could impact both those management methods so VTDEC is being proactive with its pollution prevention approach. Read more. . .

Vermont’s Rich Earth Institute Aims to “Pee the Change”

At July’s Lunch & Learn webinar, members of the North East Biosolids & Residuals Association (NEBRA) got to learn about the exciting work and ongoing research into Urine Diversion (UD) and its conversion to farm fertilizer by the Rich Earth Institute (REI).  With a research center and “urine depot” in Brattleboro, Vermont, REI’s vision is “A world with clean water and fertile soil achieved by reclaiming the nutrients from our bodies as elements in a life sustaining cycle.”

Did you know that urine contains most of the nutrients and half the pharmaceuticals in domestic wastewater although it is only a tiny percentage of the total wastewater volume? Read more. . .

PFAS Legislative Updates

On July 21st, the U.S. House of Representatives passed The PFAS Action Act (H.R. 2467) with 241 voting in favor and 183 opposed. The house bill was sent to the Senate where it was referred to the Committee on the Environment and Public Works. The legislation directs the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to designate certain per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) – in this case PFOA and PFOS were specified to start – as hazardous substances under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA), commonly known as the Superfund law. Read more. . .

NEBRA Responds to Sierra Club’s “Sludge in the Garden” Report

The Sierra Club issued a report on May 25th titled “SLUDGE IN THE GARDEN: Toxic PFAS in Home Fertilizers Made from Sewage Sludge” about a study done in conjunction with the Ecology Center of Michigan.  For the report, the Sierra Club purchased 9 biosolids-based soil amendments and fertilizers and tested them for per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS).  The products purchased included D.C. Water’s BLOOM, Tacoma, Washington’s TAGRO, and Earthlife which contains biosolids from the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority.  Read more. . .

NACWA Builds on NEBRA Work, Issues “How-To” Guide for Modeling PFAS Fate and Transport

The National Association of Clean Water Agencies (NACWA), in partnership with the National Council for Air and Stream Improvement (NCASI) and the American Forest and Paper Association (AF&PA), issued a new report in June prepared by Stone Environmental as a “how-to” guide to understanding the Pesticide Root Zone Model (PRZM) and how it may be used to screen for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) potentially leaching into groundwater from land applied residuals and biosolids. Read more. . .

Florida Revises Biosolids Regulations, Major Impacts Expected

The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) has made major revisions to its biosolids regulations to implement the provisions of  2020 legislation, SB-712 (, which was focused on abating nutrients impacts on Florida’s water resources.  The regulations promise to have major impacts on biosolids management programs and costs and will significantly curtail the land application of Class B biosolids in the State of Florida starting in July of 2022. Read more. . .

DOE Awards $27.5 Million for 16 Water Resource Recovery Systems Projects, NEBRA Partners with UConn on AD Project

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) recently awarded $27.5 million in grants for 16 research projects to advance resource recovery from wastewater  LINK to article: FY21 Research and Development for Advanced Water Resource Recovery Systems Selections Table | Department of Energy.  DOE has focused resources on water resource recovery facilities (WRRFs), mainly energy efficiency grants in the past, and has found that the amount of energy coming into WRRFs in the wastewater far exceeds the energy required to operate the WRRFs. These grants seek to harness that energy, generate enough to power the facility and even export energy in the form of renewable fuels. 

The North East Biosolids & Residuals Association (NEBRA) is assisting in one such research project being led by Jeffrey McCutcheon at the University of Connecticut’s Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering.  Read more. . .

COVID – The End May Be Near But WBE Advancements Will Continue

The end of the COVID pandemic can’t come quick enough!  There is finally light at the end of the COVID tunnel with at least some semblance of normality returning to our worlds.  The vaccination systems in the States and Provinces are picking up speed.  The North East Biosolids & Residuals Association (NEBRA) is daring to hope for an in person conference in the Fall!  But something we don’t want to leave behind is wastewater-based epidemiology (WBE) which has proven to be a valuable tool for detecting the SARS-CoV-2 virus, its variants and other viruses to come.  Afterall, water resource recovery facilities (WRRFs) are in the public health business.    Read more. . .

Michigan Issues Interim Strategy for Land Application

The Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) has released its “Interim Strategy for Land Application of Biosolids Containing PFAS,” published in late March, to formalize EGLE’s guidance for recycling biosolids in light of concerns about per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS).  The strategy document has been expected for a while now following the work EGLE put into studying the issue of PFAS in land applied biosolids.  EGLE reports issued to date include: SUMMARY REPORT: Initiatives to Evaluate the Presence of PFAS in Municipal Wastewater and Associated Residuals (Sludge/Biosolids) in Michigan and Evaluation of PFAS in Influent, Effluent, and Residuals of Wastewater Treatment Plants (WWTPs) in Michigan.

The interim strategy will be effective for land application occurring after July 1st but EGLE is recommending that biosolids producers consider following the guidelines starting this Spring.  Testing of biosolids for PFAS prior to land application is required.  Based on previous work by EGLE to understand the concentrations and impacts of PFAS in land-applied biosolids, the Department has established the following guidelines for perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS):

  • Biosolids with concentrations at or above 150 μg/kg (equivalent to parts per billion, ppb) are considered industrially-impacted and cannot be land applied.  Water resource recovery facility (WRRF) biosolids managers much immediately notify EGLE of these test results and begin effluent sampling and an investigation into potential sources of PFOS in their sewershed.  Of course, they will also have to make other arrangements for treatment or disposal of the industrially-impacted biosolids.    

  • If PFOS concentrations are less than 150 ppb but greater than 50 ppb, the generators must again notify EGLE immediately and initiate effluent testing and investigations into the sources of PFOS to develop a source reduction program.  Materials in this concentration range can be land-applied but in order to reduce the overall PFOS loading to the site, EGLE is restricting application rates to 1.5 dry tons per acre.

  • Biosolids with PFOS concentrations below 50 ppb, which was the case for the majority of WRRFs that EGLE studied, can continue to be land applied.  EGLE recommends for PFOS concentrations above 20 ppb, the WRRF consider investigating possible sources and conducting additional sampling.

EGLE is also conducting a state-wide soil study to “help provide context” for the PFAS issues in Michigan.  To read the full strategy report, go to [Land Application of Biosolids Containing PFAS Interim Strategy (].

UMaine Kicks Off Project to Find Best Solution to PFAS-Contaminated Biosolids

On May 10th, the North East Biosolids & Residuals Association participated in the kick-off meeting for the University of Maine (UMaine)’s George J. Mitchell Center for Sustainability Solutions Project titled “Integrated assessment of alternative management strategies for PFAS-contaminated wastewater residuals”.  The project received funding from the U.S. Geological Survey.  In her introductory email to the stakeholders, Principle Investigator Dianne Kopec said: “PFAS-contaminated wastewater residuals pose a wicked (Wicked problem - Wikipedia), complex problem. . . “  The grant proposal was inspired when the Maine Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) asked UMaine help with evaluating management alternatives for PFAS-contaminated residuals. 

With the Mitchell Center serving in an “honest broker” role, the research team will perform an integrated assessment examining the environmental, social, and economic consequences of the range of management options for PFAS-contaminated sludge.  According to the project proposal: “The core evaluation of management options will integrate environmental threats to multiple media from PFAS mobilization with the estimated financial cost, the perception of risk, and public preferences of Maine citizens.”

The meeting on May 10th included stakeholders from four basic groups: the Maine DEP, the wastewater industry as represented by NEBRA, environmental health non-government organizations as represented by the citizens group Defend Our Health, and lastly the agricultural industry and represented by The Institute for Agricultural & Trade Policy and UMaine’s Cooperative Extension at Highmoor Farms.  Ms. Kopec facilitated the group discussion about key issues.  Her team includes researchers from UMaine’s Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and its School of Economics, as well as the Director of the Maine Water Research Institute.

NEBRA’s perspective was ably represented by Ned Beecher.  During the issues identification portion of the kick-off meeting, NEBRA stated that Maine has long been a leader in recycling residuals, with nearly 80% of it biosolids going to beneficial uses.  In addition to stressing the sustainability of recycling non-industrially impacted biosolids, NEBRA suggested that the carbon footprint of the 3 biosolids management options be used as one of the evaluation criteria. NEBRA stressed practical, risk-based solutions.  NEBRA shared the cost impact study (with one case study from Maine) and Michigan’s interim land application strategy as well as research and other information for the group to consider.  NEBRA also offered to organize a tour of a WRRF for the research team members. 

There will be second meeting once the research is complete to review the findings and prioritize the recommendations.  There will be a third meeting to review the final report, expected in late Winter of 2022.

NEBRA Intern to Research Plant-Available Phosphorus from Biosolids

The North East Biosolids and Residuals Association (NEBRA) put out a call to biosolids researchers at universities in the region in late April seeking a student to work remotely this summer on an important research project.  The intern will conduct an assessment of changes in total phosphorus and plant-available phosphorus on agricultural fields with good records on the amounts and phosphorus content of soil amendments applied over at least ten years.  The project will involve working with farmers and biosolids producers to determine phosphorus inputs over a specific set of years and examining historical soil tests to provide a comparison of before-and-after phosphorus levels. 

The project was developed by NEBRA’s Research Committee following on the success of its Student Poster Contest in October. According to Committee Member Andrew Carpenter, a soil scientist of with Northern Tilth, “This research is important for understanding the long-term effect of the use of biosolids and other amendments on phosphorus at a single-farm scale, especially as nutrient recycling becomes more critical.  The research will help determine the percentage of total phosphorus added to the soil from biosolids that ultimately becomes plant-available, the percentage that becomes water soluble and, if enough funding is available, the impact of the phosphorus on the soil's phosphorus saturation index.”

The intern application deadline was May 21st and NEBRA received letters and resumes from nine (9) interested students.  The Research Committee plans to move quickly to get the student intern on board so work can begin in June.  The project is expected to last about 8 weeks.  The student will be preparing a final report including farm-specific data and comparisons to the literature as well as comparisons of biosolids data to phosphorus availability from manures and commercial phosphorus fertilizers.

NEBRA has budgeted money for this project but financial support is being provided by NEBRA Members LP Consulting (Nova Scotia, Canada) and Northern Tilth (Belfast, Maine).  Northern Tilth will also serve as mentor for the student during the course of the research work.  If you are interested in contributing to the cost of this project with immediate access to the final report and data, please send an email to

Aries Clean Technologies Proposing Biosolids Gasification Facility in Massachusetts

NEBRA member Aries Clean Technologies is proposing a biosolids gasification facility in Taunton, Massachusetts.  The proposed facility would be located at the City’s former landfill site on East Brittannia Street and could become a significant – and much needed -- new outlet for biosolids in Massachusetts.  The project is currently undergoing environmental and local planning reviews.  The Taunton City Council approved a Host Community Agreement back in February.  

Gasification is one of the thermal technologies that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is studying for its potential to destroy per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) that collect in wastewater solids.  EPA’s PFAS Innovative Technologies Team (PITT) has generated a Research Brief on pyrolysis and gasification: Research Brief on Potential PFAS Destruction Technology: Pyrolysis and Gasification | Safer Chemicals Research | US EPA and has included these technologies in its interim guidance on the destruction/disposal of PFAS-containing materials. There is ongoing research and active debate about what temperature is required to break the carbon-fluorine bonds in PFAS but Aries says its process can destroy PFAS.

The proposed facility in Taunton is designed to process 470 tons of sludge per day from the City as well as other regional sources which could generate significant revenue for the City.  It will also provide a more cost-effective outlet for the wastewater solids coming from the City’s water resource recovery facility (WRRF) every day.  Currently, the WRRF operator (Veolia Water) trucks the solids 150 miles to an incinerator in Naugatuck, Connecticut.  The Aries process will generate biochar as well which will be used in making cement.

The company’s efforts have been opposed by the Conservation Law Foundation and local organizers with no better solutions for managing the City’s biosolids.  The City has provided a lot of information about the project on its website [] and some of the claims by CLF have been dismissed by the City Solicitor.

For septage haulers and biosolids managers on Cape Cod, this proposed regional gasification facility is welcomed.  It has become more difficult to manage biosolids and other residuals generated on the Cape as outlets have been shrinking and costs increasing as a result of market pressures on all three biosolids management methods.  Incineration capacity continues to be tight and few landfills accept sludge in Massachusetts.

According to a 2018 study by NEBRA for the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center, about 43% of the biosolids generated in the Commonwealth are sent to incinerators and about 18% goes to landfills, almost all of which are out-of-state.  About 38% of the Massachusetts biosolids are beneficially reused as soil amendments.  But those patterns are changing as the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) has initiated the process for setting screening standards for PFAS in land-applied residuals.  MassDEP requires quarterly testing of those materials. 

To learn more about gasification and to hear about NEBRA Member Ecoremedy ’s biosolid processing technology and facilities in the U.S. and Australia, register for the May 28th Lunch & Learn

EPA Releases Biennial Review of Pollutants in Biosolids

To comply with Section 405 of the Clean Water Act, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) must, every two years, review the biosolids regulation (Part 503) to identify additional pollutants and regulate them if there is sufficient scientific evidence to do so. EPA’s recently published Biennial Report No. 8 is the first step in that process which also involves assessing the pollutants for potential risk, and developing regulations if appropriate.

The Biennial Report No. 8 was prepared by EPA’s Biosolids Program which is in the Office of Science and Technology under EPA’s Office of Water. As part of this biennial review, the Biosolids Program searched for publicly available literature published between January 2018 and December 2019 related to the occurrence and fate/transport of pollutants in biosolids as well as human and ecological toxicity information that could form the basis for further risk assessments. EPA looks to available databases such as ECOTOX and EPI (Estimation Program Interface) and numerous other sources as part of its review.

The 2018-2019 Biennial Review identified 116 new chemicals including 50 new polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) compounds, 19 flame retardants, 8 per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) including fluorotelemers, lots of pharmaceuticals, and one new metal (Cesium). There still is not a lot of data out there on toxicity and fate and transport of PFAS in biosolids. The report details the findings in tabular form and in numerous appendices to the report. EPA’s Biosolids Program has added the data from Biennial Report No. 8 to the publicly available Biosolids List in EPA’s CompTox Chemicals Dashboard. According to Liz Resek, EPA’s Biosolids Lead, upon completion of peer review of EPA’s risk assessment approach (scheduled for 2021), data in the Dashboard will be evaluated to determine if it can be used in biosolids risk assessments. If data are appropriate for risk assessment EPA will use it to begin screening chemicals for risk.

The EPA Biosolids Biennial Report No. 8 is posted on EPA’s biosolids website under the banner “What’s New”:

PFAS Developments in 2021

There has been a flurry of activity in early 2021 to address per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) at the U.S. federal level so this is a good time for a regulatory update on PFAS in wastewater and biosolids/residuals. In this article, NEBRAMail will also give you a snapshot of regional and state activities and highlight some resources you may find helpful in weeding through all the PFAS regulatory and legislative (Reg-Leg) information to figure out what it means for your operation or business.

Important Federal PFAS Developments

Shortly after President Joe Biden took office, 132 members of the bipartisan Congressional PFAS Task Force signed a letter outlining actions requested of the new administration to tackle PFAS concerns. NEBRA’s Reg-Leg Committee continues to monitor activities in Congress and the Northeast states’ legislatures. In the current Congressional session (the 117th), it is expected that Representative Dingle (Michigan) will reintroduce the PFAS Action Act and Representative Pappas (New Hampshire) will reintroduce PFAS Clean Water Standards Act. NEBRA is also watching for any legislation with proposals to designate of PFAS (individually or as a class) as a "hazardous substance" under the Superfund law or a "hazardous waste" under Resource Conservation and Recovery Act which could have major implications for residuals and biosolids management.

Read more PFAS developments. . .

WEF Kicks Off Webcast Series on PFAS with Session on Biosolids

The Water Environment Federation hosted a webcast on per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in municipal biosolids on April 1st. This was the first of three webcasts by WEF which recently established a new PFAS Task Force to focus on PFAS in water issues and collaborate activities across all WEF Committees. NEBRA’s own Ned Beecher was co-moderator with Maddy Fairley-Wax, P.E., of Jacobs for this first webcast. Mr. Beecher started the webcast with a presentation on recent PFAS developments and potential municipal impacts which set the stage for the rest of the webcast. On PFAS, Mr. Beecher said of PFAS, “Once considered contaminants of emerging concern, PFAS have now truly “emerged” as worrisome contaminants in the regulatory and scientific communities.” He also pointed out that “while management and mitigation actions have significant positive effects, ultimately we cannot clean up our way out of the PFAS problem.” He stressed that the feature of any good PFAS mitigation program is source reduction and he cited Minnesota’s PFAS Blueprint as a good example.

Read more about webcast. . .

Lono-Batura Named WEF Director of Sustainable Biosolids Programs

The Water Environment Federation (WEF) announced in late January that it has selected Maile Lono-Batura as its new Director of Sustainable Biosolids Programs. Ms. Lono-Batura is well known in biosolids circles. As the long-time director of the Northwest Biosolids Association, Maile has worked with NEBRA on numerous initiatives, including the National Biosolids Data Project.

Maile Lono-Batura

Maile Lono-Batura

WEF established this new position in late 2020, to help WEF members and the water sector advance the beneficial use of biosolids. "Biosolids are a central product of the wastewater treatment process, a vital part of resource recovery and circular economy, and beneficial for communities in many ways," said WEF President Lynn Broaddus. "WEF is increasing our investment in biosolids programs and is thrilled to add Maile's expertise and experience to our team."

According WEF’s press release, Lono-Batura will serve as WEF's lead for all biosolids activities, acting as a central coordinator on national biosolids issues for the organization's members and the larger water sector, in concert with WEF's Member Associations and regional biosolids organizations. She will also communicate with stakeholders outside the wastewater and biosolids profession, including agriculture, environmental, and climate change groups, as well as the media. Lono-Batura will assist utilities and regional groups facing challenges to their biosolids programs and advance research relating to biosolids safety and efficacy, with a focus on the myriad benefits of biosolids use.

Lono-Batura served as the Executive Director of Northwest Biosolids for 22 years, an organization dedicated to science and research in support of sustainable biosolids solutions. She has an undergraduate degree in Community & Environmental Planning from the University of Washington and a Master of Nonprofit Leadership from Seattle University. Maile is anxious to dig in at WEF. She has already held several meetings with biosolids advocates around the country so that she can hit the ground running. "It's exciting to step into this new role to align and galvanize resources to bolster our collective biosolids voice nationally and boost our biosolids network signal" she said.

Maile (her name rhymes with “Smiley”) will start her new position with WEF on March 15th. She is very open to hearing from biosolids management practitioners with ideas about how WEF can help you in your work. Please reach out to her once she has had time to settle in. In the meantime, if you want to get to know her better, check out WEF’s latest Words on Water #174: Introducing WEF’s New Director of Sustainable Biosolids Programs.

PFAS in Biosolids Federal Regulatory Updates

Federal legislative and regulatory activities around per- and polyflouoalkyl substances (PFAS) continue to ramp up. Under its multi-pronged PFAS Action Plan, the EPA has initiated studies and research and engaged with numerous stakeholders in developing their approach to addressing PFAS concerns. NEBRAMail is starting to see the results of some of these efforts and thought it was time for an update.

Most recently, the EPA Biosolids Program under the Office of Water released notes from it large stakeholders meeting in December in which NEBRA participated. EPA also released a summary from the November meeting to review the Agency’s problem formulation for PFOA and PFOS in biosolids, the first step in the risk assessment process. Problem formulation defines the conceptual model EPA will be using to assess the risk of PFAS chemicals in biosolids. The risk assessment process will determine what compounds and exposure pathways need to be prioritized and will help inform risk management options possibly including pollutant limits and/or best management practices.

On the wastewater side, EPA has announced the availability of its Final Effluent Guidelines Program 14 which will be used to inform potential discharge limits and Industrial Pretreatment Program requirements. Read more. . .

New Hampshire Kicks Off Study of PFAS in Soils and Biosolids


The New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (NHDES) has kicked-off an extensive study of PFAS leaching from soils to groundwater conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) under a joint funding agreement approved in September 2020. NHDES has committed $420,000 to this project with the USGS contributing $180,000 in matching funds. The purpose of the project is to study the occurrence and behavior of PFAS in New Hampshire soils and biosolids and assess the risk of groundwater contamination.

As part of the project, NHDES has allocated substantial funds in the amount of $800,000 for the extensive sampling and analysis that will performed by the USGS. The data collected will be used to develop a sediment/water distribution coefficient (K value) specific to New Hampshire soils that can be used in appropriate models for the transport of PFAS pollutants through soils.

Phase I of the NHDES/USGS PFAS study began on January 25th and will involve field sampling of PFAS for 100 randomly selected sites. Phase II will involve sampling of 5 biosolids products and 5 major soil types and that data will be used to calibrate the leaching models. NHDES will use the field data collected from Phase III of the study to validate the K value and leaching model for New Hampshire soils. The project is scheduled to be completed in early 2022. NHDES funding is coming 100% from state Drinking Water and Groundwater Trust Fund.

NHDES has done a lot of PFAS sampling which is available for viewing in map form (please note the biosolids PFAS data is not within the mapper at this time). Anthony Drouin of NHDES’ Residuals Management Section has monies allocated to continue sampling biosolids under the Sludge Quality Certification (SQC) program. NHDES also has funding to assist municipalities with sampling for PFAS upstream to identify sources of PFAS in their systems.
This story was updated on 2/22/21.

EPA Publishes Interim Guidance on the Destruction/Disposal of PFAS, Seeks Comments by February 22nd

On December 18th, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published its “Interim Guidance on the Destruction and Disposal of Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances and Materials Containing Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances” for public comment by February 22nd. EPA was required to develop the PFAS guidance within one year per the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for fiscal year 2020, signed into law on December 19, 2019. The FY2020 NDAA specifically required EPA to provide guidance for the destruction and disposal of PFAS for the following:

(1) aqueous film-forming foam;

(2) soil and biosolids;

(3) textiles, other than consumer goods, treated with perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances;

(4) spent filters, membranes, resins, granular carbon, and other waste from water treatment;

(5) landfill leachate containing perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances; and

(6) solid, liquid, or gas waste streams containing perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances from facilities manufacturing or using perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances.

More. . .

Update on the National Biosolids Data Project

“Where have all the biosolids gone, long time passing? Where have all the biosolids gone, long time ago?” (a nod to Pete Seeger:

That’s the question being answered by the second National Biosolids Data Project. In 2007, NEBRA, BioCycle, North West Biosolids, and Greg Kester of the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (now with the California Association of Sanitation Agencies), completed the first comprehensive collection of data on biosolids use and disposal in the U. S., publishing state-by-state reports and a national summary (available at the web link provided below). The same team is at it again, with the addition of the Mid-Atlantic Biosolids Association (MABA) and help from other biosolids groups and state committees. The “long time ago” is 2018 – that’s the data year for this second major national survey.

The goal is to provide a robust set of data from one year – a snapshot of how wastewater solids – sewage sludges – are treated, regulated, beneficially used, and/or disposed of in every U. S. state and territory. Read on. . .

Senator Shaheen Secures Federal Funds for PFAS Efforts in NH

U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen from New Hampshire initiated and supported numerous measures in recently-approved federal legislation which will bring needed funds to the State to deal with its per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) challenges. Senator Shaheen is a senior member of the Senate Appropriations Committee serving alongside other New England State Senators Susan Collins from Maine, Patrick Leahy from Vermont, Christopher Murphy from Connecticut, and Jack Reed from Rhode Island. Senator Leahy will be the Chair of the Committee for the upcoming 118th Congress.

More. . .

WBE Proves Its Usefulness, Detects COVID Spikes from Thanksgiving

On December 9th, Boston’s NBC10 television news reported that wastewater being tested by the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority at its Deer Island treatment facility showed the highest levels of coronavirus detected since the COVID epidemic began. Similar spikes in virus fragment concentrations were detected in wastewater around the region, see Burlington, Vermont, for example, and show the repercussions of Thanksgiving celebrations.


All around the world, wastewater-based epidemiology (WBE) continues to prove its usefulness and evolve into a powerful tool in responding to the COVID epidemic. WBE is being used successfully at colleges and universities for early identification and quick isolation of infected students. The data is being reported and used by local health agencies for monitoring, planning and evaluating the effectiveness of mitigation measures. In the United States, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has taken the lead in developing protocols and a system (called the National Wastewater Surveillance System) to collect, store and analyze the data from wastewater testing. More. . .

EPA Refocused, Reinvesting in Biosolids Program

NEBRAMail is pleased to report that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is reengaged and doing a lot of great work in support of biosolids management programs. There has been a flurry of activity at EPA and new resources being invested in biosolids management issues. Following the November 2018 Office of Inspector General (OIG) report, which was critical of EPA’s biosolids program, and after hearing from stakeholders at the October 2019 Biosolids Convening organized by the Water Environment Federation (WEF), EPA is moving forward on a lot of fronts. Liz Resek, who heads the EPA Biosolids Program out of the Office of Science and Technology in Washington, D.C., has hired additional staff to tackle some long-overdue initiatives and is actively seeking to engage with states, tribes, practitioners, researchers and others to improve biosolids management. Just in the last month, EPA had a meeting to get input on its risk assessment model for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS, or rather two in particular: PFOA and PFOS) in biosolids, as well as a 3-day stakeholders meeting in which NEBRA participated. More. . .

WEF Creates a Director Position for Residuals and Biosolids

The Water Environment Federation (WEF) announced last week that its Board of Trustees approved the creation of a new Director position for Residuals & Biosolids. This is welcomed news to WEF’s Residuals and Biosolids Committee (RBC) whose members have been advocating for more focus on and resources dedicated to biosolids and residuals concerns. At the December 14th meeting of the RBC Subcommittee called the Association of Biosolids and Byproducts Associations (or ABBA), advocates biosolids advocates for beneficial reuse welcomed the help.

“We need a biosolids champion at WEF! Someone to be proactive, work with utilities and reach beyond the usual stakeholders we’ve been working with to ensure smart policies across the country when it comes to managing biosolids and residuals, especially in this age of PFAS,” said NEBRA Executive Director Janine Burke-Wells. Although NEBRA advocates mainly for beneficial reuse, biosolids managers would agree there is great need to ensure that all three options for wastewater solids management are maintained and supported in practice, in research, and in regulation and legislation. More. . .

Pima County Arizona Reinstates Biosolids Land Application Program, Adds to PFAS Knowledge Base

NEBRAMail learned at the end of November that Pima County (Tuscon area) Arizona has reinstated its Class B biosolids land-application program following a moratorium imposed by the Pima County Board of Supervisors effective December 31, 2019. Following a concern raised to the Board regarding the potential to contaminate ground water with per- and polyfluoualky substances (PFAS) in the biosolids, the Board instituted the moratorium on agricultural land application of biosolids “pending obtaining a better understanding of how PFAS present in biosolids may disperse through soils into groundwater or fugitive dust” according to a memo obtained by NEBRAMail.

