Quebec Publishes Updated Regulations & Guidance for Biosolids & Residuals Recycling

Quebec MDDELCC photos

Quebec MDDELCC photos

In December 2015, the Quebec environment ministry published the 4th edition of its "Guide for Recycling of Fertilizing Residuals" (French version here).  As noted in the preface, this edition comes 31 years after Quebec's first "Guide on Best Practices for Agricultural Use of Municipal Sludges" (September 1984).  The new requirements go into effect February 15, 2016.  The ministry plans to hold a training on January 20 & 21, 2016, in Quebec City....

The new regulation and guidance contains significant modifications, stemming from recommendations of a fertilizing residuals committee that includes professional agronomists, Réseau Environnement, the agriculture ministry, RECYC-QUÉBEC, and diverse units with the environment ministry (Ministère du développement durable, environnement, et lutte contre les changements climatique,MDDELCC).  It addresses mostly agricultural uses of biosolids and other residuals, but also other possible uses such as silviculture and horticulture. Land reclamation is covered in other guidance.

The introduction to the new regulations and guidance states that the recycling of biosolids and other fertilizing residuals is "an environmental choice" that advances Quebec recycling policy, while also helping reduce greenhouse gas emissions, landfilling, and incineration. Recycling of biosolids and other residuals helps "conserve the fertility of soils (organic matter and pH) and reduces the need for imported mineral fertilizers and their associated costs."