Pima County Administrator C.H. Huckelberry, in a memo dated October 29th, provided the Board of Supervisors with a copy of a report on a comprehensive study by the University of Arizona, Jacobs Engineering, and the National Science Foundation titled “PFAS in Biosolids – A Southern Arizona Case Study.” The study was initiated in March 2020 and the results presented by Dr. Ian Pepper of the University of Arizona at a PFAS-related webinar on October 28th. Link to slides. To read the full report, go to:
More. . .

Word Cloud compiled from most commonly used words in response to questions about PFAS challenges.  CDM Smith

Word Cloud compiled from most commonly used words in response to questions about PFAS challenges. CDM Smith

Results of PFAS Cost Impacts Study Released at First Session of the 2020 Northeast Residuals & Biosolids Conference

October 1st was the very first virtual session of the 2020 Northeast Residuals & Biosolids Conference, co-hosted by NEBRA and the New England Water Environment Association (NEWEA)’s Residuals Committee, and it kicked off with – what else? – presentations mainly related to PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances).  The first presentation by Maddie Ledoux from CDM Smith summarized the results from their report titled Cost Analysis of the Impacts on Municipal Utilities and Biosolids Management to Address PFAS Contamination [LINK],  The study was funded by the Water Environment Federation and the National Association of Clean Water Agencies in a project managed by NEBRA.

According to the new report, average costs for managing biosolids increased 37% in states where there are stringent PFAS regulations, mainly in the Northeast but also several other areas of the country where PFAS has been a huge issue…. More…


October 15th Annual Membership Meeting Held via Zoom
Included 6 Minute Tribute to Ned Beecher

Ned Tribute.JPG

NEBRA’s annual membership meeting was held virtually on October 15th. The 1 hour and 15 minute long meeting on Zoom included all the usual agenda items for discussion at annual all-member meetings, including the annual financial report. However, before starting his numbers presentation where it would become apparent that NEBRA’s original executive director Ned Beecher was no longer a salaried NEBRA employee, outgoing Treasurer and Board Member Andrew Carpenter gave an extended tribute to Ned and his impacts on biosolids recycling, regionally as well as nationally. More...

Annual Conference Ends With Outstanding Virtual Student Poster Contest

Contest Prize Sponsors FINAL.jpg

The final session of this year's Northeast Residuals and Biosolids Conference was a virtual student poster contest organized by NEBRA’s Research Committee which attracted 8 outstanding young researchers. Thanks to the judges from the Research Committee: Chair Tracy Chouinard, Andrew Carpenter, Ajay Singh, and Ned Beecher who had a really tough job in deciding amongst all the excellent presentations by the students. They did not come to an agreement until the next morning! And the winners are… More…

Thanks to the sponsors and funders of the Student Poster Contest conference session…. More…

The 2nd National Biosolids Regulation, Quality, End Use & Disposal Survey

After exhausting current leads for funding from regulatory agencies, NEBRA and partners BioCycle, North West Biosolids, and the California Association of Sanitation Agencies (CASA), are moving ahead with private funding to complete the 2nd National Biosolids Regulation, Quality, End Use, and Disposal Survey, compiling 2018 data (pre-PFAS and pre-COVID). The 1st survey report performed by NEBRA and partners was published in 2007, compiling 2004 data on biosolids generated and managed across the country. These data remain the most comprehensive set available and have been relied on and referenced by biosolids management professionals, engineering consultants, researchers, policy makers, regulators, and technology vendors nationwide. But they are outdated. For years, there have been calls for an update.

Greg Kester, Director of Renewable Resource Programs for CASA says “We as a profession are weakened without data about what we do.” With the need great, NEBRA has gotten the old team back together to begin work to update this important national dataset. In 2019 through May 2020, with support from a U. S. EPA Region 4 cooperative agreement, the project team completed a literature review and methodology, including preparing the specific data-gathering tools needed for this second national biosolids survey (details). Preparations have included consultations with expert Advisors (who are kindly continuing through the end of the project) and other key stakeholders who rely on data – university researchers, market assessment and financing firms, technology developers, and policy decision-makers. 2018 data collection is expected to begin later this month with the report scheduled to be completed in March 2021.

As with the 1st national survey, the data and analysis will also be peer reviewed, and the project team will disseminate the findings through professional publications and conferences. This 2nd survey will allow for comparisons of the 2018 data with the same data from 2004 to discern trends. However, the 2nd survey will include additional data on biosolids economics and energy recovery. The importance of this work cannot be stressed enough. Tanja Rauch-Williams of Carollo Engineers, who led the Water Environment Federation’s water resource recovery report efforts, said about the first national biosolids survey: “This is one of the most important database pieces for resource recovery tracking.”

The project budget/fundraising goal is $60,947 with the major expenses being the State and WRRF surveys and compilation and analysis of the data collected. NEBRA will be coordinating efforts with NEIWPCC, which is looking to start collecting this data for regulators in the Northeast States. For more information and to donate or pledge financial support for this important project, go to

Biosolids Master Planning More Important Than Ever

Water Resource Recovery Facilities (WRRF) managers need to have a master plan when it comes to how their facilities will manage its biosolids into the future. With all the uncertainties in the biosolids end-use markets due to PFAS and now COVID, thinking long-term and having a plan is critical. According to Brown & Caldwell’s Natalie Sierra, “PFAS and Coronavirus are the stress tests on the biosolids management capacity in the Northeast.”

Natalie Sierra of Brown & Caldwell’s national biosolids and energy practice.

Natalie Sierra of Brown & Caldwell’s national biosolids and energy practice.

NEBRA has noted some changes in the biosolids market in the Northeast as a result of the COVID pandemic. Initially there was a significant decrease in demolition and construction debris and other bulky waste required for mixing with biosolids sent to landfill which did impact that management option. The capacity for biosolids incineration in the region has been maxed out for some time while beneficial reuse – the third leg of the biosolids management stool – has been majorly impacted by PFAS concerns. As a result of all these factors, NEBRA has seen the cost of managing biosolids in some areas increase dramatically. Still, the majority of biosolids generators have no idea that there’s an impending market failure because biosolids managers have done a really good job figuring out how to find a home for their municipal clients’ sludge.

As a member of NEBRA’s COVID-19 Task Force, Ms. Sierra continues to stress that biosolids management is the biggest operational risk – and cost -- for WRRFs and that mangers need to pay closer attention to what’s going on in the market. “Just because you have a contract with a company to handle your sludge, doesn’t mean they will always be able to take it. WRRFs need to have a Plan B and a Plan C just in case.”

Natalie Sierra will share her extensive knowledge on solids treatment, management and planning with interested NEBRA members on September 11th when she will present at a NEBRA Lunch & Learn about Biosolids Master Planning. A huge proponent of beneficial reuse of biosolids and residuals, Natalie supervises Brown & Caldwell’s national biosolids and energy practice.

NEBRA members can register for this session by simply emailing the NEBRA office.

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is Common Denominator in Innovative Solids Handling Solutions

In August, NEBRA hosted two Lunch & Learn webinars on innovative technologies for wastewater and solids/residuals treatment. The technologies – mechanical vapor recompression and super critical water oxidation -- are actually not new technologies but they are being applied in a new way to address current wastewater issues. Thanks to grants from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, both technologies have advanced to the commercial application stage. Both technologies address the need for cost-effective solutions to current problems including the amount and quality of biosolids we need to manage. More. . .

8/14/20, updated Oct. 2020
NH Supreme Court Sends PFAS Case Back to the Lower Court…. and the Case Ends.

This summer, the New Hampshire legislature and Governor Sununu put PFAS drinking water and groundwater standards for 4 PFAS chemicals into law. Because of that, the case of Plymouth Village Water and Sewer District et al. v. NH DES was thwarted, to a great extent. The case, in which NEBRA had filed as a “friend of the court,” successfully argued in the lower court that NH DES had failed to adequately assess costs and benefits of the new regulations. The lower court stopped the enforcement of the regulations. Now, the new law effectively overrides the court’s injunction. The case had gone to the NH Supreme Court on interlocutory appeal. But now months of proceedings there have ended. On August 14th, the Supreme Court sent the case back to the lower court for further consideration as to whether or not there are issues that remain for that court to consider. The Plaintiffs argue that the injunction remains in place regarding anything not covered by the new law setting the PFAS standards. There are other issues raised in the court case that are not covered by the law.

Update, October 2020: The lower court - Merrimack County Superior Court - might have heard arguments this fall. But the State argued that the Legislature’s intent was clear - that the new limits should go into effect as planned by NH DES – and the plaintiffs decided to abandon the case. What remains true and unaddressed, however, is that NH has not seriously weighed the cost and benefits of imposing some of the very lowest PFAS regulatory standards in the world.

Nicholas Basta, PhD, Professor of Soil and Environmental Chemistry, The Ohio State University, discusses the W4170 response to the EPA OIG biosolids report at the 2019 annual scientific meeting of the W4170.

Nicholas Basta, PhD, Professor of Soil and Environmental Chemistry, The Ohio State University, discusses the W4170 response to the EPA OIG biosolids report at the 2019 annual scientific meeting of the W4170.

W4170 Provides Scientific Rebuttal to EPA Office of Inspector General 2018 Critique of Biosolids

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Multistate Research Committee, known as W4170, has completed a scientific rebuttal to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)’s Office of Inspector General (OIG) report issued in November 2018 titled “EPA unable to assess the impact of unregulated pollutants in land-applied biosolids on human health and the environment.”  The W4170 is the latest iteration of USDA research committees that have been studying the beneficial
use of residuals to improve soil health and protect public and ecosystem health. This research work has been going on for 45 years…


7/24/20 Industrial PFAS Contamination Found at a Second Maine Farm

On Friday, July 24th, the Portland Press Herald reported that a second small dairy farm in Maine has found PFAS contamination in its milk. The levels are among the highest reported in milk anywhere, with one test showing ~32,200 parts per trillion (ppt) PFOS and two others at ~12,700 and ~14,900 ppt. Maine has a conservative protective screening level for milk: 210 ppt. The other farm received considerable attention a year ago; its milk tested as high as 1,420 ppt - 10 times lower. In both cases, such high levels of PFAS are likely from industrial waste or use of firefighting foam; municipal biosolids may or may not have conveyed them.

“This latest development is clearly an unusual, extreme situation involving industrial or firefighting contamination,” explains Ned Beecher of NEBRA, who, for the past 3 ½ years, has helped lead nationwide efforts to understand PFAS related to biosolids.

All biosolids contain some traces of PFAS, because these chemicals are used in myriad products in our daily lives and have been since the mid-1900s.

Tests of milk and feed at other Maine and New England farms with years of use of biosolids have found mostly non-detects, with an occasional trace of PFOS well below the Maine screening value (download NEBRA’s fact sheet “PFAS and Biosolids and Septage on NE Farms"). The Press Herald notes: “…McBrady, with the state agriculture department, said it is dangerous to paint all farms that used sludge with a broad brush because state testing has shown many do not have PFAS contamination issues.”


Biosolids Management in Quebec

In the big picture and for many years now, the province of Quebec has been more committed to recycling organics than anywhere in New England. Quebec employs a significant tax on each ton of biosolids or other organic waste going to landfill, and they use those tax monies to support things like anaerobic digestion and composting.  Quebec also has an enviable program for independent, third party analysis/certification of biosolids and residuals products. 

Quebec recently proposed revisions to a large number of environmental regulations, including new standards impacting biosolids and residuals.  The comment period has closed and the environmental Ministry (Ministère de l’Environnement et de la Lutte contre les Changements Climatique, or MELCC) is reviewing and analyzing the public comments received several months ago now.  The new regulations are expected to be promulgated by the end of the year. 

More. . .

States Can Learn from Michigan’s Work on PFAS in Wastewater and Biosolids

In late April 2020, the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) released a summary of two years of investigation of PFAS in the state’s wastewater and biosolids and the actions taken to address them. Michigan was one of the first states to take significant actions on PFAS, with widespread testing that uncovered numerous industrial and fire-fighting sites impacted by PFAS. Others can learn from Michigan’s experience with PFAS in wastewater and biosolids.


NEBRA Collaborating on PFAS Projects

NEBRA has been collaborating with several like-minded organizations to address our members specific requests for assistance related to PFAS. In particular, members expressed the need for help in communicating with their customers and elected officials about PFAS and for information about the cost impacts of PFAS regulations on managing wastewater and biosolids.

More. . .

NEBRA Files Amicus Brief in NH Supreme Court Amidst Turmoil Over NH PFAS Regulations


Remembering Eliot Epstein (1929 - 2020)

Dr. Epstein, left, sharing information with Jay Kilbourn and Jamie Ecker, both then of New England (now Casella) Organics, at NEBRA’s Annual Conference, November 12, 2003, Bedford, NH.

Dr. Epstein, left, sharing information with Jay Kilbourn and Jamie Ecker, both then of New England (now Casella) Organics, at NEBRA’s Annual Conference, November 12, 2003, Bedford, NH.

It is with sadness that I report that Dr. Eliot Epstein passed away Sunday morning May 17, 2020. For many of us in the biosolids industry, Eliot was a familiar and friendly face. However, there is a generation that has entered the industry that are not familiar with Eliot and the enormous part he played in making their career possible. In 1976, Eliot was lead author on the groundbreaking paper “A Forced Aeration System for Composting Wastewater Sludge,” published in the Journal of the Water Pollution Control Federation (now WEF). The paper grew out of his years of research at the U. S. Department of Agriculture developing this composting method and associated pathogen kill requirements that advanced not only composting but the reuse of sewage sludge which is so widely practiced today.


Eliot was a significant contributor to the EPA Environmental Regulations and Technology Document “Control of Pathogens and Vector Attraction in Sewage Sludge,” which featured a photo of biosolids being applied to the White House lawn (the so-called “White House” document). He published two books on biosolids reuse: The Science of Composting (1996) and Land Application of Sewage Sludge and Biosolids (2002). He also consulted for the World Bank, the U. S. EPA, and the United Nations Development Program, and he traveled the world bringing his composting expertise to nations far and wide. Eliot worked with NEBRA from its beginnings, collaborating on WERF and other projects, co-authoring a paper on prions, presenting at NEBRA conferences, and serving on the Research Committee.

Any burgeoning industry needs dedicated visionaries to bring them to life. Eliot was one of several visionaries that brought biosolids reuse to the widespread sustainable practice it is today. In addition to composting, Eliot was early to see the value in the use of biofilters to control odors from composting - a practice that today is considered a best available technology.

I had the pleasure of working for and with Eliot for many years and witnessed first-hand his incredible energy and optimism.
Ashes to ashes dust to dust, but in Eliot’s case it’s to compost. Thanks Eliot.

–Charlie Alix, P. E., Senior Associate, Stantec
NEBRA Board Member
Former employee of E & A Environmental Consultants (Epstein & Alpert), Canton, MA

And see… another remembrance of Eliot Epstein, in BioCycle, by Todd Williams, May 27, 2020

Clean Water Professionals Play Big Part in COVID-19 Response and Recovery

Thanks to clean water operators all around the region, we are better protected from SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19) and other infectious diseases. Finally, it seems the profession is getting some respect and admiration. There has been a lot more positive press about wastewater operations lately. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Andrew Wheeler wrote a letter to the Governors in all 50 states at the end of March regarding the essential nature of drinking water and wastewater operations.

“Ensuring that all Americans have clean and safe water is a high priority for the agency and I want to thank the water sector for their courageous efforts at a time when workforces are being challenged and stretched,” said Administrator Andrew Wheeler. “Having fully operational drinking water and wastewater services is critical to containing COVID-19 and protecting Americans from other public health risks. Our nation’s water and wastewater employees are everyday heroes who are on the frontline of protecting human health and the environment every single day.”

Not only do Water Resource Recovery Facilities (WRRFs) act as a barrier to COVID-19 entering the water cycle, they can be play a major role in the response and recovery efforts. Thanks to these “everyday heros” we will get through this novel coronavirus pandemic and maybe come out of it even better – especially if economic stimulus money can be directed to important water infrastructure projects.

Wastewater-Based Epidemiology (WBE) -- “Poop Patrol” in the Battle Against COVID-19 read more. . .

COVID-19: Latest Research Updates on SARS-CoV-2 and Wastewater

Staying informed is very important at this time when everyone is responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. With that in mind, the Water Research Foundation held a second webcast on April 16th to review the latest research specific to SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, and wastewater treatment systems. Interest in this topic is very high — over 3,500 people logged on to this webcast. More. . .

NEBRA Reviewing PFAS Data From Vermont Biosolids Application Sites

On Monday, VT Digger published an article about PFAS-contaminated groundwater at a few biosolids land application sites in Vermont. NEBRA has been reviewing the VT DEC soil and groundwater data that VT Digger and NEBRA received April 3rd. So far, that review finds that at least one detection of Vermont-regulated PFAS at these few biosolids fields has a confounding factor. And the testing did not include testing of non-biosolids (“control”) fields nearby. While biosolids use is likely a source of some of the PFAS, there are other sources of these kinds of low levels of PFAS in the environment. NEBRA is collecting more information to better understand the particular circumstances at each site.

The big picture on the Vermont biosolids site PFAS data is that most of the biosolids sites do not show PFAS levels in groundwater above the very conservative VT groundwater standard of 20 ppt for 5 PFAS combined – despite years of biosolids use in some cases. And no drinking water has been impacted. NEBRA is working with some of the utilities and farmers at the few impacted sites.

NEBRA notes that the Vermont Department of Agriculture is conveying concern about plant uptake of PFAS and contamination of feed going to dairy operations. There is little evidence - in literature or data – of plant uptake being a significant concern in real-world field conditions at typical biosolids land application sites. Analysis of feed and milk in Maine in 2019 and of milk in NH in 2018 found non-detects only, even at farms using biosolids annually for ~30 years (except for one highly-publicized Maine farm where municipal biosolids were not the cause of the PFOS concern).

NEBRA welcomes questions, further information, and feedback: email.

NEBRA Urges VT Policy in Support of Biosolids Recycling

In comments regarding the final Solid Waste Management Rules - including significant updates to biosolids regulations – proposed by the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation (VT DEC), NEBRA urged policy-makers and legislators to consider “the big picture” of environmental sustainability when it comes to biosolids management. In Vermont and other states, there has been focus on some small risks, and assumptions have been made leading to ever-more conservative regulations that discourage recycling to soils, thus negating the many benefits of biosolids and adding to landfill disposal and methane (greenhouse gas) emissions. It is remarkable to see biosolids recycling threatened in a progressive state like Vermont even as progressive California moves rapidly to eliminate landfilling of biosolids and rely on recycling to soil as the best environmental option of choice. Read NEBRA’s comments (feedback welcome).

COVID-19: The Latest Public Health Enemy #1


We at NEBRA are safe and staying safe from COVID-19 so that we can help our members get through this very serious public health crisis. As a profession, we have dealt with many serious emergencies in the past, including pandemics. It’s a time to rely on our professional training, resources, and colleagues. Please know that NEBRA is just a call or an email away, if you need us for anything.

We know our operator members know what to do, which is what they always do:

  • Use personal protective equipment and standard sanitation/disinfection practices.

  • Wash hands regularly, stay 6 feet away from others, stay home if sick, and follow other recommendations being publicized nationwide.

  • It is essential that you work safely and remain healthy.

It is also important to stay informed.


WANTED: Understanding of costs and benefits of PFAS regulation…

NEBRA’s PFAS Cost Survey

For two years, NEBRA has argued for careful consideration of the costs created by going from the EPA Public Health Advisory level of 70 ppt to low PFAS standards, like NH’s in the teens of ppt. In the interests of good public policy, we’ve requested demonstration of benefits for that marginal lowering of the numbers. A NH Superior Court agreed that the cost-benefit analysis behind the NH PFAS standards may have been inadequate, which is why it imposed an injunction.

NEBRA continues to compile data on cost impacts on municipalities and utilities caused by actual or pending state PFAS legislation and regulation.

Any wastewater or biosolids program dealing PFAS, please take this survey. Thanks.

4 Years In, Merrimack NH Is Still Struggling With PFAS and St. Gobain

In March 2016, Senator Kelly Ayotte of New Hampshire wrote a letter to then U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Gina McCarthy urging more EPA attention to contamination issues related to “perfluorochemicals” (PFCs, now called “PFAS”). The letter mentioned the 2015 closure of a major public drinking water supply well at the former Pease Air Force Base… and the more recent discovery of PFOA contamination from a St. Gobain coating facility in Merrimack…

Two years later, in March of 2018, NEBRA arranged a tour of a variety of Massachusetts and New Hampshire biosolids management facilities…. One stop was the biosolids composting facility in Merrimack, where test results had found PFOA in the 8 to 15 parts per billion (ppb) range and PFOS in the 8 to 11 ppb range….

Another two Marches later, and now, in 2020, we know that PFOA, PFOS, and/or other PFAS have been found in every biosolids product tested in this region and across North America, as well as in many other places and matrices….


NEBRA Members Garner Numerous Awards at NEWEA Annual Conference

Numerous long-time NEBRA members were recognized for their contributions to the water environment at the New England Water Environment Association’s annual conference in Boston on January 29th. Clean water professionals are a humble bunch and go about their work way too quietly, so its good to pause at least once a year to celebrate our individual and collective accomplishments. In her comments at the awards ceremony, WEF President-Elect Lynne Broadus urged everyone to take the opportunity to brag about what we do and our accomplishments. NEBRA is pleased to oblige and proud to acknowledge our members recognized by NEWEA!

First off, the Greater Lawrence Sanitary District (GLSD) garnered this year’s Biosolids Management Award for their sustained commitment to biosolids utilization. More

NH DES Biosolids Program Leads Efforts to Reduce PFAS in Wastewater & Biosolids

As regulatory reactions to PFAS have moved forward in New Hampshire, including setting of the strictest set of MCLs (maximum contaminant levels) in the nation, Ray Gordon, Administrator of Residuals Management for NHDES, began to focus on upstream, to proactively reduce PFAS levels wherever and as much as possible…. More…

BioCycle is Going All Digital

NEBRA has long relied on BioCycle and worked with BioCycle on the shared mission of advancing organics recycling for sustainability. The family business and editorial strengths and innovation of BioCycle have been a consistent guiding light in the organics recycling world. Now, BioCycle is going all digital, and we encourage our members and contacts to sign up for the weekly emails that will start January 8th: We congratulate BioCycle on this next part of their 60+ year journey and look forward to many more years of collaboration!

Report from WEF Biosolids Convening Session

NEBRA was invited by the Water Environment Federation (WEF) to attend a “Biosolids Convening” meeting of regulators, utilities, biosolids management companies, researchers, consultants, and biosolids associations like NEBRA from around the country. The two-day meeting was held near the WEF offices in Alexandria, Virginia, November 20th and 21st. There were about 60 attendees in total. More…

The conclusion/summary of the NH Superior Court ruling.

The conclusion/summary of the NH Superior Court ruling.

Court Grants Injunction Against Enforcement of NH PFAS Drinking Water Standards

On November 26th, the Merrimack County Superior Court decided in favor of plaintiffs Plymouth Water and Sewer District, Resource Management Inc., Charles Hanson, and 3M Company in a challenge to the process by which the NH Department of Environmental Services (NH DES) adopted its standards for PFAS chemicals in drinking water. The suit was filed September 30th, the day the new lowest-in-the-nation set of enforceable PFAS drinking water standards became effective. More…

NEBRA Members Team Up on Phosphorus Innovation Challenge

The Village of Essex Junction Water Resource Recovery Facility in Vermont has teamed up with Chittenden Solid Waste District (also a NEBRA member) and the University of Vermont, Efficiency VT and James Morris Associates to test an innovative combination of technologies to remove phosphorus from wastewater. In 2018, the team received a $45,000 grant from the State of Vermont’s Phosphorus Innovation Challenge program being run by the Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets. The goal of the Challenge is to find market-based innovative technologies to remove phosphorus from manure and other waste streams and make the recovered phosphorus available for beneficial reuse, for example, as a fertilizer. Read more. . .

NEBRA Files “Friend of the Court” Brief in New Hampshire Case
Read the press release…

Municipal Interests Sue New Hampshire for Wrongful PFAS Rule Adoption

Wastewater is a resource: At Nashua, for example, it produces biogas that is used to generate renewable energy and biosolids - a soil amendment product prized by farmers. These recycling programs are jeopardized unnecessarily by the new 2019 NH DES …

Wastewater is a resource: At Nashua, for example, it produces biogas that is used to generate renewable energy and biosolids - a soil amendment product prized by farmers. These recycling programs are jeopardized unnecessarily by the new 2019 NH DES PFAS regulations.

On September 30th, the day new water quality regulations for PFAS were to take effect in New Hampshire, a coalition of municipal, farm, and company interests sued to halt their implementation. PFAS is a family of commonly-used chemicals that have been linked to potential negative health impacts and are being aggressively regulated by a few states, including New Hampshire. More…

PFAS & Biosolids Update - Maine and New Hampshire at the Bleeding Edge of Regulation

David Burns, ME DEP, addressed the Maine PFAS Summit, Sept. 13, 2019.

David Burns, ME DEP, addressed the Maine PFAS Summit, Sept. 13, 2019.

The PFAS issue continues to expand in New England and across the U. S. In the summer, NEBRAMail reported on regulatory actions taken in NH and ME that directly impacted wastewater and biosolids programs. The ripple effects from those actions continue to propagate. Meanwhile, actions in a few other states are also raising concerns for water quality professionals, and municipalities and wastewater utilities and their biosolids programs are facing uncertainties related to potential liability and significant unforeseen costs. PFAS – per- and polyfluorinated alkyl substances – are persistent and sometimes bioaccumulative chemicals that provide stain, water, and grease resistance and surfactant properties in many products and processes; they have been in common use since the 1950s and are found in trace amounts in the environment worldwide.


University of California-Davis Study Finds Compost is Key to Sequestering Carbon in Soil

Researchers at the University of California at Davis recently published the results of a 19-year study into the carbon storing potential of conventional soils versus cover-cropped and compost-added soils. Unlike previous studies, UC-Davis scientists dug down 6 feet to measure carbon content, not just 12-inches as with conventional soil studies. The study was published in the journal Global Change Biology. More

Sludge Hubs

Irish Water, Ireland’s National water utility, is seeking public input on siting numerous “Regional Sludge Hub Centres”. Irish Water is moving to centralize its sludge management operations. More…

Metropolitan District Commission Sues State – PFAS Becoming an Issue in Connecticut

The Metropolitan District Commission (MDC), a municipal corporation created by the State of Connecticut in 1929 to provide water and sewer service to communities in the greater Hartford area, has sued the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP). The MDC alleges that DEEP is responsible for PFAS contamination of the leachate from the Hartford landfill, now closed, which flows to MDC’s Poquonock wastewater treatment facility. More….

Exeter, New Hampshire, Starts Up New State-of-the Art Wastewater Treatment Facility

It’s not very common to see brand new wastewater treatment facilities being built in New England, but the Town of Exeter made a major commitment to improving water quality in Great Bay with voters there approving – first shot – more than $50 million for capital improvements to decrease the amount of nitrogen being discharged into the Squamscott River. Over $36 million of that went to the new treatment facility, which began treatment of Exeter’s wastewater in June.

The new treatment system consists of a 4-stage Bardenpho activated sludge process that, according to Exeter’s Water & Sewer Manager Matt Berube, is removing nitrogen to low levels. In a recent interview with NEBRAMail, he mentioned the facility effluent was down to 5 milligrams per liter on a recent day, but that monthly averages are a little higher. As they continue fine-tuning the new treatment facility, Exeter still needs to decide how to decommission the old lagoon treatment system. The cost was originally included in the capital improvement plans, but it turns out it is going to cost a lot more than originally expected. Exeter continues to work on the closure plan. In the meantime, Exeter continues to operate the old system to some extent, like running the aeration system for odor control.

Read more about the project in the local news….

UMass Amherst Researchers Studying Microbes in Anaerobic Digesters

At the University of Massachusetts Amherst, Professors Caitlyn Butler and Nick Tooker along with PhD student Sally Cordero have been busy traveling around New England collecting samples, data, and information from anaerobic digesters. They are working with a team of researchers from throughout the world to collect as many samples as possible and ship them to Aalborg University in Denmark. There, researchers will use advanced DNA sequencing techniques to determine which bugs are in the sludge. 

Operational data and design information is also being collected to try and correlate specific microbes with specific operating characteristics. This information will ultimately help operators better troubleshoot their systems, and will help engineers design more efficient reactors. Through this study, the researchers will build an improved database of the microbial population in anaerobic digestion and wastewater. The long-term-goal of this type of fundamental research is to improve design and operation of our treatment and resource recovery systems.

A survey of microbes in wastewater treatment systems was recently completed by the same group of researchers, and over one-third of the microbes observed in the samples from that study had previously not been identified! If you are interested in providing anaerobic digester samples and participating in this survey, please contact Nick Tooker (

For the latest on exciting work being done at UMass Amherst, follow Caitlyn (@CButlerLab) and Nick (@nbtooker) on Twitter.

For more details about the microbe database project or to learn about specific microbes visit

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A PFAS & Biosolids/Residuals Update
This spring may well be remembered as a major inflection point in biosolids management in New England - and maybe beyond. In March, Maine imposed a moratorium on land application. Now, New Hampshire is adopting the nation’s first set of enforceable drinking water MCLs (announcement June 28th), which also become groundwater standards; they are low enough to significantly impact the viability of biosolids recycling - as well as myriad other activities, perhaps including septic systems and numerous small businesses. Already, Vermont has a low groundwater limit of 20 parts per trillion (ppt) that is, in effect, difficult to apply equitably, because PFAS chemicals are found so widely.

Being seen as proactive advocates of public health protection is driving these few state agencies, as well as Michigan and a few others, in the wake of failed past drinking water crisis responses (think Flint). Public fears of these “forever chemicals” and organized community advocates in the social media age are pressuring states to act quickly ahead of U. S. EPA (which is caught in the political turmoil in Washington) - without much assessment of what it means for other aspects of public health protection programs like wastewater, septage, and biosolids management. Municipalities and publicly-owned utilities - the ones actually performing water quality work at the local level - are left to bear the costs of what is being seen as a major, shared societal error: the widespread use of PFAS since the mid-1900s.


A Postcard from the Annual W3170 Research Meeting
The latest research and summaries presented by leading land grant university scientists.

Janine Burke-Wells (photo courtesy of NEWEA)

Janine Burke-Wells (photo courtesy of NEWEA)

NEBRA Welcomes New Executive Director
Janine Burke-Wells is the new Executive Director of NEBRA. The announcement was made at the beginning of May by NEBRA President Tom Schwartz (Woodard and Curran) after a 5-month search process and interviews with several outstanding, experienced finalists for the position. Burke-Wells has been Executive Director of the Warwick, RI Sewer Authority since 2008 and a recent President of NEWEA. More…

The Phosphorus Sustainability Challenge
How can your operations use phosporus more efficiently and release less to water? At its annual forum April 5th in Washington, DC, the Phosphorus Sustainability Alliance announced the Phosphorus Sustainability Challenge, a call to action for organizations of any size and type to publicly commit to lower their phosphorus footprints. Wastewater treatment and biosolids management are opportunities for phosphorus recycling. More…

How Are Biosolids & Manures Regulated?
A new database of regulations provides details.

States and provinces across the U. S. and Canada regulate biosolids and manures very differently and in a variety of ways. No two jurisdictions are the same. The complexity and diversity of regulations makes managing biosolids and manures more challenging. According to the Sustainable Phosphorus Alliance, this results in barriers to efficient, protective, sustainable recycling of phosphorus and the other nutrients and organic matter in these materials.

The Alliance has created an online database of state and provincial manure and biosolids regulations, including summaries of each jurisdiction’s regulations and links to key documents. The details are being quality checked through final reviews by state regulators.

According to Rebecca Muenich, who provided an overview of the project at the Alliance’s annual forum March 5th in Washington, DC, “the project is useful for understanding the regulatory landscape and the impacts on how manure and biosolids are managed, which influences P losses. We hope this will help move toward more consistent regulations.”

The Alliance expects to make the database available online later this year.

The FOG Clears at York, Maine
Travis Jones of York Sewer District uses Lego constructions as metaphors for building a program to address FOG – fats, oils, and grease. As in other communities, the southern Maine coastal resort town of York has been plagued by its share of sewer overflows caused by FOG blockages. Jones spent the past couple of years updating the town’s sewer ordinance (which was last updated in 1976) and developing robust, enforceable FOG capture requirements for local restaurants. In an entertaining presentation showing many Lego constructions of various complexities, he stressed that a FOG program can be simple or complex – and both are effective. The marketing materials, forms, and enforcement tools he developing for York are models that he gladly shares with anyone.

Biosolids & Septage Management Affected by Strict PFAS Limits in New England
NEBRA has been advancing understanding of PFAS related to wastewater and biosolids for the past two years. “But, this spring, the issue of regulating PFAS in biosolids and other residuals, such as septage, has reached a critical level in northern New England,” said Ned Beecher, NEBRA’s Project Lead. More…

Maine DEP Approves Biosolids Compost for Renewed Distribution
Compost produced using biosolids and other feedstocks at the Hawk Ridge Compost Facility in central Maine is once again being sold and distributed around the state. Last week, Maine DEP completed its review of test data for PFAS in the compost, compost application rates, best management practice guidance, and cumulative loading rates and determined that traces of PFAS in the compost pose neglibible risk, based on current scientific knowledge. Testing and analysis of other biosolids products produced and distributed in Maine continue, and use of those products as soil amendments continues to be on hold as a result of Maine DEP’s surprise, unique March 22nd moratorium. The Hawk Ridge compost has been prized for decades for its consistency, high-nutrient value, and soil-building properties, with uses extending from high-end golf course and sports field construction to agriculture to home lawns and gardens. It is available at lawn and garden stores and nurseries around Maine and neighboring states.

Maine DEP Disrupts Biosolids Recycling
Just at the beginning of the spring season, when 50% or more of some of the major biosolids soil amendment products are distributed for the upcoming growing season, Maine DEP has pulled the plug over misrepresented concerns about PFAS.

Incinerator Ash As P Fertilizer

Université Laval research on phosphorus availability from ash has been published! NEBRA and some of our members were partners in this Canadian research that demonstrated the value of sewage sludge incinerator (SSI) ash as phosphorus fertilizer, improving plant growth.


Lead author Claude Alla Joseph presented preliminary findings of her PhD graduate work at the Northeast Residuals and Biosolids Conference in Burlington in 2017 (photo). She has been working with Professor Lotfi Khiari. Their research evaluated the effectiveness of 12 different SSI ashes from SSIs around eastern Canada and New England, with comparisons to traditional comercial P fertilizer and rock phosphate. The SSI ashes differed one from another in their P solubility percentages (PSP) because of differences in the wastewater and solids treatment processes. This resulted in varied effectiveness of the SSI ashes as P fertilizers.

The January 2019 paper is available for download here. A second, related publication on this research is in publication.

News from the NEWEA Annual Conference… The energy was high and the sessions were full at the NEWEA Annual Conference in January in Boston. Here are highlights from a biosolids perspective...  Details…

LAWPCA Compost Facility, Auburn, ME

LAWPCA Compost Facility, Auburn, ME

EPA Releases PFAS Action Plan…. and other PFAS updates. Details…

LAWPCA Compost Facility Closing This month, the facility is ceasing operations for the foreseeable future. Details…

En brief / en bref… Slate Belt Heat Recovery Project: It's time for a positive local vote on this energy-efficient Class A facility, based on facts (not just a newspaper's poll)... EPA proposes prohibitions on flushing pharmaceuticals (see also NACWA article)... Australia health guidance for biosolids workers published in 2018 (which is similar to U. S. NIOSH guidance).... NH DES setting PFAS MCLs for drinking water; comments posted...  MassDEP responding to CLF/TOC petition for treatment technique standards for PFAS in drinking water; hearing set for Jan. 16th.… NY State Drinking Water Quality Council recommends 10 ppt MCLs for PFOA & PFOS.…

En brief / en bref… Words on Water covers biosolids…. How is AD in New England?… Congratulations LAWPCA!…. AD addressing climate change…. Synagro operations at Greater Lawrence Sanitary District… Manchester, NH SSI reaches agreement with U. S. EPA…. Grow Greenly Biosolids Plant Pots… Virginia Tech biosolids webinar…. Microplastics…. PFAS & Wastewater / Residuals Conference… Read it….

Alan B. Rubin, 1941 - 2008 Alan B. Rubin, formerly of U. S. EPA, lead author of the Part 503 regulations, died from lymphoma October 25th at the age of 77. More…

11/16/2018 - 1/25/2019
EPA’s Office of Inspector General Reviews EPA’s Biosolids Regulatory Program

On November 15th, the U. S. EPA’s Office of Inspector General (OIG), an independent review branch of the Agency, released a report reviewing EPA’s biosolids regulatory program. The report is the OIG’s narrow perspective. EPA fully supports biosolids recycling and disagrees with parts of the report, while agreeing to some recommended improvements. More…

NH Legislature Super-Supports Biomass & Wood Ash - Overrides Gov’s Veto
Last spring, the NH Legislature voted to maintain the electric rate for the wood-fired biomass plants that generate renewable electricity around the state. But Governor Chris Sununu vetoed the bill…. More… 


Cambridge Success: Diverting Food Scraps to Co-Digestion with Biosolids…. But the Cambridge City Council environment committee recently heard concerns about the program.  More…

In Brief / en bref…
NEWEA PFAS Conference • How is anaerobic digestion (AD) doing in New England?  • Synagro is now operating Greater Lawrence biosolids heat drying operations. • Manchester, NH sewage sludge incinerator to reduce mercury emissions. • Slate Belt Heat Recovery Project goes to state hearing. • Florida DEP has formed a Biosolids Technical Advisory Committee. • Microplastics • David Lewis continues unsubstantiated claims about biosolids. • Pay attention to odors!

MRF Actualités (MC)
nouvelles sur les matières residuelles fertilisantes (MRF) au Québec / News on biosolids and residuals from Québec - en français... par/by Marc Hébert, vol. 1, no. 2.  More...

MRF Actualités (MC)
nouvelles sur les matières residuelles fertilisantes (MRF) au Québec / News on biosolids and residuals from Québec - en français... par/by Marc Hébert, vol. 1, no. 1.  More...

In Brief / en bref...

  • New report from U. N. FAO: Soil pollution:
    “Considering that the positive effects of sewage sludge amendment – such as waste reduction, nutrient cycling, increase of soil fertility, improvement of soil structure and water holding capacity – are significantly more important than the negative effects, efforts should focus on reducing the content of pollutants in sewage sludge and wastewaters used for irrigation.”

  • Research: Water treatment residuals (WTR) reduce phosphorus runoff in Vermont studies

  • Research: Nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions are a concern in agricultural settings.

  • Granby, MA residents raised concerns about biosolids and residuals reclamation activity that wasn't happening.

  • Organic v. Conventionally-Grown Food: "No Meaningful Differences"

  • Politics & Biosolids - New York

  • Keep communicating with neighbors to avoid upsets!

  • The Global GAP Standard - An international guidance for farmers that currently precludes biosolids use...


NHPR summarized the EPA Region 1 Summit in Exeter in June. Click photo to see news.

NHPR summarized the EPA Region 1 Summit in Exeter in June. Click photo to see news.

Updates on PFAS:
Perfluorinated compounds getting attention....

  • Politics get involved.

  • CDC - ATSDR releases draft PFAS Toxicological Profile.

  • EPA hosts PFAS summits with states.

  • Meanwhile, Australian health experts find "limited, or in some cases no evidence, that human exposure to PFAS is linked with human disease."

  • Meanwhile, NH continues to push ahead of other states on the PFAS issue.

  • Understanding where the PFAS issue stands now...


U. S. EPA Releases Part 503 Biennial Reviews 2013 & 2015
These Congressionally-mandated reviews evaluate contaminants that may be found in biosolids that may warrant regulation. Both reports conclude that "EPA has not identified any additional toxic pollutants for potential regulation."  The reports and related fact sheets are at the U. S. EPA biosolids pages.

EPA Addresses Metals Analytical Lab Method Concern
Jean Creech of the Charlotte (NC) Water biosolids program discovered a possible regulatory Catch-22 when U. S. EPA finalized the new SW-846 6010D method for analysis of elements, including in wastewater solids and biosolids. Labs updating to the new method (replacing the former 6010C method), may not pay attention to certification requirements under state regulations, resulting in analytical data being technically unacceptable.  According to Elizabeth Resek of the biosolids program in the Office of Water in Washington, DC, "there has been some concern... whether a facility is out of compliance with Part 503 requirements if the older 6010C method is used, now that there is the revised 6010D method.  Per the 1998 Office of Solid Waste (now the Office of Resource Conservation and Recovery) policy memo, Resource Conservation and Recovery Act SW-846 methods function as guidance. These methods are intended to be used and modified as needed. The newer method 6010D is preferred but not required by the Part 503 Rule.  The older 6010C method can still be used and a facility is not out of compliance with its use.  Note that methods will be listed under SW-846.  When a method is no longer listed, then that method can no longer be used.  This is not the case with 6010C."  Biosolids managers are advised to check with their state regulatory agency regarding state lab certification applicable to this issue.

2018 German Regulation Boosts Phosphorus Recovery...
...but reduces biosolids recycling.  More...

In Brief / en bref... March/April 2018
Many, many signficant little updates...  More...

2018 Legislative and Regulatory Update
Quebec, New Hampshire, Maine, Massachusetts... bills & regulations change.  More...

Biosolids groups urge robust science and thoughtful regulatory approaches
in an April 2018 letter to U. S. EPA. More...

Emerging Contaminants are Getting More Attention
PFAS (perfluorinated compounds) are one kind of emerging contaminant spawning a lot of attention these days.  But there continue to be new stories about others also, and biosolids are often mentioned as a mode by which they get into the environment. The details and perspective are important.  More...

Quebec Updates Environmental Quality Law, Impacting Regulations for Fertilizing Residuals
The Quebec environment ministry has updated the "loi sur la qualité de l'environnement" (LQE), the overarching environmental law, effective March 23, 2018. The regulations for "fertilizing residuals" (biosolids, etc.) are being adapted and integrated under the new law, causing some concerns.  More...

U. S. EPA Posts 2017 Biosolids Data  

Regulatory & Legislative Updates - VT, NH, ME, MA, CT
Lots going on.  NEBRA is monitoring & participating, in collaboration with fine partners.  More...

In Brief / en bref... Biosolids Use Farm Is Recognized Environmental Steward... odor management... Co-Digestion & CHP Life Cycle Analysis...  Advancing composting and soil health in Atlantic Canada… Advocating for recognition of wastewater and biosolids in Vermont… Nutrient Management: Research Insights for Decision Makers...  The SSI Shake out... Outreach & education... Funding Opportunities For Organics & Compost... Sustainable P Alliance update...   More...


NEBRA Members Receive NEWEA Awards

As George Hawkins retires from DC Water, where he helped lead the creation of a well-publicized, Class A biosolids program, Bloom, we recall his vision for the water quality profession expressed at NEWEA's Annual Meeting in 2016.  Listen...

What's Coming in 2018?  Biosolids market predictions, continuing topics of high interest, & what we expect at NEBRA.

2017 Update From the NEBRA Research Committee

What NEBRA members identified as priorities for research.  More...

Biosolids Recycling Affirmed Once Again

Again this year, major court actions and formal state reviews have confirmed the safety and effectiveness of biosolids recycling to soils.  Most notable: Kern County in California, Pennsylvania, and now, once again, Virginia.   More...

Retiring Biosolids Coordinators

Four (4!) biosolids coordinators are retiring from regulatory agencies this year!  Count 'em:  Mike Rainey, Ernie Kelley, Rick Stevens, and Marc Hébert.  Big losses to the professional community!  Fortunately, we have some skilled & knowledgeable people working to fill most of those big shoes.  More...

New Rhode Island Digester Is Operating

NEBRA helped facilitate a tour on October 6th of the new Blue Sphere anaerobic digester (AD) complex near the Central Landfill in Johnston, RI.  More...

NEBRA’s 20th Annual Meeting
October 27, 2017  •  Burlington VT

Thirty NEBRA members and guests attended this year’s meeting, at which two important new developments were presented by the Board and staff: a new, simplified fee structure and a final draft “Vision 2021” strategic plan for NEBRA.  More...

Bucklin Point Green Energy

The Narragansett Bay Commission (NBC) generously hosted a NEBRA tour of the upgraded anaerobic digestion and planned combined heat and power (CHP) systems at the Bucklin Point WWTF on July 18th.  Barry Wenskowicz led the tour.

Read details of the new CHP system & energy vision....

In Brief / en bref...

  • As of August 31st, Rick Stevens retired from U. S. EPA and its biosolids program...

  • New York DEC has finalized its new Part 360 solid waste (materials management) regulations....

  • Biosolids reviewed in PA....

  • James Ehlers, sometimes biosolids critic, declares run for Governor of Vermont...

  • The District of Columbia was the first jurisdiction in the U. S. to regulate disposal wipes. Now, the U. S. Congress may try to annul that law....

Read it all...

EPA Posts Electronic Biosolids Data
Beginning this past winter, U. S. EPA required most biosolids management programs to submit their annual biosolids reports electronically.  Now, the 2016 data collected this year are being provided online for public consumption through the standard EPA ECHO database system. 

Legislation 2017: It's a Wrap!
PLUS... Regulatory Developments

The curent status of legislation & regulations in NH, NY, VT, & beyond.

Some Updates on Phosphorus (P)
Phosphorus in biosolids and other residuals continues as a high-interest topic. NEBRA provides background on the issue here, including a link to a useful WEF Fact Sheet.  As one NEBRA member pointed out recently, the P issue continues to grow, as agriculture and water quality regulators focus more on controlling P from non-point sources.  There are lots of rules being shaped right now – focused on fertilizers and manures mostly.  And sometimes such rules don't work well for biosolids. The biosolids profession needs to watch closely and be involved.  More...

A Postcard from W 3170
A quick trip to L.A., a blur, for 2 days, with top U. S. scientists focused on "beneficial reuse of residuals and reclaimed water: impacts on soil ecosystems and human health" - the W 3170 group, a cooperative agreement under U. S. Dept. of Agriculture.  CASA hosted the meeting at the Hyperion WWTF (photo).  Brain power abounded.  Highlights & more - including photos of the amazing Hyperion Environmental Learning Center!

The USDA BioPreferred Program - A Chance to Boost Marketing
Want a possible boost for sales of biosolids, reiduals, compost, mulch, wood ash, and other bio-based products?  The U. S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) BioPreferred Program may help. By labeling your products BioPreferred and listing them on the Program's website, you may steer federal agencies - which have to buy BioPreferred if possible - and others to your products.  More...

In Brief / en bref...  More...

Notes from 2017 WEF RBC
This year’s WEF Residuals & Biosolids Conference (RBC) was held in Seattle, WA in early April. Northwest Biosolids was co-sponsor and local host of the conference, ensuring some clear mornings that allowed Mt. Rainier to shine on the southeast horizon and some clear visions for resource recovery through biosolids.  More...

In Brief / en bref...
...The Slate Belt Heat Recovery project... Hamilton, Ontario is moving ahead with a new biosolids heat drying facility... International Compost Awareness Week is May 7 - 13... Source control, industrial pretreatment, and pollution prevention (P2) continue to play a key role in protecting biosolids quality... The United Nations has highlighted the value of wastewater... WE&RF report on Assessing the Benefits and Costs of Anaerobic Digester CHP (Combined Heat & Power] Projects in New York State....  More...

struvite fertilizer from an engineered process

struvite fertilizer from an engineered process

EPA and Part 503 Regulation of Struvite Products
EPA has decided that struvite fertilizers and other products made for land application are, by default, “derived from sewage sludge” and thus subject to the requirements of 40 CFR Part 503. However, the agency “is willing to consider on an individual case-by-case basis whether a particular product recovered from sewage sludge is beyond the scope of Part 503.” This EPA decision was conveyed in a January 2017 letter to the National Association of Clean Water Agencies (NACWA). For a few years, producers of struvite fertilizers, NACWA, NEBRA, and others have discussed with EPA the question of 503 applicability. Struvite fertilizers are generated by engineered precipitation from thickened and/or digested solids or centrate/filtrate. Such processes are increasingly important in protecting treatment facility equipment from struvite (and/or vivianite) build-up, reducing total phosphorus (P) in final biosolids products, and maximizing resource recovery.

As part of its determination, which the agency stresses is subject to change, EPA does make it clear that products “extracted” from sewage sludge that are not land applied, land disposed, or incinerated are not subject to Part 503. An example used in the EPA letter is an element such as silver. 

More details are available from the NEBRA office.

"Biosludged" - Mike Adams & Natural News & Biosolids
The Health Ranger (Mike Adams) and “Natural News” have joined other conspiracy theorists in attacking the land application of biosolids. Adams' websites (e.g. "") are promoting a new movie, “Biosludged: The Greatest Environment Crime You’ve Never Known," which is due to be released online this year.  It almost seems like a spoof, something so ludicrous that it can be ignored.  But background on Mr. Adams and his many questionable commercial exploits reveals someone who unfortunately has considerable social media influence, has rankled many professional scientists, and disrupted important quality research programs.  It is a sign of the times that "fake news" is entering the fringe debates about biosolids recycling.

Quebec Publishes Key Biosolids Reports
In 2016, the Quebec public health institute (INSP du Québec), the Quebec environment ministry (MDELCC), and RECYC-QUÉBEC released important and informative reports (en français) that advance biosolids and residuals recycling in the province:

In Brief / en bref...   Vermont bill would phase out land application...   Synagro contract with Waterbury, CT...   WEF hires new biosolids program manager...   EPA withdraws dental amalgam rule... 

U. S. EPA: Struvite Products May Be Regulated by Part 503...
U.S. EPA has decided that struvite fertilizers and other products made for land application are, by default, "derived from sewage sludge" and, thus, subject to the requirements of 40 CFR Part 503.  However, the Agency "is willing to consider on an individual case-by-case basis whether a particular product recovered from sewage sludge is beyond the scope of Part 503."  More...

Trace Chemicals / Microconstituents Update:
Biosolids and POPs & PFASs

  • NEBRA has just released an Information Update on perfuorinated alkyl substances (PFASs) in biosolids.

  • The MABA blog includes mention of researchers at AZ State University who have been analyzing biosolids for many years, focusing on analyzing wastewater solids to understand city community health.

Virginia Court Upholds State Biosolids Regulations
In December, there was another major legal victory for biosolids recycling. The Richmond, Virginia, Circuit Court upheld the new VA Department of Environmental Quality Biosolids Regulations against a legal challenge brought by the Potomac and Shenandoah Riverkeeper organizations.  This decision comes shortly after a court in California struck down the Kern County voter initiated ban on biosolids use.  More...

In Brief / en bref...   WE&RF Hi-Quality Biosolids Project.... EPA Dental Effluent Pretreatment guidelines.... Bob Bastian retiring.... "Poop-powered cars"....  WIFIA funding....   Details...

Quebec and Ontario Start GHG Cap & Trade
Offsets program will produce value for landfill diversion and AD

To reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, Quebec and Ontario are instituting cap & trade systems beginning January 1, 2017.  A key component of cap & trade is the use of offsets – reductions of GHG emissions realized by entities other than the regulated (capped) emitters.  As noted on the Ontario website, “Offset credits… create financial incentives for companies, people and organizations to implement projects to fight climate change."  More...

Biosolids Ban Struck Down in Kern County
After a decade of legal battles, the City of Los Angeles and other biosolids generators in southern California have won a major victory for biosolids in Kern County. More...

In Brief / en bref...  December 2016
Congratulations Jeff McBurnie, also Lise LeBlanc•  Phosphorus advice from UMass...  •  New regional biosolids drying facility planned for PA...  •  Diverting organics in the Northeast is not free!...  •  U. S. EPA new biosolids sampling survey on hold...  •  Lockport, NY extends biosolids moratorium...  •  Greening mines with biosolids... and how long is it effective?  •  Soil health getting more attention from the White House...  •  New bioenergy fact sheets from WEF...  •  Recognizing Milorganite's 90th...  •  NW Biosolids unveils new website...

Electronic Reporting Begins
In addition to NPDES reports (e.g. DMRs), biosolids reports due to U. S. EPA by February 19, 2017 must now be submitted online.  State reporting requirements remain mostly unchanged.  More...

Regulation Roundtable
What's Happening With Biosolids & Residuals in the States & Provinces

Prince Edward Island, Vermont, and New Hampshire environmental agencies sent representatives to The Northeast Residuals & Biosolids Conference for the biennial Northeast "Regulation Roundtable." "We thank these agencies and individuals for showing up and communicating with biosolids managers and others in the regulated community," said Ned Beecher of NEBRA. "Regular interactions ensure ongoing mutual understanding and respect in dealing with biosolids and organic residuals in this region."  This year, the conference Roundtable was ably moderated by Ben Smith, the new Residuals Workgroup coordinator for NEIWPCC. Here's what we learned...

MDAR Hears Comments Re Plant Nutrient Regulations
The Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources (MDAR) held a public hearing October 27th regarding proposed revisions to the state's Plant Nutrient Regulations (330 CMR 31.00).  MDAR's proposed revisions come about a year after the regulations went into effect.  More... 

In Brief / en bref...

  • U. S. EPA is starting TNSSS 2.0 – a second round of testing of statistically representative samples of wastewater solids from around the lower 48 states...

  • Kern County, CA: A final court decision from the decade-long legal battle over Kern County’s ban on use of imported biosolids (“Measure E”) is expected this fall...

  • The small mountain resort town of Bethel, Maine just bought a small, used Huber inclined screw press...

  • The Water Environment & Reuse Foundation (WE&RF) has accepted a proposal to research the reclamation of fire-ravaged land using biosolids...

Read the details...

MA Updates Biosolids Molybdenum Standard
It's official: the Massachusetts biosolids standard for molybdenum (Mo) is now 40 mg/kg.  More...

In Brief / en bref...

  • 4 Canadian biosolids researchers respond to an open letter that had raised fears about biosolids...

  • The New York Solid Waste Regulations are being revised...

  • Maryland is considering backing off on or delaying its very restrictive regulation of phosphorus applied to soils in manures and biosolids...

  • The Montague, MA Water Pollution Control Facility (WPCF) has, for several years, operated a novel process...

  • WEF will announce, at WEFTEC 2017 in September, the first annual "Utility of the Future Today" awards for wastewater treatment facilities...

  • Professor Rolf Halden (Arizona State University) continues to look closely at wastewater solids...

  • Featured in TPO...

Read the details...

NEBRA Organizes Tour for Gilmanton Residents
On July 29, 2016, three members of the Gilmanton, NH Biosolids Committee visited the Concord, NH Hall Street wastewater treatment plant and witnessed a short, but typical, land application of biosolids on a Gilmanton hay field. More...

In Brief / en bref... July 2016

Read the details...


Success: Vermont Water Quality Day
The Friday before Memorial Day weekend, Vermonters celebrated Water Quality Day.  In a proclamation, Governor Peter Shumlin noted that "the stormwater, wastewater and drinking water systems and the staff that operate them 24/7, 365 days a year are public servants dedicated to protecting public health and the environment and deserve the understanding and support of the Vermont citizenry."  Therefore, on that Friday, May 27th, water, wastewater, biosolids, and stormwater treatment facilities around the state hosted open houses and offered tours "so that Vermonters can learn about this vital, but hidden infrastructure."  More...


In Brief / en bref... June 2016

  • Managing Phosphorus (P) in Organic Residuals Applied to Soils - UMass Extension symposium November 2nd...

  • Montreal, QC recyling plan... Biosolids are included....

  • Region of Waterloo public consultation process on biosolids management...

  • EPA banned fracking wastewater from disposal at WRRFs...

  • Ebola-infected wastewater should be pretreated at hospitals...

  • Dr. Rufus Chaney is retiring after 47 years with the USDA....

Read the details...

MassDEP: New Standard for Mo in Biosolids
Public comment period closes July 13th
Public hearing in Boston June 27th

A revised standard for molybdenum in biosolids applied to soils in Massachusetts (MA) will likely take effect later this year.  On June 3rd, the MA Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) announced the proposed change to the "sludge and septage" regulations (310 CMR 32.00).   More...

2016 Regional Regulatory & Legislative Round-up:

  • New York State Solid Waste regulation revisions

  • MA Plant Nutrient Management regulation changes

  • Maine Solid Waste legislation

  • Vermont DEC staffing & program changes

  • Newport, NH septage zoning ordinance


Biosolids Down and Up in Western New York
On May 6, 2016, a lower court in Niagara Falls, NY upheld the Town of Wheatfield's ban on use of biosolids, which was created in July 2014.  Sustainable BioElectric LLC, a quasar energy group company, had petitioned the court to annul the ordinance.  

But, one month later, on June 9th, the New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets (NYSDAM) ordered Wheatfield not to enforce its ordinance in agricultural districts, because it unreasonably restricts a local farm's operation in violation of the state's "right-to-farm" law.  More...

Reporting from the Canadian Biosolids & Residuals Conference
As notorious fires burned northward in Alberta’s oil patch, about 100 leading Canadian biosolids professionals gathered in the provincial capital, Edmonton, for the 2016 Canadian Biosolids and Residuals ConferenceMore...

Updates from Quebec
....Biosolids Use in Quebec - Several Facts....Other Organics....New odor guide....Research on forest use of biosolids....

Beyond EMS:  Lessons from the First Certified Agency
Orange County Sanitation District (OCSD) in southern California was the first organization to become certified under the National Biosolids Partnership (NBP) Environmental Management System (EMS) program.  This from an OCSD news release:

Implementing and maintaining the NBP certification over the last 15 years has helped OCSD’s biosolids program blossom into an effective, award-winning program that will remain strong. In light of our program’s maturation and the strengthened regulatory oversight now in place in Southern California and Arizona, OCSD is developing and utilizing an internal standard. As a result, OCSD withdrew from the NBP certification program in November 2015....   More...

In Brief / en bref...

  • Final Federal Implementation Plan for the new U. S. EPA air emissions regulations for sewage sludge incinerators (SSI)...

  • Proposed amended standard in Massachusetts for molybdenum (Mo) in biosolids that are land applied...

  • Fitchburg, MA is considering reactivating its Westerly wastewater treatment plant for anaerobic digestion...

  • Special biosolids edition of NYWEA's Clearwaters...

  • WERF and WateReuse Research Foundation have merged...

  • Court case update: Los Angeles et al. vs. Kern County, California

  • VT DEC has a new website..

  • Water quality continues to be in the spotlight in the Green Mountain State...

  • Philadelphia is requiring in-sink disposers in new residential buildings...

Read the details...


Reporting from the WEF Residuals & Biosolids Conference, Milwaukee
The industry most people associate with Milwaukee – beer – is all about water.   But to those in biosolids management, the most famous thing here is Milorganite®, which is celebrating its 90th year in 2016. Milorganite® was a focus of this year’s annual WEF Residuals & Biosolids Conference...   More...

MA: Regulating P in Biosolids & Soils
For most of the past year, NEBRA's Reg/Leg and Research Committees have been working to understand and comment on the new Massachusetts nutrient regulation, 330 CMR 31.00.  In December, NEBRA met with the authors of the regulation, staff of the MA Dept. of Agricultural Resources (MDAR).  The core concern is to what extent the regulation's restrictions on phosphorus (P) additions to soils will impede markets for biosolids and other organic residuals.  NEBRA supports the goal of the regulation and the legislation that drove it - keeping P out of surface waters. 


Gilmanton NH Votes to Support Farms & Biosolids
After a heated debate locally and in print and online newspapers, the citizens of Gilmanton, NH, in the lakes region of central New Hampshire (NH), chose to allow continued biosolids use, although the vote was close (close enough to lead to a recount). Several farmers, some of whom have used biosolids as a regular part of their operations for as much as 20 years, were vocal in opposing a proposed ban brought by referendum by several voters.  The proposal was driven by concerns of neighbors near farms using biosolids.  They complained of odors and other nuisance issues.  Before the vote, the local Planning Board completed its required review of the proposed ordinance (which was to be a part of zoning) and voted to oppose it.  The March 8, 2016 ballot vote defeated the proposed ordinance.

Despite the victory in defense of biosolids, the issue in Gilmanton has not gone away, and some town leaders and citizens are seeking to further address citizens' concerns.  As in other local conflicts, ongoign discontent can continue as long as any significant parties's concerns remain unresolved. 

See NEBRA's pre-vote coverage.

In Brief / en bref....

  • EPA Biosolids Program Update

  • NY DEC Releases Draft Update of Solid Waste Rules; biosolids included - comments due by July 15th.

  • Vermont DEC sent its required biosolids report to the Legislature on January 16, 2016.

  • Microbeads banned in Canada.

  • Bridgewater, MA is considering implementing local restrictions on biosolids/septage use.

  • In Massachusetts, drug companies are now responsible for where their products end up.

  • Meanwhile, U. S. FDA is being urged to steer away from recommending flushing of any drugs.

  • The BNQ Compost Quality Standard has been revised.

  • In Quebec, ash from sewage sludge incinerators (SSIs) can now be used as a fertilizer.

  • Demonstrating significant benefits of biosolids use in Ontario

  • Local biosolids debates continue in Western New York.

Read all the details...

Urban Soils - New Research Published
A Special Section of the January, 2016, Journal of Environmental Quality focuses on "Soil in the City."  The introduction states: "This special section comprises 12 targeted papers... to make available much needed information about the characteristics of urban soils. Innovative ways to mitigate the risks from pollutants and to improve the soil quality using local resources are discussed. Such practices include the use of composts and biosolids to grow healthy foods, reclaim brownfields, manage stormwater, and improve the overall ecosystem functioning of urban soils.

"These papers provide a needed resource for educating policymakers, practitioners, and the general public about using locally available resources to restore fertility, productivity, and ecosystem functioning of degraded urban land to revitalize metropolitan areas for improving the overall quality of life for a large segment of a rapidly growing urban population." 

The papers are from the “Soil in the City— 2014” conference organized by the W-2170 Committee – USDA’s Sponsored Multi-State Research Project on Soil-Based Use of Residuals, Wastewater, & Reclaimed Water. coverage of one paper on lead...

More at JEQ....

Or contact NEBRA for more...

PA Supreme Court: Biosolids Use Is a "Normal Agricultural Activity"
In late December, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court unanimously ruled in favor of biosolids management company Synagro and farmers who use biosolids, finding that biosolids recycling on farms is a "normal agricultural practice" and is therefore protected from untimely and burdensome litigation.   The case, known as Gilbert v. Synagro, has been watched closely by biosolids managers and farmers, because it occurred in a large, agricultural state in the eastern U. S., where conflict over biosolids and other farming practices continue to fester in areas where suburban growth has spread into traditional farming areas.  Right-To-Farm Acts exist in some form in every state.  Municipalities everywhere are now clearly on notice that arbitrary ordinances interfering with agricultural uses of biosolids may be unlawful, depending on the specific provisions of a state's right-to-farm law.  More...

WinnerBiosolidsAwardJan2016 copy.jpg

NEBRA Recognized by Biosolids Management Award
On Wednesday, January 27th, at its Annual Conference, NEWEA presents its annual Biosolids Management Award to NEBRA's Ned Beecher, who has been Executive Director since the organization's inception in 1998. 

Microbeads Banned
With little fanfare, just as 2015 ended, President OBama signed into law a bill banning microbeads in consumer products.  Environmental concerns had been mounting for years regarding these tiny bits of plastic used as exfoliants in personal care products (see 2014 New York State Attorney General's report).  Several states had already banned them, and the recent federal action was a rare recent showing of bipartisanship action.  The ban becomes effective July 1, 2017.  Several of the largest consumer products companies had already pledged to phase out use of microbeads.

The ban will help protect the quality of wastewater treatment effluent and biosolids.

See media coverage: Business Insider, CNN

NH Legislature Considers Studying Septage - Again
The New Hampshire Legislature is considering a bill (HB 1398) that would establish a commission to study septage management.  The bill was introduced by legislators from the Newport area in the central western part of the state.  There controversy has been swirling since last spring over a proposed new septage land application site.  The local Planning Board has introduced a zoning change that would restrict septage land application, and a court case is in process. 

At a legislative hearing before the House Environment & Agriculture Committee on January 19th, NEBRA and several septage management professionals testified strongly against setting up a legislative study commission, noting that the legislature and the NH Department of Environmental Services (DES) have studied septage and biosolids management for much of the past two decades.  At the hearing, DES also recommended that the bill be voted down.  NEBRA's letter noted that the local concerns in Newport should be worked out locally and not played out at the state level.  Testimony by the NH Association of Septage Haulers and Paul Johnson of Best Septic explained the practices required in septage management that ensure its safety and benefits to crops. 

The E & A Committee has not yet scheduled further action on HB 1398.

NEBRA members can view NEBRA's testimony on the Reg/Leg Committee webpage.

Organic Residuals - News from Quebec

  • Montreal food scrap recovery plan...

  • Pulp and paper mill residuals use & disposal...

  • Compiled research studies...

  • Wood ash recycling...


In Brief / en bref... 

  • Congratulations to the Rich Earth Institute (REI) and lead author Abe Noe-Hays for an article on their Brattleboro, VT – based urine diversion program and research...

  • Two wood-to-energy plants in Maine will close in March...

  • Food scraps & other organic "wastes" are a tough market...

  • Philadelphia is now requiring new home construction to include installation of in-sink food disposers that grind food scraps and send them into the wastewater collection and treatment system...



New Hampshire Finalizes New "Sludge" Regulations
On December 17th, the NH Dept. of Environmental Services (NHDES) completed the final major step of the rulemaking process for new rules governing biosolids, short paper fiber, and other “sludges” in New Hampshire. More...

Quebec MDDELCC photos

Quebec MDDELCC photos

Quebec Publishes Updated Regulations & Guidance for Biosolids & Residuals Recycling
In December 2015, the Quebec environment ministry published the 4th edition of its "Guide for Recycling of Fertilizing Residuals" (French version here).  As noted in the preface, this edition comes 31 years after Quebec's first "Guide on Best Practices for Agricultural Use of Municipal Sludges" (September 1984).  The new requirements go into effect February 15, 2016.  The ministry plans to hold a training on January 20 & 21, 2016, in Quebec City....  More...

NEBRA Continues Quest To Understand MA Nutrient Regulations
On December 5, 2015, the new Massachusetts plant nutrient management regulations went into effect for agriculture. The portions of the new regulation pertaining to turf grass had gone into effect in June, 2015.  Much of this year, NEBRA staff and members have been trying to learn from the agency responsible for the regulations – the Massachusetts Dept. of Agricultural Resources (MDAR) – to what extent the regulations apply to biosolids and other organic residuals and to what lands they apply. On December 10th, several NEBRA members held productive discussions with MDAR staff at MDAR's offices in Boston....  More...

One Year Into The Massachusetts Organics Landfill Ban
Massachusetts is looking back on its first year of the landfill ban on organics.  MassDEP has done a fine job advancing the program, as recognized by U. S. EPA's "Food Recovery Challenge."  MassDEP's John Fischer and others have compiled initial draft data on food waste diversion from disposal in 2014.  More...

Vermont DEC Announces Formation of Advisory Committee as Next Step in Biosolids Rulemaking
On December 10th, the Vermont Dept. of Environmental Conservation held a public meeting to present a “white paper” on the science and experience of biosolids management in Vermont. Eamon Twohig (DEC), one of the authors of the white paper, presented a summary of the scientific literature review included in the white paper.  Ernie Kelley, manager of the DEC wastewater program, announced that the next step in the Department's slowly-developing rule-making process is to convene an Advisory Committee. About 50 wastewater and biosolids professionals attended the meeting, many providing comments on the white paper and upcoming rulemaking process.

In Brief / en bref...

  • Integrated Resource Management (IRM) is in progress at New Bedford, MA, according to a presentation by Jason Turgeon, EPA Region 1, at BioCycle REFOR15 conference last month. See presentation here.

  • The Soil Prep biosolids facility in Plymouth, ME still generating odor complaints...

  • The New York town of Marilla has spent $155,000+ trying to keep out biosolids, according to Town Board figures cited by the Buffalo News.

  • EPA has released the TMDL of the Vermont portion of Lake Champlain.

  • And Vermont has an implementation plan...

  • Mining metals in wastewater: Recently, there have been several papers published regarding measured levels of precious metals in wastewater solids. Now, Thames Water in the UK has taken interest. This London Telegraph article indicates considerable potential value. The unanswered question from this and former investigations is whether or not recovering the valuable metal(s) is cost-effective. This article cites recovery of gold from incinerator ash in Nagano, Japan. But it is important to note that that location has industries that use gold, enriching the wastewater. Nevertheless, despite our earlier skepticism, evidence is mounting that there may precious metals in enough concentration to be cost-effectively recovered in at least some locations. The challenge this raises is whether metals recovery can be done as part of processes that lead to beneficial uses of the other resources in biosolids (e.g. nutrients, organic matter), or whether incineration is required to concentrate the metals. Stay tuned...

FDA Finalizes Produce Safety Rule
Biosolids = an accepted practice

In Brief/en bref...

  • Vermont releases draft White Paper on biosolids management

  • Western New York biosolids debate

  • Energy projects at wastewater & water facilities are focus of research projects

  • Plastic microbeads are banned in California

  • Vitriolic biosolids debate in British Columbia begins to see constructive dialogue

  • Capturing and moving phosphorus out of distressed watersheds...


EPA Electronic Reporting Rule Finalized
...Includes Biosolids Reports
On September 24, 2015, Administrator Gina McCarthy signed the final National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Electronic Reporting Rule for publication in the Federal Register.... This rule will replace most paper-based Clean Water Act (CWA) NPDES permitting and compliance monitoring reporting requirements with electronic reporting... biosolids reporting included.  More...

NY Dept. of Agriculture & Markets Enforces Right to Farm
Biosolids Use in Western NY Town Upheld

On August 26th, the New York State agriculture department (DAM) enforced the state's "right-to-farm" provisions by telling the Town of Bennington not to enforce its ban on land application of biosolids (treated sewage sludge).  The request for DAM review was instigated when Travco Farms was denied by the Town its right to use biosolids from nearby quasar energy group anaerobic digestion facilities.  Bennington's Local Law No. 1, created in 2014, "prohibits the disposal of any sludge, sewage sludge, or septage from sources outside of the Town of Bennington."  The local law is, essentially, illegal.  More...

NO P:  MA Nutrient Management Regulations Take Effect
In 2014, the Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources (MDAR) proposed a new fertilizer nutrient management regulation focused on reducing phosphorus (P) runoff and leaching that contribute to eutrophication of surface waters. Now, pressure to get the regulation in place led to MDAR suddenly promulgating a final regulation (330 CMR 31.00) late this spring with the first effective date – for fertilization of turf – being June 5, 2015.   The agricultural parts of the regulation go into effect on December 5, 2015. More...

NY Court Finds Biosolids Recycling is an "Agricultural Activity"
In 2012 and 2013, quasar energy group's Sustainable Biopower subsidiary applied for a permit from the NY State Dept. of Environmental Conservation (DEC) for anaerobic digestate (biosolids) storage on a farm in the town of Marilla, southeast of Buffalo.  DEC received over 100 public comments on the application, and the town, spurred by local opposition, took a stand against the project.  On March 7, 2014, DEC approved the permit.  In June of that year, the Town filed a "law & rules" review petition, claiming that DEC's decision on the permit was "capricious" and unlawful.

On August 24th, 2015, the State Supreme Court, Erie County, dismissed Marilla's claims, finding in favor of DEC, Sustainable Biopower, and the farmer on most of the legal technical questions (e.g. statute of limitations) and on substantive issues.  Most notably, the court noted that the proposed storage of biosolids is an "agricultural activity," which is protected in agricultural zones (the specific farm is so zoned).  The DEC permit remains in place.  Read the decision.

Meanwhile, in the nearby town of Lockport, a moratorium on biosolids use is under consideration.

Dalhousie University Biosolids Research Symposium
Dalhousie University held a research symposium on June 11, 2015 at which a team of researchers from around eastern Canada - led by Gordon Price - presented their findings regarding multi-year field and laboratory trials of alkaline-stabilized biosolids (ASB) applied to soils....

Prions, TSEs, Alzheimer's, and Biosolids
Recently, there has been online coverage suggesting that biosolids recycling to soils may contribute to prion-related or similar diseases.  This coverage is being cited by citizens concerned about biosolids recycling projects, and biosolids managers are once again learning about another bogus claim.  There was a similar public discussion of this same topic about 10 years ago....

In Brief / en bref - July 2015
New WERF energy report... NEBRA presents at NACSETAC... Yale's Jordon Peccia publishes provocative paper... Washington Supreme Court... Pyrolysis of paper mill residuals...

Mattabassett District Celebrates Completion of Incinerator Upgrades

5/30/15 & 6/30/15
Biosolids in Western New York: Continuing Local Politics & Legal Battles

In Brief/en bref... Pharmaceutical waste management
Local laws that require drug manufacturers to pay for the disposal of unwanted drugs have been found to be constitutional.  In May 2015, the U. S. Supreme Court refused to review an appeals court ruling regarding a California community's producer responsibility drug disposal ordinance.  Details from the Product Stewardship Institute.

Biosolids Legislation & Regulation 2015
A summary of key developments in legislation and regulations related to biosolids and residuals in this region.  Contact the NEBRA office for the latest information.

Manure Case Law & the Importance of Nutrient Management Planning
A federal court in Yakima, WA ruled in January that a dairy farm is liable for over-application of nutrients that impacted groundwater quality with nitrate pollution.  This new case law puts a heightened emphasis on formal nutrient management plans - and carefully following them.  Most biosolids are applied in accordance with such plans....

Vermont House Passes Major Water Quality Legislation
Vermont is trying to get serious about reducing phosphorus (P) inputs to Lake Champlain, and the wastewater treatment profession is being heard....

Western NY Biosolids Debate: An Update
The public debate continues about land application of biosolids from anaerobic digesters in western New York state.  Here are recent developments....

In Brief / en bref...
More 2015 Legislation...  U. S. EPA has published the final report on its 2011 biennial review... Gold in them thar... sludge...  And there are drugs too...  Demonstrated Energy Neutrality Leadership...  "Maximize the use of anaerobic digestion capacity at NYC DEP's wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs)....

The 2015 Legislative Season
Local control, odors, and microbeads are being considered in New York, North Carolina, and Maine. 

What's Happening with Biosolids at U. S. EPA?
An update on biennial reviews, the Targeted National Sewage Sludge Survey data, and other EPA projects related to biosolids - what's planned for 2015.

In Brief / en bref...
Odor issue in Ohio... new video & approach to communications for Region of Waterloo, ON... gold in wastewater... Kern County, CA update... Professional Composter certification program coming soon....

Triple Bottom Line (TBL) For Biosolids Management
The Water Environment Research Foundation (WERF) has published "Triple Bottom Line Evaluation of Biosolids Management Options," providing guidance on bringing environmental and social criteria into decision-making regarding biosolids management options.  A NEBRA team played a large role in this project.

EPA NPDES Electronic Reporting Rule Update
Revised proposed rule released in December
Webinar January 20th
Comments due January 30th

In 2013, U. S. EPA proposed a new rule requiring electronic reporting of NPDES information and reports, which include biosolids reports. How would the updated proposed rule affect biosolids management? 

In Brief / en bref... January 2015
Vermont still plagued by indecision about biosolids.... Marlborough, MA and WeCare are in conflict... Spent foundry sand: another residual (inorganic) available for soil use... Developing solutions for developing communities...  The quasar energy group continues its efforts for biosolids land application in western New York state...  Kern County, CA takes quiet steps to restrict biosolids land application... Annual U. S. Biosolids Reports...

Call for Innovative Wastewater Technologies for Consideration at the WEF/WERF Forum on Intensification of Resource Recovery  (WEF News Release) - Deadline January 16
The Water Environment Federation (WEF) and the Water Environment Research Foundation (WERF) are currently seeking cutting-edge wastewater treatment technologies that provide intensification of resource recovery, including recovery of energy, nutrients, water, and other products. A forum will be held in August; submissions of technology presentations are due January 16, 2015.

Biosolids Trace Chemicals Research Happening in This Region
Gordon Price discusses research he started in 2008

U. S. FDA - Update to Proposed Food Safety Rules
In September, the U. S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) released updated versions of several rules related to food safety.

Ebola - Latest Guidance for Wastewater & Biosolids
Opportunity to support research on ebola & wastewater
As previously noted, the U. S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) issued ebola guidance for wastewater workers. Some in the wastewater management community have gone further in considering the potential risks and best worker safety practices. 

In Brief / en bref...
...BNQ comments due...quasar v. Wheatfield...Annual biosolids reports guidance...Introducing Transaqua...Biogenic carbon...

Updates on 3 Significant Biosolids Court Cases
News from three ongoing biosolids court cases - in Washington state, California, and Pennsylvania.

Ebola - Update for Wastewater & Biosolids Workers
Interim information on the potential risks from ebola virus, should further cases occur in the North America.

Compost Council of Canada Conference Celebrates Nova Scotia & Its Leadership in Organics Recycling
24th National Compost Conference Held in Halifax

Developing International "Sludge" Standards
Canada hosts workshop and meetings of the ISO Technical Committee 275, which is developing standards for biosolids.

The Final Act for Kern County's Biosolids Ban?
“The time has come to issue a permanent injunction against Kern County Measure E..."

They're Here: Food Waste Disposal Bans
VT Began July 1;  MA Begins Oct. 1
Support by environmental groups echoes arguments for biosolids recycling.

Summer 2014: Some Biosolids Programs Under Seige
Every year, during peak agricultural activity across the continent, as biosolids are land applied like other fertilizers, there are scattered odor complaints and conflicts with neighbors that make it into the media.  But this summer seemed to have more biosolids controversy...

Maine DEP Finalizes New Odor Regulations
Maine facilities that compost or otherwise process wastewater solids and septage will have to follow new, strict odor standards in early 2015 when new provisions take effect.

New Book by David Lewis, PhD
Released in June 2014: a new book by microbiologist and former EPA employee David Lewis, PhD.

Use It Or Lose It
Andrew Carpenter, President of NEBRA, presented "Maximizing Biosolids Benefits to Soils" on May 20, 2014, at the annual WEF Residuals and Biosolids Conference in Austin, TX.

Biosolids on Vermont Farm
Biosolids land application on an Essex Junction, VT farm was demonstrated during Vermont's Water Quality Day on May 23, 2014.

Update: Triclosan & Other Trace Chemicals in Biosolids
Biosolids contain traces of chemicals used in our daily lives.  But research continues to indicate negiligible human health risks from such traces in biosolids.  Triclosan is an example of a chemical that should probably be phased out, in part because it taints public perception of biosolids.

LAWPCA Wins Environmental Excellence Award
In May, 2014, Lewiston-Auburn Water Pollution Control Authority (LAWPCA) won another honor for its AD & CHP program.

NEBRA Responds to Proposed MA Fertilizer Regulations
The NEBRA Regulatory & Legislative Committee and NEBRA Board responded quickly in late March to draft fertilizer regulations proposed by the Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources (MADAR).

EPA Sewage Sludge Incinerator Regulation Update
A March, 2014 update from the EPA Office of Air Quality Planning & Standards includes information on the ongoing litigation and how the Agency is addressing gasification and use of biosolids as a fuel source as the sewage sludge incineration regulations are implemented....

Montreal Round Table: What to Do with Organics?
A Montreal round table discussion in February 2014 began the discussion of co-management of biosolids and other organics....

Whole Foods Biosolids Policy – Where to Now?
The natural grocer Whole foods and water and wastewater professionals have common ground but can they have an uncommon dialog?

Duke University Research Implicates Biosolids - Without Even Testing Them
Duke University researchers are hoping to help improve the screening of chemicals for their potential impacts on soils and the environment.  They have developed a quick and inexpensive bioassay system that uses inhibition of denitrification activity in soil to detect impacts from chemicals such as the anti-microbial triclosan (TCS, commonly used in soaps).  They reported their research in a January paper in Environmental Science & Technology.

PR Watch Uses Whole Foods to Attack Biosolids
The supermarket chain Whole Foods was targeted by PR Watch over the past year in an organized campaign against biosolids recycling.... News and commentary by Ned Beecher, NEBRA

Quebec Takes Steps to Advance Organics Recycling
Quebec to eliminate landfill disposal of organics by 2020.

Titles of articles prior to 2014

Contact the NEBRA office for copies of articles that do not have live links.

Vermont Biosolids Forum - includes video
November 5, 2013 Vermont Forum on Biosolids Land Application  •   Waterbury, VT

This forum was convened by the Vermont Dept. of Environmental Conservation (DEC).  It included ~80 stakeholders involved in biosolids management throughout the state, including farmers, solid waste managers, wastewater treatment facility personnel, biosolids management companies, and NEBRA - all of whom spoke in support of recycling biosolids to soils in accordance with current regulations.  These presentations provide excellent testimony on the benefits and safety of using modern biosolids as soil amendments and fertilizers. Two attendees spoke against the practice.  At the forum, DEC announced its plan to begin the process of updating the state's biosolids management regulations.

NEBRA Comments on Federal Rules
FDA Food Safety Regulations & EPA Electronic Reporting Rule

North East Residuals & Biosolids Conference
From 503 to Infinity the NE Residuals and Biosolids Conference

16th Annual Meeting of the NEBRA Membership
NEBRA Board and Officers Elected!

Urine Diversion - Liquid Gold!
Urine Diverting Toilets a new way to recycle...

Maine DEP Proposes Odor Standards for Composting and Septage Facilities
Maine DEP Odor Standards

Massachusetts Organics Waste Ban Update
As long promised, the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) has proposed a regulatory change that "would add 'commercial organic material' to the list of materials banned from disposal...

Beyond the Recycle Bin
October NERC Newsletter

In the back of the kitchen, the garage, the basement, or the mudroom, most of us have our sorting bins.  Somehow, as we become more progressive in our recycling, our bins become more interesting.  In my pantry, my recycling bins fit my way of thinking.  There is compost, glass, metal, plastic, and paper.  This variety could make me a little smug, but they are also a reflection of how far my little New England town has come in their way of thinking about what was formerly thought of as waste.

MA WPCA Trade Show - What do you do with your biosolids?
Massachusetts water resource recovery facilities need more options for biosolids management.

Why Biosolids Organizations Are Needed And Why You Should Be Involved!
Biosolids regional groups & committees - Resources for your biosoilds management programs....

Biogas Data Website Upgrade
NEBRA announces upgrade to biogas data website.

MassDEP Releases Draft Organics Waste Ban
MassDEP has formally proposed a ban on landfilling certain organics (food waste).

Quebec Report on Food Industry Organic Waste
Quebec's environment ministry has a new report on the production and management of food industry organic waste.

A Postcard from the WEF Residuals & Biosolids Conference, May, in Nashville
The annual WEF Residuals & Biosolids Conference was the usual stimulating blur of information and new and old friends - talks, exhibits, learning, chance & formal meetings, negotiating deals, slides, energy...
ME Legislature Adjusts Fertilizer Law for Biosolids
At the end of May, both houses of the Maine legislature passed LD 1009, which provides for exemptions and flexibility for biosolids under the state's commercial fertilizer law and its labeling requirements. 

MassDEP Reforms Small Part of Sludge Rules
More than 20 years ago, the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) adopted regulations for the land application of "sludges."  Soon after, the U. S. EPA adopted the Part 503 regulations for biosolids management.  Since then, MassDEP has never updated the state regulations, and some of the state standards conflict with those in Part 503. 
Member Highlight: LAWPCA Nears Completion of Anaerobic Digesters and Cogeneration Plant!
by Maggie Finn, Administrative & Project Assistant
In April, I had the pleasure of visiting the Lewiston Auburn Water Pollution Control Authority (LAWPCA) for a biosolids composting workshop, sponsored by JETCC.  The workshop was well run and informative and a highlight was a tour of the new anaerobic digester and cogeneration Infrastructure, which is under construction at the Lewiston facility.   Mac Richardson, long time superintendent, NEBRA member, and forward thinker gave a spectacular tour to workshop attendees.   The two new digesters are nearing completion, and the flexible membrane biogas storage tank was inflated and almost ready for use.  Sparks were flying and there was an undercurrent of excitement as the hard-hat-clad workers hurried about their business.

David Lewis, PhD, Shifts Focus
In the 1990s and early 2000s, David Lewis, PhD, a microbiologist with U. S. EPA and the University of Georgia, was a vocal scientist in opposition to the use of biosolids (treated sewage sludge) on soils.  His limited research addressed a few valid concerns, but was based on minimal direct observation and amounted to only a few papers in the thousands of published research papers on the topic.  Yet it continues to be cited and has had impact reducing public support of effective biosolids recycling programs.  Now, Dr. Lewis is back in the news for speaking out in defense of a discredited doctor in the UK.

Health Effects of Treated Sewage Sludge/Biosolids
New research report released...
In mid March, 2013, the University of North Carolina reported on research purportedly linking health effects to treated sewage sludge/biosolids land application in the Southeast. Many public wastewater treatment utility professionals and others managing biosolids are concerned about sensationalized news reports of this study.
Two Legal Victories in Defense of Biosolids: York County, PA • Kern County, CA
A York County, PA court has dismissed a legal case brought by neighbors against Synagro, a farmer, and a landowner regarding the use of biosolids on a 220-acre farm in New Freedom, PA.  Meanwhile, a Court of Appeals in Fresno, CA supported an injunction against Kern County’s biosolids ban.

Microconstituents - Recent Research in the News
Notable research continues regarding pharmaceuticals, personal care product chemicals, nanoparticles, and other "microconstituents" in biosolids and what impacts, if any, they may have.  NEBRA covered this topic in a May, 2011 Info Update.

The Challenges and Pleasures of Collecting Biogas Data
An inside story about the creation of by NEBRA Project Assistant Maggie Finn...

Update: MA Organics Regulations & Policy
In November, the Massachusetts Dept. of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) promulgated updated final rules (310 CMR 16) intended to streamline the siting of moderate-sized anaerobic digesters and composting facilities...

National Biosolids Partnership - Changing....
The National Biosolids Partnership, administered by WEF, announced staffing changes in early January, 2013....

Rate of Biosolids Recycling Climbs in Quebec

U. S. Food & Drug Administration Challenges Antimicrobials
FDA Requesting triclosan (TCS) and triclorcarban (TCC) removal.

Legislation 2012
New laws restricting phosphorus (P) in fertilizers take effect in CT and NY; VT adopts new solid waste management law.

Massachusetts "Digester Day"& NEWEA's Energy Conference
Back-to-back events in May highlighted the continued interest in anaerobic digestion (AD) in this region.

Microconstituents / PPCPs / TORCs / EDCs...
Whatever we call them, interest in trace chemicals in wastewater, biosolids, and other organic residuals (e.g. manures) remains high.  What is their fate? Do they have any impacts?

Biosolids Oversight Cuts in EPA 2013 Budget
The U. S. EPA Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance (OECA) released its draft budget in February, in which it calls for a further disinvestment in the biosolids program.  

Land Applier Certification
New Study Guide now available from WEF.

Updated RI Biosolids Regulations Effective January 4, 2012
Rhode Island  has new “Rules and Regulations for Sewage Sludge Management.”  They replace regulations adopted in April 1997.

EPA Clarifies Parts of Boiler/Incinerator Rules
On December 2, 2011, U. S. EPA’s air office reopened some of the air emissions regulations affecting combustion of non-hazardous solid waste that had been finalized last March.   The current action proposes some limited regulation revisions.  Municipal sewage sludge incinerators (SSIs) are not affected by the December action; however, pulp and paper mill residuals are.

MA DEP Proposes New Organics Rules
MA DEP intends to increase the capacity for managing source-separated organics outside of landfills.  The proposed new rules are intended to help.

Halifax Lifts Moratorium on Local Biosolids Use
Halifax Regional Municipality (HRM) has received an independent, scientific review of its biosolids management program.  At its meeting October 25th, the Council followed the report’s recommendations and lifted the 1-year moratorium on local use of biosolids in Halifax.

Report from the 6th Canadian Biosolids and Residuals Conference
This every-two-year conference draws biosolids expertise from across Canada.  This year, it was staged in lovely Quebec City and thus involved many from ‘la belle province,' with simultaneous translation.

Moncton Sewerage Commission Deals with Scrutiny…. and Looks to the Future
A provincial auditor general’s report, released in mid-October, criticized the Greater Moncton Sewerage Commission (GMSC) for “spending too much on travel, communications” and other expenses it claims were not core to the Commission’s mission.  GMSC has responded.

Update on Halifax Biosolids Discussion
The Nova Scotia media continue to cover biosolids....

NEBRA Project Updates
Over the years, NEBRA has had the good fortune of being involved in interesting research efforts.  Projects we get involved in must be consistent with our mission:  promoting the environmentally sound and publicly supported recycling of biosolids and other organic residuals.  Current work advancing biogas utilization and environmental management systems for biosolids are right on target.

Anaerobic Digestion Research at Univ. of Mass.
Research at UMass Amherst has the potential to advance sustainability in wastewater treatment...

Canada Looks at Harmonized Biosolids Policy
The Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (CCME) is developing a policy statement for biosolids that is intended to "harmonize" the approaches used by the various provinces....

Insinkerator Provides Detailed LCA
In 2011, Insinkerator published a Life Cycle Assessment of various management options for food waste....

In Brief / En bref…
....short news bits from NEBRAMail, 12 October 2011:

Yale Research Advances Understanding of Biosolids Pathogen Risk
In recent years, Dr. Jordan Peccia’s research group at Yale University has been one of several focusing on pathogens in biosolids land application systems.  In June 2011, a paper from the Peccia group was published in Environmental Science & Technology (ES&T).

Canadian TV Show Touts Human Waste Recycling
Quebec's Radio Canada show “109” ("cent-neuf") recently aired and produced a two-part documentary on the growing interest in using human waste for fertilizer and for energy.

What California Does with Biosolids
At the WEF Residuals and Biosolids Conference in Sacramento in May, 2011, Todd Jordan of Carollo Engineers and the CA Water Environment Association summarized biosolids management in the Golden State...

Research Shows Benefits of Saguenay Biosolids
Saguenay, Quebec has been land applying biosolids for 20 years, and research demonstrates its safety and benefits...

Quebec Updates Recycling Goals
Quebec has updated its recycling plan, which includes a ban on landfilling organics by 2020....

Brattleboro Upgrades = Class A & Energy
Brattleboro, VT is upgrading to Class A biosolids and combined heat & power (CHP)...

NH Biomass Plants Threatened
Wood-fired powerplants seeking fair pricing contracts...

Gilmanton, NH Rejects Biosolids Ban
Voters side with farmers...

U. S. EPA Defers GHG Tailoring Rule for Biomass
U. S. EPA proposes to exempt biogenic CO2 emissions from the Tailoring Rule for three years...

Saguenay, Québec Celebrates 20 Years of Biosolids Recycling
Biosolids utilization bears fruit....

EPA Finalizes New Rules Affecting Sewage Sludge Incinerators
On February 21, 2011, U. S. EPA finalized new Clean Air Act (CAA) regulations affecting sewage sludge incinerators (SSIs).

EPA Given One-Month Extension for Finalizing Sewage Sludge Incinerator Clean Air Rules
The U.S. District Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia has granted EPA just one month, rather than more than a year, to finalize the sewage sludge incinerator rules...

Update on Research On Tracking Reported Incidents of Health Impacts from Biosolids
In July 2003, the Water Environment Research Foundation (WERF) "research summit" involving diverse stakeholders identified as a top priority the need to track and investigate reports of human health symptoms around biosolids land application sites....

Kern County, CA Continues to Debate Biosolids
At least as far back as 1999, Kern County has seen land application of biosolids from Los Angeles and other southern California urban centers....

More Research and Policy on Microconstituents
This topic has been a regular in NEBRAMail for several years (scroll down this page to see NEBRA coverage).  Here are some recent (January 2011) findings....

EPA Seeks New Timetables for Finalizing Air Rules Affecting Sewage Sludge Incinerators
EPA has asked the DC District Court for an extension of the deadline to finalize the proposed Clean Air Act rules that would affect sewage sludge incinerators.  As of December 29, 2010, the Court had not decided, and EPA staff were working hard to meet the current January 14, 2011 court-ordered deadline for finalizing the rules....

A Call for More Use of Human Excreta
Goal is to Address Peak Phosphorus Concerns....
A December 2010 report from the UK Soil Association urges mining P from wastewater.... Learn more about the report and see NEBRA's comments....

Another Nova Scotia Update
Discussion of biosolids continues in Nova Scotia....

Biosolids Rule Updates Planned in New England
At the 2010 North East Residuals and Biosolids Conference in November, state biosoilds coordinators from around New England discussed plans to update state biosolids/residuals regulations....

2010 Conference is History! - Except for Presentations Online!
The energy was high at this year’s annual northeast residuals conference....

LAWPCA Celebrates EMS!
On September 23rd, the Lewiston-Auburn Water Pollution Control Authority celebrated a couple of years of hard work on the part of the management and staff putting in place a biosolids Environmental Management System (EMS).

LAWPCA Advances Toward Digestion & CHP
At a meeting September 8th,  the LAWPCA Board voted to move ahead with final design for anaerobic digesters and a combined heat and power (CHP) system at the local wastewater treatment facility.

EPA Tightens Rules for Sewage Sludge Incinerators
After proposing a rule that would define sewage sludge that is combusted as a “solid waste," U. S. EPA took the next expected step and proposed new air emission standards (MACT standards) for sewage sludge incinerators (SSI) in accordance with Section 129 of the Clean Air Act.  More...

NH Nixes Troublesome Composting Bill
The New Hampshire House Environment & Agriculture Committee (E & A) voted 14 – 0 last week to not recommend a commercial (non-biosolids) composting bill (HB 1575) for legislation in the future.

Nova Scotia’s Biosolids Debate: An Update
Protests against the land application of biosolids continue in Nova Scotia, even as the Halifax biosolids land application program continues on many farms.

Trace Chemicals in Biosolids: WERF and Canadian Organizations Release Research Reviews
Several major reviews of the state of the science on trace chemicals (PPCPs, EDCs, TOrCs, etc.) in biosolids have been released recently.

More About Trace Contaminants / Microconstituents
Trace organics, PPCPs, EDCs, TORCs, microconstituents... Whatever you call them, there is a lot of research happening now.

Producing Phosphorus Fertilizer from Biosolids
The Ostara process to produce phosphorus fertilizer from biosolids received coverage by CNN recently.

Provincial Biosolids Coordinators Advance Canadian Biosolids Program
The biosolids coordinators of the provincial environment ministries across Canada have been working together on various projects since 2008.  

Dr. David Lewis et al. Lose Another Case
On September 8, 2010, a federal trial court in Athens, Georgia dismissed a False Claims Act lawsuit brought against USEPA and University of Georgia biosolids researchers.

October 2010
WEAO Peers Into the Future
The Water Environment Association of Ontario (WEAO) hosted a seminar October 1st and 2nd in Burlington, ON on "Managing Biosolids Beyond 2010." NEBRA's Ned Beecher joined Mike Van Ham of Sylvis and Marc Hébert of the Québec ministry in the lead-off panel presentation that looked at key drivers likely to impact biosolids management in Ontario (and elsewhere) in the coming decades. A critical assumption is that biosolids are resources that contain water, organic matter, nutrients, and energy - and that maximizing the productive uses of these constituents is important in reaching for sustainable biosolids management programs.

Meanwhile, Congress Moves on Safe Drug Disposal Act of 2010
This summer, Congress took some steps to make it easier for drug take-back programs to operate.

Researching Plant Uptake of Microconstituents
Two recent media reports cited studies that have found uptake by plants of traces of a few microconstituents found in biosolids.

Another NH Town Considers Regulating Biosolids
Last winter, biosolids was a topic of debate in the New Hampshire towns of Belmont and Deering.  Now, Gilmanton, a neighbor to Belmont, is considering local regulation of biosolids.

Maine DEP Develops Odor Regulations
For two years, staff at the Maine Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) have been researching ways to measure odors from the variety of solid waste management operations the Department regulates, including biosolids treatment facilities and end use sites.  

Addressing Microconstituents by Product Stewardship
As noted in related articles, microconstituents in biosolids continues to be a hot topic of research.  That research is critical.  But....

Fate and Significance of Microconstituents
The Water Environment Association of Ontario (WEAO) has just released a new literature review Assessing the Fate and Significance of Microconstituents and Pathogens in Sewage Biosolids - Update of the 2001 WEAO Report on Fate and Significance.

Climate Registry Updates Local Government Operations Protocol
The Local Governmnet Operations Protocol, which provides guidance on inventorying greenhouse gas emissions, has been updated by The Climate Registry.

Composting Council of Canada Celebrates 20 Years!
The Composting Council of Canada is 20!

ME and RI Consider Changes to Biosolids Regulations
Maine and Rhode Island are beginning to plan some revisions to their biosolids regulations.

LAWPCA: 1st Public Agency in New England Certified for EMS
On July 14th, the NBP announced that the Lewiston-Auburn Water Pollution Control Authority (LAWPCA) has been certified for its biosolids EMS.

U. S. Supreme Court Denies L.A. Request for Review
In a June 1 order, the U. S. Supreme Court denied a petition for the Court to review the case of Los Angeles et al. v. Kern County et al.   

News from the WEF Residuals & Biosolids Conference
Savannah was hot, with some sudden squalls, during the WEF annual Residuals and Biosolids Conference last week.  More than 600 attendees were attracted by the conference focus on bioenergy, especially that from anaerobic digestion, which dominated the conference sessions (more than half addressed this topic), workshops, and meetings....

EPA Finalizes GHG Tailoring Rule
EPA has taken its second major step in regulating greenhouse gases (GHGs) as pollutants....

Drug Disposal – What’s the Right Message?
Now there is more information available regarding the disposal of pharmaceuticals...

Vancouver Olympics Helped by Wastewater Resources
Biosolids and wastewater - just tools in the sustainability toolbox...  

RMI Celebrates EMS Certification
The 2nd organization in the region - and first in New Hampshire - to have its EMS certified by independent audit!

New England Organics Hawk Ridge Composting Facility Achieves NBP Platinum Level EMS Status
Going platinum on biosolids Environmental Management System (EMS)...

Two NH Towns Ban Biosolids
At town meetings in March, two New Hampshire towns decided whether or not to allow local farmers to use biosolids.

Another Quebec Town Bans Biosolids
First Elgin, now...

Biosolids Debate Increases in Nova Scotia
“Environment Minister Sterling Belliveau on Thursday [April 8] attempted to allay public fears over using biosolids to fertilize farmland in the province,” according to the Chronicle Herald of Halifax.

Regional Biosolids Associations Support San Francisco Compost Program
(in part from NBMA)

Information on Microconstituents (PPCPs, EDCs) Increases
Research results are beginning to come in more quickly now regarding the presence and fate of microconstituents in wastewater and biosolids.

Kern County Case May Reach Supreme Court
Update on the ongoing legal dispute over Kern County's proposed ban on biosolids recycling...

NB Organics Management Company Envirem Survives
As Atcon, one of New Brunswick's largest home-grown conglomerates fell into bankruptcy this past winter, all Atcon companies except one have been placed in receivership by a Miramichi court.

More Halifax Biosolids This Summer
An update from a visit to the NViro facility at Halifax by Ned Beecher.

NH Legislative Committee Puts Compost Bill on Hold
A restrictive NH composting bill will have further study.

San Francisco Compost Criticized; NEBRA Responds
Late last year, the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) was criticized by the Center for Food Safety (CFS) for its biosolids compost give-away program. Because of the importance of biosolids composting programs in the northeast, NEBRA paid attention...

Op-Ed: More Information About Biosolids For Belmont
In mid-December, discussion heated up in Belmont, NH regarding the use of biosolids on farmland. 

Nova Scotia Adopts More Stringent Biosolids Guidelines
In a late summer news release, the Nova Scotia Department of Environment announced  stricter guidelines for the land-application and storage of municipal biosolids....

Ontario Adopts New Rules For Non-Agricultural Residuals
On September 18, 2009, the Ministry of the Environment and the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs jointly announced new rules and guidelines for applying non-agricultural source materials (NASM) to farmland. Changes to the management of non-agricultural source materials are designed to strengthen the rules and remove overlapping approval processes for farmers and generators of NASM.  The new rules establish consistent standards and requirements across the province which focus on the quality of the material being land-applied, ensuring it meets strict criteria and is beneficial to the soil. The revised regulations will cover all Ontario farms where non-agricultural source material will be applied.  NASM includes yard waste, fruit and vegetable peels, food processing waste, pulp and paper biosolids and sewage biosolids.

EPA Proposes Waste Energy Recovery Registry
U. S. EPA is proposing to create a volunteer Registry of Recoverable Waste Energy Sources that will help identify and prioritize development of these potential energy sources.  Wastewater treatment facilities with un- or under-utilized digester gas or heat from incineration are potential energy sources that could be identified in the Registry, if they choose to be.  Being part of the Registry may lead to the ability to participate in government incentives aimed at getting these renewable energy sources online.

EPA May Define Sewage Sludge/Biosolids as a Solid Waste
The U. S. EPA Office of Resource Conservation and Recovery (ORCR) – once known as the Office of Solid Waste –  is in the process of defining sewage sludge and biosolids as a solid waste – at least in some instances.   If the proposed change in definition is adopted – which now seems likely – the Office of Air and Radiation will likely begin regulating sewage sludge incinerators (SSIs) under the Clean Air Act (CAA) Section 129, rather than Section 112.   Section 129 applies to all materials defined as solid wastes.

USDA Proposes Biobased Product Consumer Label Rule
On July 31st, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced that the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is making it easier for consumers to identify biobased products through the release of its proposed BioPreferredSM labeling rule. USDA's BioPreferred labeling program, published in the Federal Register, intends to create a product label that would appear on qualifying BioPreferred biobased products.  Some biosolids products may be able to participate in this new program.

Additional perspective on using biosolids in Nova Scotia
There has been ongoing discussion of biosolids use on soils in Nova Scotia.  Several commentaries back and forth, including one from Dr. Murray McBride of Cornell Waste Management Institute,  triggered a response Op-Ed piece submitted to The Chronicle Herald (Halifax) by Ned Beecher of NEBRA. 

Nantucket Composting Operation Is First CCX Composting Carbon Emissions Offset Project
In April, CCX approved the first composting project under a new greenhouse gas emissions accounting protocol for projects that divert rapidly decomposing organic materials from landfills. The project was the Waste Options composting operation on Nantucket Island, Massachusetts....

Maine DEP: Gravel Pit Reclamation Project Very Unlikely To Have Impacted Neighbors’ Wells
This spring, in East Sangerville, ME, a gravel pit reclamation project was blamed as a potential contributor to complaints of illness amongst neighbors.  Residents of several area homes claim they share similar symptoms of “memory problems and muscle disorders” and believe the gravel pit reclamation may have been the cause, according to articles in the Bangor Daily News.
The 8-acre Barrett gravel pit reclamation project was conducted by New England Organics in the late 1990s, using paper mill residuals, ash, and biosolids.  Initial monitoring at the time revealed release of some pollutants to groundwater, notably arsenic from the native soil and nitrate, but not at dangerous levels. Continued monitoring into 2006 documented the return toward normal groundwater quality.  
This spring, when concerns were raised by area residents, ME DEP had independent testing done on area well water.  Nothing unusual was found: the groundwater meets drinking water standards and has for several years.  Regarding the possibility that harm may have been caused by elevated nitrate or arsenic levels documented by past tests, DEP and other scientists stated clearly that “there is no likely groundwater pathway.”  The shallow groundwater from under the reclamation site flows toward – “and likely discharges into” – a small brook that flows between the gravel pit and most area homes.

Ontario Proposes Regulation Change for Use of Biosolids and Other Residuals on Farms
The Ontario Ministry of Environment (MOE) and the Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) have proposed amendments to the General Nutrient Management Regulation (O. Reg. 267/03), under the Nutrient Management Act, for the management of non-agricultural source materials (NASM).  The intention is to improve the regulatory framework governing the application of NASM on agricultural land. This initiative proposes to manage biosolids as a NASM (nutrient source) under the NMA instead of as waste under the Environmental Protection Act.

Reminder: You Can Now Become an ABC-Certified Biosolids Land Applier
(from the Association of Boards of Certification)
The biosolids land application (BLA) certification program developed by the Association of Boards of Certification (ABC) was highlighted at the 2009 WEF Residuals and Biosolids Conference this spring in Portland, OR. The certification helps ensure protection of public health and the environment through certification and demonstrates professionalism and competency of industry professionals (
ABC, a non-profit organization established in 1972, is comprised of almost 100 member-certifying authorities from across the globe and works to advance water quality and integrity through certification. According to Suzanne De la Cruz, Chief Operating Officer, ABC’s biosolids certification program is unique to the industry.  Although all states in the U.S. have a certification or licensing program for wastewater treatment operators, only a few states offer land applier certification, she said. “Our program is among the first to provide this mechanism for individuals to demonstrate expertise in the field through certification, as their colleagues in wastewater treatment have done through state regulatory boards.”
During the development phase, ABC conducted a national job analysis of land appliers to identify essential job tasks performed by land appliers and the capabilities required to competently perform job tasks. We used the results of the job analysis as the foundation for the development of valid land application certification exams, said De la Cruz. The Need-to-Know Criteria (, contains the results of the analysis and is available for certification programs and trainers to help prepare land appliers for certification.
In order to be certified by ABC, a land applier must meet specific education, experience, and examination requirements for the level of which they are applying. Two levels of ABC certification are available:
Class I - Covers knowledge and skills required for field operators
Class II - Focuses on knowledge and skills required for managers
De la Cruz explains that in addition to meeting established requirements, examinees must pass an exam with a score of 70 percent or higher. Testing options are flexible and exams can be administered nationally and internationally. Contact ABC or NEBRA for further information.

Perfluorochemicals of Concern at Biosolids Land Application Site in Alabama
Last fall, perfluorochemicals (PFCs) were detected in Alabama agricultural soils that had received biosolids applications for the past dozen years.  These chemicals are used in fire-fighting foams, personal care and cleaning products, and repellant coatings on carpets, textiles, leather, and paper.  US EPA and state regulatory authorities have responded with a thorough investigation and abundant communications with area communities...
New BNQ Standards for Biosolids
The BNQ (Bureau de normalization du Québec) recently published new standards for municipal biosolids.  Two types of advanced treatment biosolids can now be certified: advanced alkaline biosolids and heat dried biosolids.  There is already a BNQ quality standard for composted biosolids.  BNQ standards are relied on throughout Canada.  Under Québec regulations, any biosolids certified by BNQ can be applied to any crop – including home gardens – without a certificate of approval.  The new biosolids BNQ standards address disinfection; levels of trace elements (metals), dioxins, and furans; product labeling; and recommendations for agronomic uses. The development of this standard required 3 years of work by a committee of volunteers led by Sylvain Allard of the BNQ and supported with funds from the Québec environment ministry and RECYC-Québec.  The standard can be purchased online, in French, for Can $74, at

New England Organics EMS is Certified by National Biosolids Partnership
Earlier this year, NEBRA member New England Organics (NEO) achieved two firsts in biosolids management.  When the National Biosolids Partnership certified the company’s Hawk Ridge Composting Facility’s Environmental Management System (EMS), it became the first private operation to achieve this honor and the first in New England.  As noted in the National Biosolids Partnership announcement: “As the 24th wastewater agency certified and admitted into the NBP EMS program and first in Maine, New England Organics’ achievement recognizes that the agency has been independently verified as having an effective biosolids environmental management system” (  
NEO began its work on EMS in early 2007, as part of a New England class of six, including Erving MA, Mechanic Falls ME, Lewiston-Auburn ME, Soil Preparation Inc. (ME), and Resource Management Inc. (NH).  With top management support, Mary Waring and Ann Thayer led the internal EMS effort at NEO, working closely with Hawk Ridge Compost Facility manager George Belmont, compost sales staff, and others throughout the organization.  A National Biosolids Partnership certified independent audit team from KEMA-Registered Quality, Inc. conducted the on-site audit on January 5 – 7, 2009.
The EMS for biosolids is a program entered into voluntarily.  It focuses on critical control points within the biosolids production, treatment, and end use “value chain.”  Critical control points are parts of the process where the quality of the end product and/or compliance and/or public acceptance will be adversely affected if things are not done right.  An EMS program helps an organization prioritize its actions, reaching above and beyond mere compliance.  It helps avoid “dumb mistakes.”  As noted in an NEO news release, “it is a continual cycle of planning, implementing, reviewing and improving environmental and health & safety processes which an organization undertakes to meet its business and environmental goals.”
The rest of the New England EMS class are in different stages of developing their EMS programs, and most are close to seeking certification through an independent audit.  NEBRA has assisted this class of EMS participants and encourages other members to call on NEBRA for assistance in entering the program and building their own EMS. Contact the NEBRA office for details.
Moncton Compost Certified by BNQ
(with information from the Québec Environment Ministry (MDDEP)

The Greater Moncton Sewerage Commission – a member of NEBRA – is receiving certification by the Bureau de normalization du Québec (BNQ) for the quality of its compost.  This Type A compost is called “Gardener’s Gold.”  It becomes the first compost certified by BNQ in New Brunswick and conforms to the voluntary Canadian compost standards of 2005.  Congratulations to the Moncton team!  Hopefully other Canadian municipalities will choose to seek independent certification through the BNQ. GMSC compost is produced from primary solids composted with fine wood waste in aerated windrows covered by Gore fabric.  A unique aspect of the operation is the recovery of heat from beneath the compost piles.

The Stamford Waste-to-Energy Project
Driven in part by the growing interest in renewable sources of energy, the Stamford Water Pollution Control Authority (SWPCA) is several years into the design and phase-in of what would be the nation’s first full-scale biosolids gasification project.
The first phase of the project, according to a conference presentation by SWPCA’s Jeannette Brown and other project engineers, was the building of a solids drying facility that is now producing biosolids pellets.  The next phase, funded by a $1.5 million grant from the U. S. Department of Energy and an equal sum from the city, has been the construction and operation of a pilot gasification system, which has produced a synthetic gas useable in an internal combustion engine.   Now the team is in the facility design stage and is working on obtaining funding needed for the full-scale operation, some $60 million if a 15 MW plant is constructed (a smaller, 10 MW plant is also being discussed).  The energy produced will be used to run the Stamford wastewater facility, with the excess – as much as 90% of what is generated, according to the project proponents – sold into the electric grid.
On February 4th, Jeannette Brown testified before the Water Resources and Environment Subcommittee of the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure of the U. S. House of Representatives.  Her message, on behalf of the Water Environment Federation, was to help the committee “identify ways to mitigate this [energy] consumption by exploring energy efficient technologies and operations (”  She described the Stamford project and others as examples of wastewater treatment professionals working to advance energy efficiency and production.  
After more than two years of reporting and discussion of the Stamford waste-to-energy project, there is now considerable excitement as construction approaches; it could begin later this year.  However, there are some questions about the total net energy benefit and the costs involved (possibly $40 million of local bond funding), according to a late March Stamford Advocate article. For more details about the project, see
New Halifax Wastewater Treatment Plant Shuts Down Due to Technical Problems
Equipment failure in January caused extensive flooding and damage to the Harbour Solutions Project’s Upper Water Street wastewater treatment facility in Halifax.  The plant is one of three new facilities being built around Halifax harbor.  They aim to eliminate raw sewage discharges for which Nova Scotia’s largest city has been infamous for years.  The Upper Water Street plant began operations amidst much fanfare in 2008.  There are ongoing investigations into the cause of the malfunction and negotiations on who will pay the estimated $55 million for the cleanup and repairs.  It is estimated that the plant will not be functional again for another year.  For more details, see
As the new Halifax wastewater treatment facilities come online, the solids generated are being transported to the Aerotech Park outside the city, for processing via an advanced alkaline stabilization process operated by N-Viro Canada.   The biosolids are trucked to farms for use as a liming agent and soil amendment. With the increase in biosolids production, there has been additional public concern showing up in media reports. For example, a March 23rd Chronicle Herald article described odor issues.  
Earlier this decade, the environment ministry placed a moratorium on biosolids land application in Nova Scotia, due to public concerns.  Following public meetings and consultations, new stricter guidelines were adopted, and biosolids are in use again.
US EPA Releases Draft Rule for GHG Reporting
The US EPA released a draft rule for mandatory greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reporting on March 10, 2009. With the release of the draft rule, EPA has taken a first step towards mandatory reporting of GHG emissions. As proposed, the EPA draft rule would place new mandatory reporting requirements on major source facilities operating in the US to report their GHG emissions. The new requirements would apply to suppliers of fossil fuel and industrial chemicals, manufacturers of motor vehicles and engines, as well as large direct emitters of GHGs with direct emissions equal to or greater than a threshold of 25,000 metric tons of CO2e per year.  Other sources covered under the rule include: cement production, iron and steel production, electricity generation, landfills, and wastewater treatment among others.  According to EPA, approximately 13,000 facilities would be covered under the proposal.  The first annual emissions report would be due to EPA in 2011 for the calendar year 2010.

What’s The Latest in the Debate on Biosolids Recycling to Soils?
The beginning of this article appeared in the Spring 2009 NEWEA Journal.  This leads to further information...

Virginia Expert Panel Final Report Does Not Shake Things Up
In response to ongoing controversy in several parts of the state, two years ago the Virginia legislature created an expert panel to evaluate biosolids use on land.  Now, the panel has released its final report...

EPA Releases Latest National Sewage Sludge Survey Results
Last week, the EPA Office of Water made available the results of the latest targeted national sewage sludge survey.

Maine Advances Pharmaceutical Return Program
A Maine law, passed in 2005, has led to the nation’s first comprehensive, hassle-free pharmaceutical return program.

News From the 2008 MABA Annual Conference
The latest news from the biosolids regional association to our south, including access to some excellent presentations...

News From the 2008 North East Conference
It was another informative assembly of this region's biosolids and residuals professionals...

NH Legislative Study Commission Final Report
Another New Hampshire legislative study commission supports current sewage, septage, and biosolids managment practices; calls for continued state grant aid funding and including biosolids in renewable fuel standards...

Book Review: The Big Necessity by Rose George
George describes Japanese toilets that precisely clean your backside as you finish; her impressions of going into London and New York sewers; stories of the need for public latrines in China, India, the U. S., and Britain; and the fact that 2.6 billion of the world’s people have no access to adequate sanitation, which causes widespread sickness and death.  And she spends a chapter on the U. S. biosolids debate...

Celebrating Clean Water for 40 Years - Bangor WWTP Open House
by Brad Moore, Superintendent, Bangor WWTP

UN-HABITAT Publishes "Global Atlas of Excreta, Wastewater Sludge, and Biosolids Management"
"It is crystal clear that, in addition to clean air, the well-being of our planet also requires that water, wastewater and the resulting biosolids (sludge) need to be managed more seriously, and in a focused, coordinated and cooperative manner."

Clean Water Tours Increase Understanding
"I didn't realize how complicated this is," said one tour participant. "It's kind of gross, but it's fascinating." As part of a series of open houses at wastewater treatment facilities around New England, participants are seeing sewage converted to clean water, useful biosolids, and just plain air.

CELEBRATE CLEAN WATER: Wastewater and Biosolids Management Open Houses & Tours
The United Nations has declared 2008 "The International Year of Sanitation." Here in North America, many people take for granted toilets and wastewater treatment infrastructure. Elsewhere, there are 2.6 billion people without adequate access to sanitation. In recognition of what we have, tours and open houses are being offered this September at wastewater treatment facilities and biosolids programs around New England.

U. S. Senate Environment Committee Cancels Biosolids Hearing, Then Briefing
Since the spring, the U. S. Senate's Committee on Environment and Public Works (EPW), chaired by California Senator Barbara Boxer, has been considering holding a public hearing on biosolids recycling to land and related U. S. EPA policy. Earlier this month, a date for the hearing was announced on the website "," a relatively new website created by the Resource Institute for Low Entropy Systems (RILES), but was never formally announced by the EPW.

Halifax Harbor Finally Gets Treatment
In mid-February, a Chronicle Herald article reported the start-up of a new Halifax Regional Municipality wastewater treatment plant, which aims to allow clean-up of the world's second largest natural harbor (after Sydney, Australia) "'Halifax Harbour is already on its way to becoming a healthy and environmentally friendly asset for the city,' Mayor Peter Kelly said.... "I've seen a difference over the last few weeks,' Mr. Kelly after a formal announcement to open the new Halifax sewage treatment plant on Upper Water Street.... [T]he effects are already quite dramatic, the mayor says.

Associated Press Corrects Its Story About Baltimore Biosolids Compost Research
On Friday the 13th of June, the Associated Press (AP) released a new story regarding biosolids. This new AP biosolids story is a significant retraction of the previous overzealous reporting of AP reporters John Heilprin and Kevin Vineys.

Associated Press Publishes Additional Biosolids Stories
On April 13, 2008, the Associated Press (AP) released two news stories relating to biosolids (sewage sludge) management. A third story was released April 15th; it was a follow-on to the other two stories, and it noted that the U. S. Senate Committee on the Environment and Public Works will conduct a hearing on biosolids before the end of summer, 2008, according to Committee Chair Sen. Barbara Boxer. The AP stories were printed in major and minor newspapers and related news websites around the country (see links, below).

NEBRA Response to NPR Interviews with John Heilprin and Dr. Michael Klag
We appreciate the National Public Radio (NPR) coverage of recent Associated Press (AP) stories on the use of biosolids compost (4/24/08, As AP reporter John Heilprin noted in the NPR interview, he and his colleague Kevin Vineys have conducted interviews and investigations about biosolids management in the U. S. for the past year. As Executive Director of a regional association of biosolids management professionals - many of whom are public employees - I welcomed Mr. Heilprin's interest and was interviewed last July. I was one of many involved in biosolids management whom he and Mr. Vineys interviewed; others included public wastewater treatment facility managers, regulatory officials, and research scientists.

NEBRA Releases Greenhouse Gas Comparative Analysis
The North East Biosolids and Residuals Association (NEBRA) is focusing increasing time and attention on the greenhouse gas emissions impacts of managing biosolids and other residuals.

AP Story About a Georgia Court Decision
On February 25th, a federal court in Georgia directed the U. S. Dept. of Agriculture (USDA) to grant an Augusta-area dairy farm's application for prevented planting credits. The farm is one of two that have claimed harm from City of Augusta biosolids applied to their land in the late 1980s and early 1990s.

Murray McBride Takes the Lead at Cornell Waste Management Institute
The Cornell Waste Management Institute (CWMI), part of the Department of Crop and Soil Sciences in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at Cornell University, announced in January the retirement of Ellen Harrison, MS after more than 20 years at the Institute.

Ongoing Interest in PPCPs in Wastewater & Biosolids
For the past decade, scientific and public interest has been growing regarding the presence of trace amounts of pharmaceutical and personal care products (PPCPs) in the environment. In March, the Associated Press (AP) published news stories on the topic, stimulating another round of attention. The AP stories presented summarized results from studies around the U. S. and the world, almost all of which related to the presence of pharmaceuticals in surface waters and/or aquatic organisms. Impacts, such as feminization of fish, were emphasized: "'It's inescapable,' said Sudeep Chandra, an assistant professor at University of Nevada, Reno who studies inland waters and aquatic life. 'There's enough global information now to confirm these contaminants are affecting organisms and wildlife.'"

Highlights from the WEF Residuals & Biosolids Conference in Philadelphia
Climate change, greenhouse gas emissions accounting, and energy concerns were hot topics at this year's annual WEF Residuals and Biosolids Specialty Conference held March 29 - April 1 in Philadelphia (Jeff Leblanc of WeCare, conference chair). Beginning with a Sunday morning workshop "Giving Residuals & Biosolids Reuse the Carbon Credit They Deserve" that drew more than 60 paying attendees and ending with the second of two sessions on "Sustainability" on Wednesday, it was clear that these have become major topics. New Englanders speaking about all this included Charlie Alix of MWH, who organized and moderated the opening workshop, Ned Beecher (NEBRA), Jeannette Brown (Stamford WPCA), and Mark Gould (CDM).

Tabou(e), a Documentary Concerned About Biosolids, Airs in Quebec
(English version, released later in 2006, is called "Sludge Diet.") by Marc Hébert and Ned Beecher, from NEBRA News, May 2006.

Adieu 2007...
2007 was a notable year for advancing the recycling of biosolids and other residuals.

New England Legislation Peripherally Affecting Biosolids and Residuals
New England state legislators - even New Hampshire's - appear not to be addressing biosolids and residuals directly this year. But there are two bills that may involve biosolids and other residuals. In Vermont, a sweeping bill regarding "conservation, energy independence, and economic prosperity" (S. 350) would create carbon inventory and nutrient management systems; it includes mention of biosolids as one of many residuals that, when applied to soils, help sequester carbon. New Hampshire is working on a waste reduction, recycling, and recycled products purchasing bill (HB 877) that may encourage state agencies to utilize biosolids and residuals. Meanwhile, the NH legislature's HB 699 study commission will continue looking at how "sewage, sludge, and septage" are managed; their final report is due November 1.

New England Organics Receives Grant for Anaerobic Digestion Feasibility Study
Massachusetts Senator Richard T. Moore, (D-Uxbridge) is pleased to report that the New England Organics (NEO) Southbridge facility, a division of Casella Waste Systems, has been awarded a $40,000 Feasibility Grant from the Massachusetts Technology Collaborative's (MTC) Renewable Energy Trust (the Trust). The grant is one of many offered by MTC as part of their Large Onsite Renewables Initiative to expand the production and use of renewable energy technologies in Massachusetts. NEO will use the grant to conduct a feasibility study to assess a proposed 1000 kW anaerobic digestion CHP facility at their parent company's land site in Southbridge. "We have a unique opportunity at Casella's environmental complex in Southbridge.... Creating energy from food waste, wastewater biosolids and grease trap wastes will give new life to resources that are often otherwise considered 'dead-end,'" said Jay Kilbourn the Project Manager for New England Organics. "The opportunity to explore the production of renewable energy from waste is not only environmentally important, but represents economic opportunities ranging from local business development to national energy independence." MTC is the state's development agency for renewable energy and the innovation economy, which is responsible for one-quarter of all jobs in the state. MTC is also the administrator of the Trust, which pioneers and promotes clean energy technologies and strives to make the Commonwealth greener. The Trust works toward this goal by providing financial assistance to individuals and businesses for solar panels and wind turbines at their homes and facilities, working with communities to incorporate green design into schools, and helping emerging clean energy businesses flourish in the Commonwealth. For more information on MTC and the Trust, go to

November 2007
Update on New Hampshire Legislative Commission on Sewage, Solids, & Septage
(from New Hampshire Water Pollution Control Association - NHWPCA)
On October 25, 2007, representatives of the NHWPCA Legislative and Regulatory Affairs Committee presented information to the HB 699 Commission - a legislative commission convened to study management options for sewage, wastewater solids, and septage. Joe Ducharme (Turner Group) and Shelagh Connelly (Resource Management, Inc.) presented members of the Commission with a slide show that was developed with input from NEBRA and additional help from Mike Trainque (HTA). Soon after that meeting, the Commission submitted an interim report about their progress to date. They still have much to review, and they will continue to meet monthly for the coming year.

"Sludge" or "Biosolids"? Official Usage of the Term "Biosolids"
What makes "biosolids" different from "sludge." This information update provides some history and official definitions of the word "biosolids" from around the United States.

The Best Biosolids - Tip for the Trade
Biosolids programs around the continent should be sure to learn from last summer's Milwaukee solids management mishap and a few other similar scattered events over the years.

Moving Forward Wastewater Biosolids Sustainability
Highlights of the IWA World Biosolids Conference, Moncton, NB, June 2007

October 2007
Prince Edward Island compost dispute
According to CBC news, "a five-year dispute between the two engineering companies involved in the building and designing of P.E.I.'s central composting facility finally made it to court.... The central question in the dispute is whether the $17.5-million facility is working properly, and whose fault it is if it isn't. In claims and counter-claims, the two companies are suing each other for millions of dollars. ADI, the company that won the contract to build the P.E.I. government facility, is suing WCI, the company that designed it. ADI claims that the facility as designed couldn't produce the quality of compost required. But WCI says it could have fixed the problem, and is suing for being terminated before it was given a chance. WCI's lawyer, John Mitchell, contends the plant is still producing lower-grade "Category B" compost as a result. (from CBC news; appreciation to MDDEP for forwarding this item)

NEBRA Response to Film "Sludge Diet" ("Tabou(e)!")
The film Tabou(e)! is a professional documentary made in Québec by Mario Desmarais about the agricultural use of treated municipal sewage sludge, or biosolids. It was televised on April 20, 2006, by Télé-Québec, and has had occasional public showings around the province since then.

New U. S. EPA Procurement Rule Encourages Use of Biosolids and Manure Composts
In the September 14th Federal Register, U. S. EPA issued a final rule that revises the list of items designated in the Comprehensive Procurement Guidelines (CPG), which are intended to promote the use of materials recovered from solid waste. From the U.S. EPA summary regarding this action:

Vermont Update: Biosolids Recycling Rate Drops, Wood Ash Regulated
Early in the year, NEBRA reported on significant changes in biosolids management in Vermont. With increased volumes of wastewater solids coming into Quebec from Toronto, the management of Chittenden County, VT biosolids in la belle province came to an end. Since then, New England Organics and parent company Casella have been sending northwest Vermont's solids to landfills.

Kern County, CA Appeals Overturning of Biosolids Ordinance
According to the Bakersfield Californian (8/21/07), "Kern County will appeal a recent U.S. District Court decision that overturned Measure E, Kern County's anti-sludge spreading ordinance.... Measure E was approved in June 2006 by a majority of county voters. It bans the land application of treated human and industrial waste on farmland.... The city of Los Angeles, which spreads the majority of its sewage sludge on land at the Green Acres farm in Kern County, sued Kern County to overturn the ordinance. U.S. District Court judge Gary Feess ruled, this month, that the Kern County ordinance violated federal commerce laws. He overturned the ordinance. Maben said the county "remains committed to upholding the will of the people and protecting our vital resources. "Funding for the continuing legal battle, Maben said, has already been approved by supervisors and budgeted by the county."

World Biosolids Conference Comes to North America
The International Water Association (IWA) held its Specialist Conference on Biosolids June 24 - 27, 2007 in Moncton New Brunswick, Canada. The conference, organized by the Greater Moncton Sewerage Commission (GMSC), was titled Moving Forward Wastewater Biosolids Sustainability: Technical Managerial and Public Synergy.

GMSC Compost Facility - Working Towards a Sustainable Future
The Greater Moncton Sewerage Commission (GMSC) has recently purchased over 300 acres of land 10 kilometers from their wastewater treatment facility and begun composting the 11,000 wet tons of biosolids produced each year at the Riverview Wastewater Treatment Facility (WWTF). Previous to the composting operation, GMSC created lime stabilized class B biosolids as part of a land application contract.

Maine Farm Subjected to Enforcement Under New Federal CAFO Regulations
According to the July 23rd Bangor Daily News, a federal judge has found a Bangor area farmer in contempt of court for not cleaning up operations that are polluting a stream with manure and associated wastewater. Country Acres, Inc., in Dixmont, failed to follow through on an agreed upon action plan to stem manure leaks from a lagoon and run-off from a manure pile. Fines of up to $2,000 a day are possible, and violating the consent order could cost $32,000. The farmer has stated that he has no resources to complete the required clean-up. According to the Daily News, "Country Acres was the first farm in Maine to be regulated by the federal government as a 'concentrated animal feeding operation,' or CAFO. In March, the farm housed between 250 and 300 cows and had planned to expand to 800 animals later this year."

NEBRA Well Represented at IWA Biosolids Conference
NEBRA staff, as well as several members, participated in this year's International Water Association world biosolids conference in Moncton, New Brunswick. NEBRA co-authored two papers, one by Ned Beecher titled A Vision and A Voice for Biosolids Recycling in North East America, and the other presented by Nora Goldstein of BioCycle titled Invest in the Social Aspects of Biosolids. Three other NEBRA members also presented: Andrew Carpenter of Northern Tilth, Marc Hébert from the Ministry of Environment, Quebec, and John Peckenham from the University of Maine in Orono. Marc Hébert also co-authored a poster featured at the conference. NEBRA had a table-top display that received many visitors. Also, present at the conference were Kristy Crawford with NEBRA, Carl Pawlowski from MA Water Resources Authority, and Jamie Ecker and Ann Thayer from New England Organics.

NH Opens Rulemaking on Biosolids Regulations
This past summer, the NH Department of Environmental Services (DES) proposed an update to the NH biosolids/sewage sludge management regulations, Env-Ws 800, which are due to expire in March of 2007. The proposed rule change aims to..

NH Policy of Charging Different Rates for Septage From Towns With Biosolids Bans Is Challenged
The Franklin, NH wastewater treatment facility has raised its fees for septage disposal for septage from New Hampshire towns that have ordinances banning or severely restricting the use of biosolids. The Franklin facility is part of the Winnepesaukee River Basin Project (WRBP).

Vermont Begins Biosolids Rulemaking
Vermont has a progressive Solid Waste Management Plan, adopted in 2001, that encourages the beneficial use of biosolids. It requires municipalities to be responsible for the management of biosolids and septage in conformance with the State plan. Goals of the Plan include "managing 75% of the biosolids generated in Vermont through beneficial use" - a goal that has been met for many years. In addition, the Plan urges the Agency of Natural Resources (ANR) and municipalities to "identify and address any barriers to the safe and affordable beneficial use of biosolids." One such step taken by the state in recent years was to impose a tax on each wet ton of biosolids destined for disposal at a landfill or incinerator. According to Ernie Kelley of the residuals management section at the Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC), municipalities and solid waste districts are still completing their local plans and having them reviewed by the state, even as another every-five-year renewal of the state Plan is due.

Los Angeles and Other Plaintiffs Are Supported By Court
According to a late October press release from the City of Los Angeles: "A federal judge in Los Angeles rejected a significant portion of Kern County's motion to dismiss a lawsuit challenging its ban on land application of biosolids.... The ruling clears the way for a motion by the City and its allies asking the court to stay the ban and allow land application of biosolids to continue while the case is heard. As of now, the ban goes into effect in early 2007. Judge Feess will hear the Plaintiffs' request for a preliminary injunction on November 13.... The ruling is the court's first major decision on the lawsuit, which was filed in August by the City of Los Angeles, Los Angeles County Sanitation Districts, Orange County Sanitation District, and farmers and businesses that work with biosolids. The lawsuit seeks to overturn a ballot initiative passed by Kern County voters in June that barred the Plaintiffs from recycling biosolids at two farm sites in Kern County, including a 5,000 acre farm owned by the City of Los Angeles."

New NH DES Commissioner Burack Signs Biosolids Rules
On January 19th, New Hampshire Dept. of Environmental Services Commissioner Thomas Burack, who took office in November, gave approval to the new Env-Wq 800 regulations proposed by the Department last summer. The existing Env-Ws 800 regulations are due to expire in mid-March. Commissioner Burack conducted a thoughtful review of the rules and the biosolids management issue, meeting with NEBRA members and representatives of opposing viewpoints in December and January. The new rules must still be reviewed by the Joint Legislative Committee on Administrative Rules (JCAR), which is expected to address them at its late February meeting. In the meantime, NH DES staff are working on posting, on the NH DES website, public comments received about the rules and Department responses.

NEIWPCC Guide to Biosolids Sampling
The biosolids work group of the New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission (NEIWPCC) has released The Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator's Guide to Biosolids Sampling Plans. Developed by a team led by Michael Rainey of NH DES and Mike Jennings of NEIWPCC, with input from the region's state biosolids coordinators and technical advisors from around the country, the Guide provides details on how to create a sampling protocol, how to collect biosolids samples, and how to be a good consumer of biosolids testing services - for example, what questions to ask a testing lab to ensure quality data that will meet compliance needs. Notebook copies of the Guide are available for a small cost from NEIWPCC (; a PDF version can be downloaded from there.

Winnipesaukee River Basin Program Awarded Funding to Evaluate Regional Septage Treatment
The state-owned Department of Environmental Services (DES) wastewater treatment facility (WWTF) at Franklin, NH, is taking a lead in helping address the need for in-state septage treatment options. A quarter of New Hampshire's septage is hauled to out-of-state WWTFs, and, with 70% of new housing relying on septic systems, the volume of septage to manage is only increasing.

Brunswick, ME Biosolids Ban Annulled by Court
Use of Class A biosolids compost will likely continue as part of the maintenance of parks and sports fields administered by the Town of Brunswick, Maine. On May 29th, Justice Robert Crowley of the Cumberland County Superior Court ruled that applicable portions of a local ordinance adopted by voters in November, 2006, are preempted by state law and regulation.

Congratulations Honored New Englanders!
The New England Water Environment Association (NEWEA) was honored by WEF for outstanding achievement in the following areas: membership retention, financial strength, and scholarship programs. In 2004, NEWEA celebrated 75 years of service and commemorated the event with a 75th anniversary book, commemorative poster, shirt, and six $1,000 scholarships. Other achievements included raising over $50,000 in funds to support the organization. In addition, two NEWEA members were awarded individual awards: James Courchaine was awarded the Charles Alvin Emerson Medal, given to a WEF member who demonstrates outstanding service to the water environment profession, and Bradley Moore received the WEF Public Education Award. The Public Education Award is given in recognition of significant accomplishments in promoting awareness and understanding of water environment issues among the general public. NEBRA relies on NEWEA for support services and works closely with its Residuals Management Committee. We know how great an organization it is and are glad to see others recognize it also. Congratulation to NEWEA's staff and members for their hard work and dedication!

Thermal Drying - The Good With the Bad
Check out the article in the November issue of WE&T "Biosolids Dryer Safety: What Every Operator Should Know" for more details:

Monadnock Paper Achieves ISO 14001 EMS Certification
(from a Monadnock Paper news release)

Legal Battles Over Biosolids/Sludge Continue Here and There... VA... Kern County
While there are thousands of successful biosolids management programs around the nation, there are a few that gain media attention because of their involvement in lawsuits. Recently, one legal battle began in Virginia, while another continues in California....

Biosolids Recycling Meets Challenges in Quebec
In January, the Quebec environment ministry (MDDEP) published a second set of amendments to its 2004 "Guide to the Use of Fertilizing Residuals," the regulatory structure for the province. An earlier set of revisions had been issued in February 2006, and the Ministry considers the Guide to be a working document that is adapted to new research findings and experience as needed.

Brunswick Splits on Biosolids Compost Referendum
The votes are in, and two years of wrangling over the use of biosolids compost on town parks and sports fields may finally be coming to an end....

Update on Use of Biosolids Compost in Brunswick, Maine
Brunswick homeowners and businesses can use it, but now the Town can't. As reported in the November 9th NEBRAMail, the Brunswick, ME Question 1 referendum entitled "Community Health and Land Care Ordinance" banning Town use of Class A biosolids compost on public recreational fields passed by a slim margin and a recount was held.

Brunswick Ordinance Restricting Biosolids Compost Use Goes to Court
On January 16th, the Brunswick Town Council directed its town attorney to seek a declaratory judgment from Portland Superior Court regarding a local ordinance that bans the use of Class A biosolids compost on town properties. The ordinance, which was introduced as a citizen's petitioned initiative, was adopted by a slim margin as part of the Town's general election November 7th. The ordinance's legality has been questioned for some time by Town Attorney Geoffrey Hole and others, because the State of Maine preempts regulation of solid wastes.

Brunswick, ME Seeks Judgment on Biosolids Compost Restriction
In January, the Town of Brunswick, Maine filed a complaint in Superior Court seeking annulment of the "Community Land and Health Care Ordinance" that was adopted by a six-vote margin at the Town's November elections. The ordinance was the latest in several years of debate about the use of Class A biosolids compost as part of routine maintenance of town-owned sports fields and other lands. The Town Council, over the years, has dealt with the issue as carefully as possible, at one point asking for an independent scientific review, which found biosolids compost use presents no significant risk. Nonetheless, concerned citizens created the petitioned ordinance and mounted a vigorous campaign to paint a negative picture of biosolids compost. The Town responded that the ordinance was likely illegal, because of preemption of biosolids regulation by the State of Maine, but could do nothing to stop the ordinance going to a vote. After it narrowly passed, the Town placed a moratorium on its enforcement, pending evaluation by the Superior Court.

USCC Honors Compost Specialist Chris Bales
Christopher Bales, a Product Marketing Specialist with New England Organics (NEO), received the Hi Kellogg Award for Outstanding Service to the Composting Industry at the January 23rd US Composting Council's Annual Conference. This award is presented to an individual who has displayed outstanding service to the U. S. composting industry over a period of many years, and who has left a lasting positive impact on the practice and the people he has worked alongside.

NH Legislature Lends Cautious Support to Current Biosolids Management
On June 7th, the New Hampshire Senate ended another round of legislative debate on biosolids recycling by passing two bills, HB 699 and HB 812. Of five biosolids-related bills introduced in January, these were the only two destined to become law this year. This outcome, along with the approval of updated regulations by a joint legislative committee (see NEBRAMail, 6/1/07), suggests considerable - but cautious - legislative support for the state's current biosolids management program.

New Hampshire Adopts Updated Regulations
After almost a year since first proposed by the NH Department of Environmental Services (DES), new regulations governing sewage sludge and biosolids management went into effect on May 24th. The new regulations, Env-Wq 800, are fundamentally the same as the regulations they replaced, which were due to expire this spring. The only significant changes are clarification of how DES will determine the acceptability of certain equivalent methods and integration of the terms "biosolids" and "short paper fiber," which had been defined in law by the Legislature in 2000.

Biosolids in the U.S. - A New National Report
The Preliminary Report is Now Available

NH Legislature Addresses Biosolids Bills and Regulations
Strong Bi-Partisan Votes in House of Representatives Support Biosolids Interests

March 2007
New Hampshire Legislation 2007
The new New Hampshire Legislature, led by Democrats in both houses for the first time in a century, is getting started making legislation. Five bills appear to have something to do with biosolids and septage management, although the detailed language of only two are available. The first out of the gate, HB 414, would allow Class A biosolids to be sold in 2000-pound agricultural fertilizer bags. The second, HB 384, appears to repeal several parts of current law that were created in recent years to provide funding and support for the NH DES to conduct random testing and inspections at biosolids and sludge land application sites. In addition, HB 384 would establish a committee of house and senate members to "study and develop policies and suggest changes in law for the management of sludge." Neither bill has yet been scheduled for public hearing. The three other bills address: creating a committee to study methods and costs of sewage, sludge, and septage disposal; permanent authorization of biosolids land application sites; and relative to prohibiting wastewater treatment plants from excluding towns for septage treatment and disposal services. Contact the NEBRA office for details.

Advancing Land Reclamation in Massachusetts
Resource Management Inc. (RMI) has used manufactured topsoils in disturbed land reclamation projects and landfill closure projects throughout New England since 1995. In June, RMI provided a tour of some of its most recent reclamation sites in central Massachusetts. These gravel mining areas are being reclaimed mostly for productive agricultural use (hay crops), although one is the site of a housing development. In all of these cases, biosolids and short paper fiber (paper mill residuals) are combined to create a 6 - 9 inch layer of manufactured topsoil that strongly resists erosion and supports vigorous plant growth.

Letter to the Editor of NH Sierra Club News

NEBRA Comments Regarding NH-DES Proposed Biosolids Rule Changes, July 2006

Introducing new NEBRA staff person Kristy Crawford
Kristy Crawford recently signed on as Project Assistant in a part time capacity to assist Ned Beecher in the NEBRA office in Tamworth, NH. Kristy currently resides with her husband in Conway, NH. She recently moved to Conway from Portsmouth, NH. Kristy is a 2001 Graduate of Maine Maritime Academy, summa cum laude. She holds a Bachelors of Science degree in Ocean Studies with a minor in Mathematics. While at MMA, Kristy served as the Student Representative on the Board of Trustees.

NEBRA Spring Tours Provide Insights on Wastewater, Biosolids, and Septage Management
On Tuesday May 9, 2006 New England Organics (NEO) hosted its annual open house at the Hawk Ridge Compost Facility in Unity, Maine. NEO manufactures Class A biosolids compost and distributes it under the Earthlife brand name. A variety of people attended the open house ranging from contractors, landscapers, municipal employees, farmers, and interested citizens.

Triclocarban - An Antibacterial in Biosolids That May Represent a Worst-Case Sentinel Chemical
In April, 2006, a paper by Jochen Heidler, Amir Sapkota, and Rolf Halden of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health was published in Environmental Science & Technology that showed the concentration in wastewater solids of a particular antimicrobial chemical, Triclocarban (TCC), used mostly in soaps, to be in the order of 50 mg/kg (ppm), a level the Dr. Halden believes is significant.

NEBRA Commentary on Caroline Snyder Critique of EPA in the International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health
In November 2005, the International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health ( published a paper by Caroline Snyder, PhD, a New Hampshire citizen who has expressed concerns about biosolids recycling over much of the past decade. The paper appears with other papers in a "special issue" of the journal focused on "corporate corruption of science." Fluoride, genetically modified organisms, and leaded gasoline are subjects of other papers in this same issue.

Brunswick Voters To Determine in November the Future Use of Biosolids Compost
Despite the findings of an independent, locally-convened scientific review panel last December, that biosolids compost poses no greater safety risk than the use of organic composts and that that risk is negligible, those opposed to the use of biosolids on sports fields and other public areas in the Town of Brunswick, Maine, have forced a town-wide vote on the matter.

Letter to NH Sierra Club re Article in Sierran

Shelagh Connelly Honored With NH Women in Business Award
Shelagh Connelly, President of Resource Management, Inc. (RMI), was one of six women honored by the NH Business Review (NHBR) and Laconia Savings Bank at the first annual Outstanding Women in Business Awards on Thursday, February 2, 2006. The award recognizes the success and achievements of women in New Hampshire's business community. "With so many of our state's most successful businesses and nonprofits led by women, we felt it was time to honor those who are doing a truly remarkable job and have such a large impact on both our state's economy and communities," said Jeff Feingold, editor of NHBR.

Pharmaceuticals Are An Increasing Focus - What Does This Mean For Biosolids Recycling?
Pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) and their potential impacts on the environment continue to be the focus of considerable research. PPCPs are loosely defined as organic chemical compounds that are widely used in soaps, shampoos, detergents, perfumes, musks, etc., as well as antibiotics and drugs.

Biosolids Forum at Bowdoin College, Brunswick, ME
Biosolids ("sludge") Compost Use: Understanding the Benefits and Risks

How Biosolids Are Produced and Recycled in New England - a slide show
Click on headline to download a slide show that shows how biosolids are typically produced and recycled in and around New England (5 MB file).

NHWPCA Hosts Tours of MWRA's Deer Island
In mid-September, the New Hampshire Water Pollution Control Association (NHWPCA) arranged tours of the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority's Deer Island wastewater treatment facility. Attendees could choose one of two days - as it turned out, a sunny Tuesday or a rainy Thursday. Each group was met and led around by tour guide extraordinaire Charlie Tyler, process engineer for MWRA (also known for his dedicated support of NEWEA and NEBRA) and his helpful associates. Deer Island treats 300 MGD or more all the time, the flow quietly humming mostly enclosed in tons of concrete (for example, primary clarifiers are entirely enclosed and stacked two high). It can treat as much as 1,270 MGD, making it one of the largest facilities in the nation. And the biosolids! Seeing New England's biggest eggs up close, inside and out, on top and directly under, is inspiring. These digesters feed - now through a pipeline instead of the old barges - the steady production of Bay State Fertilizer at the New England Fertilizer Company plant in Quincy. Deer Island is a modern marvel, well worth a visit. NHWPCA was great to create this opportunity for its members and friends. To NHWPCA and MWRA - many thanks! More information about Deer Island can be found at the link, below.

NEBRA Welcomes Intern Elizabeth Dziezyk
University of Maine Student to Help With Nationwide Biosolids Use and Disposal Survey

NEBRA and NEWEA Invite Cooperation on Animal Residuals Management
As part of the 2005 New England Residuals and Biosolids Conference, NEWEA's Residuals Management Committee and NEBRA are reaching out to those who work extensively with animals - equestrians, farmers, and others - to foster exchange of information and cooperation about the management of animal manures and other residuals. Alwynne Hellfach of Birchmere Farm in Center Strafford, NH, long a NEBRA Board member, and Bob Spencer of WeCare Environmental in Marlborough, MA, are leading the hosting of a dinner meeting at the conference. Anyone in the region concerned with animal waste management is invited.

HOT and COLD - The 2005 New England Residuals and Biosolids Conference
HOT and COLD: Diverse Biosolids Management Strategies in New England November 15 - 16, 2005 Wyndham Hotel, Westborough, MA (

University of Maine Releases White Paper on Biosolids Management in Maine
Dr. John Peckenham and associates at the George Mitchell Center have completed a review of current understanding of biosolids recycling in Maine.

Canadian Compost Standard Updated
(With information from Marc Hébert, Quebec Ministry of Environment)

Nova Scotia Faces Challenges As it Builds Biosolids Program
(with information from Jay Brenton, NS Ministry of Env. & Labor, and Maureen Reilly)

Risk Perception and Stakeholder Involvement Paper Available Here
The January - February 2005 edition of the Journal of Environmental Quality (JEQ) includes a paper by Beecher et al. on "Risk Perception, Risk Communication, and Stakeholder Involvement for Biosolids Management and Research." This paper was presented at the January 2004 Sustainable Land Application conference. Click here to download a copy for personal use. All abstracts from the conference can be accessed at the JEQ website:

Prions in Biosolids
On May 31, 2005, an article in "Inside EPA" ( reported that "New EPA Prion Studies Could Hinder POTW Push to Land-Apply Biosolids" (see title, source, and quote from article, below). "Inside EPA" is a private news service, a publication of Inside Washington Publishers. Inside EPA is not an EPA publication.

The Latest on Pathogens & Pathogen Treatment
In April, JG Press published a significant report regarding pathogens in sewage sludge, biosolids, and animal manures. Edited by Jim Smith (U. S. EPA), Patricia Millner (USDA), Walter Jakubowski, Nora Goldstein, and Robert Rynk, this peer-reviewed report compiles the findings of the EPA-sponsored workshop on emerging pathogens and related issues that was held in Cincinnati in June, 2001.

Fats, Oils, Grease (FOG) Workshop Information Available
A New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission (NEIWPCC) workshop on "FOG" - fats, oils, and grease - was well attended February 15th at the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services building in Concord. Operators, septage haulers, and regulators from Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Vermont packed the auditorium to get more information on this topic of increasing interest. FOG includes grease trap wastes (GTW) and consists of various hydrocarbons that, in the right environment, are readily consumed by microorganisms and/or are readily combustible (yielding carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, etc.). However, GTW and other forms of FOG are usually mixed with water, food particles, and trash. Analysis of FOG (e.g. for nutrient content) is difficult, because of interferences in the semi-solid matrix, but it does contain significant plant nutrients. FOG can include food frying oils, although most such oils are currently rendered into saleable products (in New England, largely by Baker Industries of Billerica, MA).

Crapshoot: A Film That Critiques Wastewater Treatment & Biosolids Recycling
"Underground, the city has a body like our own... Like a living entity, the city purges its waste... Waste belongs to no one, and we send it away. To where, no one knows."

New Hampshire to Begin New Rule-making for Septage Management
Sometime later in January, 2005, the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (DES) will initiate formal rulemaking to update the state's septage management regulations, Env-Ws 1600. The proposed rule revisions were developed, in part, by a Septage Task Force that has been meeting for three years. The objective of the Task Force's work has been to address the significant lack of septage disposal and treatment options in the state (currently, a large percentage of New Hampshire septage is trucked to wastewater facilities in Massachusetts and Maine).

The NEBRA / NEWEA Residuals Management Conference 2004
The New England Water Environment Association's Residuals Management Committee and the New England Biosolids and Residuals Association looked at residuals management from diverse viewpoints at the 2004 Residual Management Conference in Revere, MA on November 9th and 10th.

Maine Master Gardeners Enhance Highways
October 1st, a four-year effort by a Maine Master Gardener, Penelope Reilly, finally bore fruit. Trained in the Maine Cooperative Extension Master Gardener program, Reilly's vision for spending her donated volunteer hours is to create demonstration highway plantings to show how spectacular-and sustainable-native trees and shrubs can be.

New Board Members Elected at 2004 NEBRA Annual Meeting
On Tuesday, November 9th, NEBRA held its 7th Annual Meeting for NEBRA members at the NEWEA/NEBRA residuals and biosolids conference in Revere, MA. More than thirty people, representing a third of NEBRA's member organizations, made the trek to Revere, MA to: --adopt revisions to NEBRA's Bylaws' mission statement; --re-elect to Directors Chip Chesley, Patrick Cloutier, Alwynne Hellfach, and Barry Needleman; --newly elect to the Board of Directors Peter Coleman and Carl Pawlowski; and --discuss options for immediate efforts to meet NEBRA's basic financial needs in an ongoing, sustainable way.

NH Supreme Court Upholds Local Biosolids Ordinance
On November 30th, the New Hampshire Supreme Court released its decision on a case challenging a local restrictive biosolids ordinance in the town of Tilton. The Court sided with the Town, upholding the local ordinance: "Because the ordinance does not contradict State law or run counter to the legislative intent underlying the statutory scheme, we hold that the ordinance is not preempted by State law."

Public Perception, Communications, and Stakeholder Involvement - Powerpoint presentation available here!
Ned Beecher of NEBRA and Ellen Harrison of the Cornell Waste Management Institute were co-presenters of a paper "Public Perception, Communications, and Stakeholder Involvement" at the January, 2004 "Sustainable Land Application" state-of-the-science conference produced by the University of Florida. A powerpoint presentation of this paper is available from the NEBRA offic.

New New York Biosolids Regulations Take Effect
On March 10th, new solid waste regulations regarding land application and composting of organic wastes took effect in New York State. The new "6 NYCRR Part 360" rules utilize the term "biosolids" and set numerical standards for trace elements that are fairly consistent with EPA's Part 503 rule and other states in the region (an exception is the cadmium limit, which is set at 10 mg/kg for biosolids products (Class A, EQ materials) and 21 mg/kg for Class B materials and materials going into Class A facilities). Additional changes bring New York's regulations up to date with respect to current best practices. For more information, contact the Department of Conservation, Division of Solid & Hazardous Materials, at 518-402-8678.

Greater Lawrence Sanitary District Dryer is Operational
GLSD pellets have hit the market! New England Fertilizer Company (NEFCO), operator of the new Greater Lawrence (Massachusetts) Sanitary District (GLSD) heat drying facility, is now selling GLSD pellets to its established fertilizer markets. NEFCO also operates the pelletizing operation in Quincy, MA, which processes all of greater Boston's sewage sludge. According to NEFCO's Ginny Grace, the start-up of the new GLSD facility went well. It will be producing about 8,000 dry tons of pellets a year-a few truckloads a week. Much of NEFCO's product is currently shipped to the Midwest and Southeast, and Grace says they hope to provide more to New England markets soon.

Essex Junction WWTF Tackles Power Generation
On-site power system will reduce pollution, lower costs for local ratepayers

NH Legislative Commission Achieves Compromise on Setbacks From Designated Rivers
In June, a legislative commission completed its work of looking at the issue of setbacks of biosolids and other organic residuals from certain rivers in New Hampshire. After months of study and discussions, the "SB 87 Commission" voted 13-1 to adopt a coordinated, compromise proposal and final report. Commission Chairman Representative Tim Allen presented the final report to the governor and the leadership of the state house and senate. The report notes that "the commission prepared a coordinated proposal...that it recommends to the New Hampshire General Court for passage into law." That the Commission reached a nearly-unanimous recommendation on this often contentious topic was considered by many members to be miraculous.

Addressing Risks From Bioaerosols Generated at Land Application Sites
Several researchers at the University of Arizona, including Dr. Charles Gerba, a leading expert on the microbiology of sewage, sewage sludge, and biosolids, have published a correction to a paper that caused considerable public concern regarding the potential for human health impacts from bioaerosols from land application of Class B biosolids.

NEBRA Comments to EPA on Proposed Revisions to Government Procurement Programs
In December, 2003, the U.S. EPA proposed changes to the government procurement standards for products derived from organic residuals, including biosolids. The proposed revisions would include products derived from biosolids and manures in the procurement program that requires federal, state, and local governments to preferentially purchase products derived from recovered or recycled materials. This should increase demand in the markets for biosolids composts and fertilizers.

Bangor Maine EMS Program
The following was included in the April 19, 2004 National Biosolids Partnership electronic newsletter.

NEBRA's Hometown Uses Biosolids for Landfill Cover
NEBRA's office is in Tamworth, New Hampshire. Because of this, it is worth mentioning when biosolids are successfully used there locally.

December 2003
EPA Responds to Center for Food Safety Petition
EPA used its response to a petition from the Center for Food Safety (CFS) and other groups to clarify its current position regarding the recycling of biosolids in the United States. The CFS petition, delivered to EPA in October, 2003, requested that the agency place a moratorium on the recycling of biosolids. In its response, EPA refuted the allegations of harm from biosolids that the petitioners had used as a basis for their request for a moratorium. EPA currently finds that all three legal options for the use or disposal of biosolids (recycling to soils, incineration, or landfilling) present minimal risks and are environmentally acceptable; the choice of which option is up to local wastewater treatment agencies and their communities.

June 2003
Maine Legislature: Summary of Biosolids Bills, 2003
This spring's legislative session in Maine turned out to be a small roller-coaster ride for biosolids. While only two bills were introduced, and another was amended to reference "sludge and septage," the amount of legislative work involved was considerable.

May 2003
Bioavailability of Contaminants in Soils and Sediments
by Sally Brown, University of Washington (from Northwest Biosolids Management Association Biosolids Bulletin, May 2003; see )

March 2003
Maine Legislature Rejects Another Effort to Further Restrict Biosolids Recycling
On March 11th, the joint Committee on Natural Resources of the Maine legislature voted down one bill and drastically amended another, gutting another attempt by opponents of biosolids recycling to restrict biosolids use in the state. The Committee's consideration of the two bills involved five hours of testimony at a March 6th hearing. Maine Waste Water Control Association (MWWCA) members, users of biosolids products (nursery owners, landscapers, farmers) turned out in large numbers to provide lots of information about the value of biosolids recycling programs all over the state. And, in a surprise and welcome development, the Maine Municipal Association joined MWWCA in its opposition to these bills, despite their long-standing support of local control.

November 2002
Northeast Residuals & Biosolids Conference, November 02: Highlights
This year's annual New England Residuals and Biosolids Management Conference extended the collaboration between NEBRA and the New England Water Environment Association, resulting in two days of information sharing, including reports on successes and lessons learned from recent biosolids management projects around the region and news from Washington and the research community on the latest national developments. This year's conference was also co-sponsored by the New York Water Environment Association (NYWEA).

July 2002
National Research Council Chair Issues Clarification
A National Research Council report, Biosolids Applied to Land: Advancing Standards and Practices, was released July 2nd of this year and generated some public and media interest. The National Academy of Sciences, which published the report, released a two-page summary and a press release that was criticized by those in the biosolids industry as being biased in their interpretation of the panel's results. Many of the NRC panel members apparently found this to be troubling as well and requested that NAS provide a clarification. In early September, Dr. Thomas Burke of the Bloomberg School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins University, the chair of the NRC biosolids panel, provided a written statement, "The Science of Recycling Sewage Sludge," through the National Academy's "Op-Ed" website page.

July 2002
2002 National Academy of Sciences Biosolids Report: Full Official Summary Available Here!
On July 2, 2002, a National Research Council (NRC) panel of the National Academy of Sciences released a final report on an 18-month review of the federal biosolids regulations and Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) biosolids recycling program.

April 2002
NEBRA and MWWCA Complete Response to Toxics Action Report
In October, 2001, the Maine Toxics Action Center (TAC) released a report Toxic Sludge in Our Communities: Threatening Public Health and Our Farmlands. As the title indicates, the report was critical of biosolids recycling in Vacationland. Because TAC, as a group, is focused on the goal of reducing human exposures to toxic substances and toxics in the environment, the report focused on the presence of trace chemicals and elements found in biosolids. Much of the report involved conjecture and some clear misunderstandng of biosolids recycling practices. Additional concerns voiced by TAC included the belief that testing, enforcement, and oversight of Maine biosolids recycling programs is inadequate. Download NEBRA/MWWCA response.

October 2000
NEBRA Letter to Editor Published in USA Today
On Thursday, October 19, 2000, the following letter to the editor was published in USA TODAY. For references and additional information, please contact NEBRA:


NEBRA Letter to Editor Published in USA Today

On Thursday, October 19, 2000, the following letter to the editor was published in USA TODAY. For references and additional information, please contact NEBRA.

Recycled biosolids

We, the New England Biosolids and Residuals Association, are the people involved in the recycling of biosolids -- the treated solids or "sludge" removed from this region's municipal wastewater. Nationwide, more than 60% of sewage solids are recycled in land application, composting and fertilizer programs.

A USA TODAY editorial stated that "two deaths have been attributed to sludge." We believe this to be untrue ("Faced with faulty science, EPA muzzles critics," Our View, Punishing whistleblowers debate, Oct. 5).

Yes, a court case is pending regarding allegations of this sort -- people have the right to sue about anything. Since the case is in New Hampshire, we know something about it. Those alleging harm from biosolids do not have any valid scientific argument to back their claim.

The state medical examiner found no link to biosolids. In the other case, in Pennsylvania, the joint environmental and health departments' investigation also found no link to biosolids.

Such allegations are especially improbable considering the fact that thousands of wastewater and biosolids workers -- the people who work with untreated sewage solids and treated biosolids daily -- are generally as healthy as other groups of workers.

We encourage USA TODAY and its readers to learn more about biosolids recycling: Visit a wastewater treatment and biosolids production facility and see a biosolids-recycling program in action. Find out more about the decades of experience in which millions of tons of biosolids have been successfully recycled, and the hundreds of studies that have found biosolids recycling, in accordance with federal and state laws, to be beneficial to soils and crops and protective of human health and the environment.

Ned Beecher, Coordinator New England Biosolids and Residuals Association, Tamworth, N.H.

May 2000
MA Secretary of Environmental Affairs Calls for More Biosolids Recycling
A Talk Given by Massachusetts Secretary of Environmental Affairs, Robert Durand, at a Biosolids Recycling Event at Harvard Medical School, May 3, 2000.

May 2000
2000 Biosolids Recycling Day in NH - A Talk by NEBRA Coordinator, Ned Beecher, May 16, 2000
A talk presented by NEBRA Coordinator, Ned Beecher, to mark New Hampshire Biosolids Recycling Day-May 16, 2000-at a ceremony at the Concord Hall Street Wastewater Treatment Facility.

March 2000
Biosolids Legislation 2000
In 1999, the Maine legislature considered two bills--including additional local testing requirements and a 1000-foot setback and more--that would have severely restricted biosolids recycling: the former was watered down to nothing substantial and the second was voted down. 2000 being the second part of the biennial session, no new bills are being considered.

March 2000
NEBRA's Third Annual Meeting Held at WEF's National Biosolids Conference in Boston
NEBRA entered its third year of operations and marked more milestones at its Third Annual Meeting February 27th. Ann Bosiak, President and Chair of the Board since the inception of NEBRA, was honored as "Volunteer of the Year." Ann is leaving the world of biosolids to work as an attorney in Portland, ME, but will complete her term on the Board through the spring of 2001. Her leadership of NEBRA during its formative first two years has been critical. She follows Alwynne Hellfach and Shelagh Connelly as recipients of NEBRA's award. The NEBRA Board of Directors remains stable-two members were elected for three year terms. Erick Sawtelle, a New Hampshire farmer who utilizes biosolids, will remain on the Board. And Rose Mary Seymour, a professor in the Bio-Engineering Department at the University of Maine in Orono, joins the Board. Dr. Seymour is interested in further development of NEBRA's research programs throughout the New England. As a stakeholder from Maine, Dr. Seymour replaces Dick Bentzel of the Kennebec Sanitary Treatment District. We thank Dick for his input and networking, which have been critical to NEBRA's efforts, even though he says he wishes he could have contributed more. He, and each NEBRA Board and Committee member, do what they can, when they can. And even if these efforts seem small, they add up to making NEBRA possible. Considering the very busy times we are in, there is no other way to operate. Thank you, Dick Bentzel. For more information about the governance of NEBRA, the Board of Directors, and Committees, see the "Members" section of the NEBRA website or contact the NEBRA office. Volunteers are always needed to serve as Directors and Committee members.

February 2000
NH Municipal Association Publishes Rebuttal to NH Sierra Club "Sludge" Paper
Note: The following was published in the February, 2000, edition of "New Hampshire Town and City" of the New Hampshire Municipal Association. It responds to a New Hampshire Sierra Club paper "The Sludging of New Hampshire," which was mailed to towns earlier this year.

December 1999
Trace organic chemical pollutants in biosolids
There is public interest concerning the impacts of trace organic chemicals that come down the pipe and may end up in biosolids. NEBRA's 1999 report, "Cultivating New England Biosolids Recycling," found that "the fundamental issue is biosolids quality, especially with regard to trace metal and chemical contaminants."

October 1999
NEBRA Encourages Strong State Biosolids Programs
In October, 1999 NEBRA sent the following letter to the Assistant Commissioner of the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection. The letter's sentiment also applies to each of the other New England state environmental regulatory agencies: the successful management of biosolids and other residuals needs strong and consistent state regulatory programs.



New Hampshire Legislature Continues to Wrestle with Biosolids Setback from Rivers
Three bills encouraging further beneficial use of biosolids were introduced in the New Hampshire legislature this year by Senator Carl Johnson: Senate Bills 87, 88, and 89. All generated some good discussion. The last two, SB 88 and SB 89, were eventually voted down and withdrawn by the sponsor, respectively (see NEWWN, #80).

NH Compost Association Celebrates Compost Awareness Week
Compost happens. That's what one bumper sticker says-and it is accurate: most organic materials naturally decompose on their own, given enough time. But humans have long known how to speed up the natural composting process and put it to beneficial uses. Today, there is an industry here in New Hampshire and across the globe that works at composting everything from yard and leaf debris to sewage sludge to animal carcasses to seafood processing waste.

WERF Biosolids Research Summit Held
(adapted from the Water Environment Research Foundation)

UNH/McDowell Groundwater Monitoring Final Report Delivered to NH-DES
Dr. William H. McDowell of the University of New Hampshire Natural Resources Department has completed further study on groundwater quality beneath the topsoil manufacturing site in Hooksett where biosolids and short paper fiber (paper mill residuals) have been recycled for more than a decade. Dr. McDowell submitted his final report to the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (DES) in early March.

Vermont DEC Re-Commits to Biosolids Beneficial Use
Late last year, the Vermont legislature formally adopted a revised Solid Waste Management Plan created by the Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC). In Vermont, sewage sludge is regulated under the solid waste rules. The Plan calls for the state to achieve and maintain a 75% recycling rate for all of its sewage sludge by 2005. Cathy Jamieson, head of the residuals management program at DEC, notes that, therefore, "the Policy decision has been made." As DEC begins to consider some adjustments to its biosolids management regulations-a process that has not yet started-"the question of whether or not to recycle will not be raised; we will be addressing how and where."

To Regulate or Not to Regulate? New England Area Comments on Biosolids Dioxin Data Notice
This summer, EPA published data and information on its revised risk assessment for dioxins and co-planar PCBs in biosolids that are land applied.

References Regarding USA Today Allegations of Harm from Biosolids
Alleged cases of deaths linked to exposure to biosolids:

Updated NEIWPCC Biosolids Brochures Available
The New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission (NEIWPCC) has updated and reprinted copies of its four brochures on biosolids management: "Sludge or Biosolids," "Land Application of Biosolids," "Composting Biosolids," and "Incineration of Biosolids." The brochures were developed by NEIWPCC's Residuals Workgroup, which is comprised of the state biosolids management regulatory staff from each of the New England states, New York, and New Jersey. Updated data in the brochures indicate that biosolids beneficial use accounts for 38% of these states' biosolids use or disposal; while landfilling accounts for 18% and incineration accounts for 44%. Contact the NEBRA office or Mike Jennings at NEIWPCC (978-323-7929) to obtain copies.

Researchers Study Bioaerosols at Class B Land Application Sites

Commentary: RENEWing our commitment

U. S. House Committee Holds Hearing on Emerging Contaminants
On September 18th, the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure held a hearing on emerging contaminants in U. S. waters. Witnesses testifying before the Committee were David Littell (Commissioner of the Maine Dept. of Environmental Protection), U. S. EPA's Benjamin Grumbles, Matthew Larson (USGS), Keith Linn (representing NACWA), Tee Guidotti (George Washington Univ.), and Peter deFur (Virginia Commonwealth Univ.)

Swimming in Halifax Harbor
Halifax harbor reopened this summer to swimming, for the first time 30 years. According to a Canadian Press news article, "the news came nine months after the first of three waste water treatment facilities began operating as part of a $333 million project that took years of construction and difficult negotiations between three levels of government. Within days of the startup, ...readings showed a dramatic drop in bacterial contamination while the squadrons of tampons and condoms began to disappear" ( The new facilities provide advanced primary treatment. As noted in an article by Rae Wallin, president of NViro Canada, which appeared in Halifax's Chronicle Herald, the solids from the new Halifax facilities are being successfully treated at a facility in the Aerotech Business Park. "We are particularly proud to bring to the Harbour Solutions Project a beneficial, sustainable approach to dealing with the processing of wastewater biosolids," writes Wallin.

Biosolids Debate in Québec
A July 18th article in the Courrier of Laval, a northwest suburb of Montréal, discussed the fate and debate of Laval's biosolids. The debate resurfaced, according to the article, "after... a report of the commission of transportation and environment recommended that they be beneficially used."

Seabrook, NH May Pioneer Another Sludge Reduction Technology
(from the Daily News of Newburyport)
"Seabrook's sewer officials are enthusiastic about a way to lessen the cost of sludge disposal through an innovative technology created by PMC BioTec Company of Pennsylvania and Massachusetts.... If the town's attorney approves the contract, selectmen agreed to have PMC's equipment installed at Seabrook's treatment plant by the same company that built the plant in 1996. If everything proceeds as PMC's testing indicates, Seabrook could reduce its sludge anywhere from 60 to 80 percent. The remaining will be "green sludge," according to PMC's president, Alan Rozich, or environmentally safe sludge that should be much easier and less costly to have removed.... If for some reason PMC's system doesn't reduce Seabrook's sludge by at least 60 percent," the company will remove it at no cost to the town... "The PMC system uses microbiotic organisms that literally consume the sludge."

WERF Finishes Protocol for Responding to Reports of Symptoms of Illness
(from the Water Environment Research Foundation)
The Water Environment Research Foundation (WERF) has completed the first phase of research designed to provide a protocol for responding to reports of symptoms of illness by neighbors of sites where soil amendments, including biosolids, animal manures, food residuals, septage, and compost are applied to land. The Phase 1 research report is titled Epidemiologic Surveillance and Investigation of Symptoms of Illness Reported by Neighbors of Biosolids Land Application Sites and includes a completed draft protocol. The protocol is designed to be used eventually by local, state, and federal health and environmental officials. In the second phase of research, planned for 2008, the protocol will be field tested by environmental and health agencies and subsequently refined based on their feedback.

U. S. EPA Posts New Test Methods For Contaminants
(Thanks to Vivian Matkivich and Tom Schwartz for forwarding this information.)
The U. S. EPA has finalized and posted on its website three new laboratory test methods that have been peer reviewed ad single lab validated. Method 1694 is for Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products in Water, Soil, Sediment, and Biosolids by HPLC/MS/MS. Method 1698 is for Steroids and Hormones in Water, Soil, Sediment, and Biosolids by HRGC/HRMS. Method 1699 is for Pesticides in Water, Soil, Sediment, Biosolids, and Tissue by HRGC/HRMS and has detection limits considerably lower than those in other current methods for organochlorine pesticides. Details at

Virginia Biosolids Oversight Changes Hands
(from the Lynchburg, VA News & Advance)
Last spring the Virginia General Assembly approved a measure transferring regulatory control of biosolids from the state Department of Health (VDH) to the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), effective Jan. 1. This decision came following numerous complaints that the health department wasn't a regulatory agency and didn't have the muscle or resources to enforce the permits it issued.

U. S. EPA Sends Report on Wastewater Infrastructure Needs to Congress
(From the National Biosolids Partnership)
A mid-January report from the U. S. EPA estimates $202.5 billion is the nationwide capital investment needed to control wastewater pollution for up to a 20-year period. Delivered to Congress this week, the 2004 Clean Watersheds Needs Survey summarizes the results of the agency's 14th national survey on the needs of publicly owned wastewater treatment works. The estimate includes $134.4 billion for wastewater treatment and collection systems, $54.8 billion for combined sewer overflow corrections, and $9.0 billion for stormwater management. "Water infrastructure is a lifeline for health and prosperity in communities across America," said Assistant Administrator for Water Benjamin H. Grumbles. "EPA is working with our partners to promote sustainable solutions and help utilities and households save money, water and energy."

"Sludge: The Black Sheep of Recycling"
In December, the magazine URBA, of an association of municipalities in Québec, published an article on "Sludge: The Black Sheep of Recycling" authored by Marc Hébert of the environment ministry (MDDEP). He notes that Québec has not met its biosolids recycling goal for 1998 - 2008, in large part due to the commitments to incineration at Montréal, Longueuil, and Québec. "For other towns, landfilling is often preferred, because of the simplicity and cost. Thus, 80% of the sludges are landfilled or incinerated, and less than 20% are used as fertilizing residuals." Towns that recycle biosolids by land application, pelletizing, composting, etc. include Saguenay, Sherbrooke, Gatineau, Laval, St-Hyancinthe, and Beaupré. Ste-Marie-de-Beauce, which has a lagoon system, composts solids when they are occasionally removed. "In total, about 60% of the biosolids that are applied to soils have been composted. The remaining 40% are applied to 0.2% of the agricultural lands" in the province. Notes Hébert: "It is not a question of inundating agricultural lands for the short or long term." The article, aimed at municipal officials, encourages consideration of recycling to soils as an option for local biosolids management.

GSI Environnement, a subsidiary of EnGlobe Corp.,has been awarded a five-year exclusive contract by Kruger Inc.
GSI Environnement, a subsidiary of EnGlobe Corp.,has been awarded a five-year exclusive contract by Kruger Inc. to be the sole provider of pulp and paper sludge that will be transformed into energy at Kruger's new 23-megawatt biomass cogeneration plant at its Brompton mill near Sherbrooke, Quebec. "This contract has many benefits for EnGlobe and for all Canadians," said Tony Busseri, President and Chief Executive Officer of EnGlobe Corp. "It provides our Company with a dependable stream of revenues for five years, which has long been one of our strategic objectives. It also enables GSI to position itself as a Canadian leader in the management and beneficial reuse of pulp and paper waste streams. And the environmental benefits are significant, since the Kruger biomass cogeneration plant will eliminate approximately 83,000 tons of greenhouse gases annually.

New "Guidelines for Pathogen Control at Organic Material Processing Facilities" is now available.
Environmental pathogens can affect plants and animals, workers, a local environment, and organic material markets. Keeping potentially pathogenic material segregated and contained at processing sites requires management of dust, water, and feedstocks. Proper site layout and appropriate processing technology are other features that maintain control and treatment of pathogens. The unique ability for organic materials to self-heat in large piles, along with reasonable handling techniques, can be used to provide excellent control over even some of the most difficult of the plant and animal pathogens that might be delivered to organic material processors. This Best Management Practices document strives to identify the details that make this a predictable outcome. Download available at:

Judge Orders Kern County, CA to Pay Attorney Fees
(From the Water Environment Federation)
In the City of Los Angeles Department of Public Works News (October 30, 2007): In a recent ruling, the U.S. District Court in Los Angeles decided that Kern County must pay attorney fees to the businesses that joined with the City of Los Angeles and other southland governments in their successful challenge to Kern County's ban on biosolids. The ruling follows the federal court's final decision in August overturning Kern's Measure E ban, which was passed by Kern voters in a 2006 initiative. That decision found that Measure E violated both the U.S. Constitution's protections for interstate commerce and the California Integrated Waste Management Act that mandates the recycling of biosolids.

Brown to Green: Biosolids and Residuals Management Reaches for Sustainability
From Tom Schwartz and Ned Beecher

ABC Creates Standing Committee for Biosolids Land Applier Certification Program
(from Suzanne de la Cruz, Association of Boards of Certification - ABC)
During its October 13th meeting, ABC's Board of Directors made permanent a committee that has been working on developing an examination and certification process for biosolids land appliers. The official name of the standing committee is now "ABC Biosolids Land Appliers Validation & Examination Committee." Bill Toffey, of the Philadelphia Water Department, was approved as the 2008 chair of this committee; Toffey chaired the ad-hoc committee since its inception. This committee will be responsible for developing the Class I and II biosolids land appliers certification exams. In addition, this committee will participate in the ongoing review of questions for the exams. Current committee members, including NEBRA representatives Gavin MacDonald and Mary MacDonald, are continuing to serve on the committee. The term of office for each committee member is two years, and each committee member is eligible to serve a maximum of six years.

Update on Pathogen Reactivation & Regrowth Research
(from the Water Environment Research Foundation)
WERF Report, Phases II and III: Evaluation of Bacterial Pathogen and Indicator Densities After Dewatering of Anaerobically Digested Biosolids, Abstract: The increase in culturable densities (ICD) of indicator bacteria, mainly fecal coliforms (FCs) and E.coli, immediately following dewatering, was evaluated at several full-scale facilities, in addition to the increases measured during cake storage. The results showed that the increase immediately after dewatering was a statistically verifiable occurrence at some facilities, but not all, as was the additional increases measured during cake storage. The immediate increase and growth were much more prevalent in processes that utilized centrifuge dewatering compared to belt filter press dewatering. In addition, thermophilic digestion processes typically experienced much greater increases immediately after dewatering compared to mesophilic processes. For example, increases of up to five orders of magnitude were measured in thermophilic processes. In comparison, the immediate increase after dewatering was typically 0 - 1 order of magnitude for mesophilic processes. Only one plant was sampled with high solids centrifugation that did not show increases immediately after dewatering and after storage and this plant was different from others in that it utilized thermophilic anaerobic digesters in series. The results showed a good correlation between the digestion temperature and the magnitude of increase measured after dewatering. As temperature of digestion increased, the magnitude of the increase also increased. The digestion SRT and VS reduction did not correlate well with the magnitude of increase after dewatering and storage. Sampling of several thermophilic Class A plants and a thermophilic Class B plant showed that bacterial pathogens, such as Salmonella, do not increase after dewatering and storage. In comparison, increases in Salmonella densities were observed during cake storage at two Class B mesophilic plants.

New resource on new technologies
Looking for some details about the latest current technologies for wastewater solids treatment, use, and disposal? Look to the recently released Emerging Technologies for Biosolids Management, created by the U. S. EPA Office of Wastewater Management. It reviews various conditioning, thickening, stabilization, dewatering, thermal conversion, drying, and other processes, including distinguishing them as "embryonic" (e.g. no full-scale operation in the U. S.), "innovative" (developing technology), or "established" (widely in use). According to the Executive Summary, "the document... provides information on each technology-its objective, its description, its state of development, available cost information, associated contact names, and related data sources. For each innovative technology, this document further evaluates with respect to various criteria, although it does not rank or recommend any one technology over another. Research needs are also identified to help guide development of innovative and embryonic technologies and improve established ones." It can be downloaded at

Halifax Wastewater Treatment Facility Poised to Begin Operations
"The first part of the long-anticipated sewage-treatment plant will be fully operational by December. The Halifax wastewater treatment facility is treating a backlog of sewage and getting ready for a launch. 'It is handling a deluge of back-up black material, or sludge," said Mayor Peter Kelly. 'They are trying to feed it into the plant for treatment. It is hoped that that backlog is complete soon and then go into operational testing,' he said.

Ontario Proposes Revisions to Non-Agricultural Source Materials Regulations
(Appreciation to Shahab Shafai for forwarding this information)
"The Ministry of the Environment and the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs have undertaken an initiative to improve the regulatory framework governing application of non-agricultural source materials on agricultural land.... The goal of the proposed NASM framework is to minimize or eliminate the current overlapping approval requirements; develop and revise existing standards for NASM under the NMA to focus on the quality of the materials; and expand the existing framework to include all agricultural land where NASM will be applied in Ontario. The posting of this proposal on the EBR is the first step of a 3-step consultation process. Following this initial posting MOE/OMAFRA will be conducting stakeholder consultation. The third step will be the posting of a draft regulation on the EBR."

Final Report Issued by NH Commission on Fats, Oils, & Grease (FOG)
(from New Hampshire Water Pollution Control Association - NHWPCA)
This Commission was charged "to study ways to encourage the proper recycling and disposal of grease trap wastes and to determine ways to develop additional disposal capacity." The Commission's recently-submitted final report is an excellent summary of the major issues, including development of best management practices for FOG handling. Much work on this initiative was done by Ray Gordon of DES. Recommendations from the report:
"1. Best Management Practices. It is important that wastewater treatment operators and food service establishment owners and managers have access to written Best Management Practices (BMPs) aimed at reducing FOG discharges to sewer systems at food service establishments. The Department of Environmental Services (DES) should formalize its draft BMP document (attached to report), after proper public input, and distribute it to wastewater treatment operators and make it readily available to food service establishment owners.
"2. Technical Assistance and Training. The DES should provide technical assistance and training to municipalities that are interested in developing a grease trap waste control program in their communities.
"3. Education. The DES should work with health officers, restaurant inspectors, and treatment plant operators to educate them about grease traps.
"4. Disposal Capacity. The DES should encourage the development of grease disposal capacity, including the beneficial reuse of the material as a fuel source.
"5. Research. Legislation should be filed in the 2008 session to provide funding to DES's Winnipesaukee River Basin Program to study its ability to treat grease in order to make electricity through a digester and /or to manufacture biodiesel. The electricity or biodiesel could be used by the state or the local (member) communities to reduce energy costs. The approximate cost of the study is $100,000.
"6. Incentives Program. An incentive program should be developed to encourage restaurants to maintain their grease traps on a routine basis. One incentive could be a sticker or green logo to let patrons know that a restaurant is being environmentally responsible with its grease management."

Canadian Biosolids Partnership Grows
In late September, the announcement came that the city of Ottawa has joined the growing Canadian Biosolids Partnership (CBP). Numerous cities and organizations have pledged funding and/or in-kind contributions to the fledgling organization, which is also seeking funding support from the federal government. The CBP's development is being led by the Canadian Water and Wastewater Association (CWWA), which has developed a dedicated CBP website and has added a day-long workshop on the CBP and biosolids the day before its "Window on Ottawa" seminar in mid-November. Topics of the workshop will include fats, oil, and grease (FOG) management; updates on development of the CBP and a national definition of the term "biosolids;" and meetings of stakeholders. See The CWWA has developed an informative and growing CBP website:

Milwaukee Dealing with Contaminated Batch of Biosolids Pellets
According to news reports and the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District (MMSD), the District is in the process of disposing of tainted heat-dried pellets - a process that will cost the district approximately $1.8 million. The problem arose when cleaning of old sewer lines released PCBs into the waste stream, contaminating the sludge. Park areas in Milwaukee received applications of the tainted pellets and the district and EPA have been conducting tests over the summer to determine the extent of impacts.

Update on Augusta, GA Lawsuits Over Biosolids Use on Dairy Farms
Another chapter has ended in the Augusta, GA conflict over historic biosolids use on two dairy farms. After years of litigation, a settlement has been reached between the City of Augusta and the R. A. McElmurray & Sons dairy farm whose owners believe that tainted biosolids caused the death of some of their cows in the 1990s.

Gaining Perspective on Water and Wastewater Issues

Update on ABC Biosolids Land Applier Certification Program
The Association of Boards of Certification (ABC) continues to work with a task force of biosolids managers from around the continent to develop a program of testing and certification of biosolids land appliers. This program will be similar to the testing programs for wastewater operators, which ABC manages in many jurisdictions. However, any biosolids land applier testing and certification program would be voluntary; no states or other jurisdictions have plans to require such certification. The idea is that biosolids managers will see benefits, such as recognized competence and credibility, in being voluntarily certified by an independent process that demonstrates their expertise and professionalism.

New NH Study Commission Begins Review of Sewage, Sludge, and Septage Management
Last spring, the newly-Democratic controlled New Hampshire legislature created a new study commission to "study methods and costs of sewage, sludge, and septage disposal." The first meeting was held August 9th, with eight members in attendance, including legislative members and representatives from state agencies (Patricia Hannon and Thomas Siegle of NHDES, Christopher Northrop of NH Energy & Planning, Matthew Cahillane of NH Health & Human Services, and Richard Uncles of NH Agriculture). Discussion focused on obtaining background information on biosolids use in the state and recent biosolids legislation and regulation.

Brunswick, ME Adopts Revised Lawn Care Ordinance Allowing Biosolids
After a court struck down a prohibition on biosolids compost use earlier this year, Brunswick, Maine has adopted a revised ordinance. The prohibition on biosolids compost use was part of the original "Community Health and Lawn Care Ordinance" passed by Town voters last November. The prohibition was found to be illegal because the State of Maine has preemptive authority regarding sewage sludge and biosolids management.

Virginia County Considers Unusual Legal Actions About Biosolids
Thomas Linzey, a Pennsylvania lawyer who co-founded the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund and is working for a Virginia community group opposing the use of biosolids, has convinced Supervisors of Campbell County in Virginia to consider adopting an ordinance that would "ban corporations from spreading sludge on county farmland," according to a January 6th news report in the Lynchburg, VA News & Advance: "The draft ordinance, in general, challenges corporate constitutional rights and reinforces individual citizen's rights on state and national levels....The draft, written by several lawyers including Linzey, cites three democratic documents as the legal base for the argument: the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution and the Virginia Constitution. The dominant theme throughout the draft is that governmental powers have always been derived from the people and the government is responsible for protecting the health and welfare of its citizens."

Changes in Leadership at VT Agency of Natural Resources
Cathy Jamieson has moved up from her position as Section Chief of Residuals Management at the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources, Dept. of Environmental Conservation (DEC). In mid-January, Cathy became Solid Waste Program Manager. While her horizons having broadened, Cathy says she hopes "to stay involved with the proposed [residuals] rule revisions (since they are part of the Solid Waste Rules)," which were introduced conceptually late last summer. Cathy ably led the residuals management program in Vermont for many years. Ernie Kelley and John McMurray will continue their work in residuals management while DEC fills the position she has vacated.

Meanwhile, Vermont Governor Jim Douglas (R) has appointed George Crombie, former public works director for the City of Burlington under mayors Bernie Sanders and Peter Clavelle, as Secretary of the Agency of Natural Resources. Crombie took office January 9th. According to a state press release, "Crombie, 58, is a veteran public works, planning and natural resources manager." Most recently, he was public works director for the Town of Plymouth, MA. Before that, he headed the Public Works Department in Nashua, and, while in that position, served for a short time on the NEBRA Board of Directors.  "Crombie, an avid skier and hiker, said he is looking forward to leading the Agency of Natural Resources. 'I welcome this exciting opportunity to return to Vermont to champion Governor Douglas' environmental initiatives and improve the services the agency provides to the people of Vermont,' he added. He served in Burlington from 1985 to 1992 where, among other things, he managed a $52 million pollution abatement program for Lake Champlain. After working for Sanders and Clavelle, Crombie served in the administration of Massachusetts Governor William Weld from 1992-1999, first as Regional Director of the Department of Environment Protection and then as Undersecretary of Environmental Affairs...."

Synagro Completes Woonsocket Incinerator Upgrades
According to the Woonsocket, Rhode Island Call, recent upgrades to the local sewage sludge incinerator have led to significant reductions in malodors reaching the neighboring community.

NEBRA and MWWCA Respond to Toxics Action Center
In October 2001, the Maine office of the New England environmental community action organization, Toxics Action Center, published a report condemning biosolids recycling in Maine. NEBRA and the Maine Waste Water Control Association responded in March, 2003. A PDF version of the response is available; click below.

Update: Organic Chemical Contaminants in Biosolids - More Research Results
Results are coming in from an increasing number of studies investigating the presence and quantities of organic chemical contaminants in biosolids. Building on several years of growing attention on certain groups of chemicals of emerging interest (e.g. endocrine disrupters, pharmaceuticals, personal care products), more and more studies are looking not only at chemicals in receiving waters downstream of wastewater treatment plants, but also in biosolids. Conferences and workshops regarding the presence, fate, and impacts of organic chemical contaminants in wastewater are proliferating - including a workshop at this year's WEFTEC in Dallas on "Compounds of Emerging Concern," an upcoming WEF webcast, and NEIWPCC's "Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products: State of the Science" conference next August in Portland, Maine.

Federal Guidance Issued Regarding Unused Drugs
Detection of traces of pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) in biosolids and in waters receiving wastewater effluents has stimulated a national discussion on what should be done with unused drugs. While research on the fate and impacts of such chemicals in the environment is still new and developing, there is evidence that some cause harm to aquatic organisms.

Asbestos Mine Being Reclaimed
(from Québec Minist�re du Développement durable, de l'Environnement et des Parcs (MDDEP))

New England Biosolids Programs Highlight Potential of Renewable Energy Markets
A recent article in BioCycle reviews the state of renewable energy markets and state government incentive programs around the country. Two New England biosolids management programs are highlighted in the article: the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA) and Essex Junction, Vermont. Both agencies, varying greatly in size, have managed to develop beneficial programs and contracts to generate revenue and cost-savings from utilization of digester gas to produce electricity. Wilson Rickerson, an energy analyst at the Center for Sustainable Energy at Bronx Community College in New York, author of the article, notes "the bottom line is that WWTPs in many states have a rapidly expanding menu of green power options available to them. For facilities that already have electricity generating digesters, the green power markets provide a way to gain extra revenue and additional recognition for their contribution to energy independence and the environment. For facilities that do not combust their digester gas for electricity, or facilities without digesters at all, the green power markets may provide an interesting avenue for exploring new biosolids management strategies."

Research Finds Low Risk of Microbial Infection from Biosolids Land Application

New England Biosolids Legislation Round-Up
State legislatures have been wrestling with the perennial issues - budgets and... not biosolids - not this year, for the most part.

Volunteer Certification Program for Land Appliers Being Developed by ABC
The Association of Boards of Certification (ABC) has convened an "Ad Hoc Biosolids Committee" to further the development of a voluntary certification program for those involved in biosolids land application. The biosolids land applier certification program would be similar to other ABC programs, such as those for wastewater treatment operators and lab analysts, but it will be voluntary. No state has shown interest in having to administer yet another required certification program, so the voluntary certification might be offered by a professional organization or other entity. Land appliers wishing to voluntarily improve their professional credentials would take an ABC land applier exam to attain certification from the certifying organization.... But these and many other details are preliminary and still have to be worked out by ABC, with the help of the new Ad Hoc Biosolids Committee.

Keene WWTP Continues Continual Improvements
Donna Hanscom remembers when canoers remarked that there were "no recognizable floatables" in the Ashuelot River in the spring after the December 1985 start-up of the Keene, New Hampshire Wastewater Treatment Plant. Nineteen years later, after having moved to Keene from Maine to take a job in the new plant's laboratory, Hanscom now heads the treatment plant. "The river's much better than it was," she says, "but there are still issues and improvements yet to come."

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